ARTICLE VI Any official in charge of opium suppression who shall wilfully shield offenders from punishment, shall be subject to the same penalty as the offenders themselves. If the acceptance of heavy bribery be discovered, the punishment shall be proportionately increased, but if it should only be a case of negligence, the delinquent shall be handed over to the Board concerned to be severely dealt with. ARTICLE VII Any person who shall violate any of Articles I-VI, shall be deprived of the right to vote and the right to receive any kind of honors. If the offenders should be officials, they shall be degraded and never be employed again. ARTICLE VIII Any person who has been punished in accordance with these laws, and who is again guilty of violation, shall be subject to a penalty one degree severer than that which is provided for in these laws. ARTICLE IX Any person who has attempted to violate any one of these articles without succeeding in doing so, shall be liable to a penalty one or two degrees lighter than that which is provided against the offense. If the non-success of the attempt is due to his own volition, his penalty shall be two or three degrees lighter, or be remitted altogether. ARTICLE X All persons sentenced to punishment shall be confined in a reformatory for the period specified as follows: Punishment of the first degree, imprisonment of more than ten years but less than fifteen years. Punishment of the second degree, imprisonment of more than five years but less than ten years. Punishment of the third degree, imprisonment of more than three years but less than five years. Punishment of the fourth degree, imprisonment of more than one year but less than three years. Punishment of the fifth degree, imprisonment of more than two months but less than one year. ARTICLE XI Any person who is liable to imprisonment may have his sentence made lighter, or heavier, in accordance with the order set forth in the foregoing article, by decision of a higher court. Punishment of the first degree, if inflicted for an offense of a most serious nature, may be extended to twenty years, and the punishment of the fifth degree may be reduced simply to detention for a breach of the police regulations. Any person who is subject to a fine may have his fine made one degree lighter by appeal by having one fourth of the amount of his fine reduced. ARTICLE XII All fines are payable within one month after the decision has been rendered. Any person who does not pay his fine within the time limit, shall have his punishment changed into that of imprisonment, each dollar counting as one day; but however many the number of days, the period of imprisonment shall not exceed three years. If the number of days be less than two months, the imprisonment may be remitted. into that of detention for a violation of the police regulations. Those whose sentences of paying fines have been converted into imprisonment or police detention owing to non-payment of fines, may be allowed to make payment subsequently, and the number of days they have served in imprisonment or police detention is to be deducted from the amount of their fines. NATIVE OPIUM Estimates of Production for years 1906, 1908 and 1911 The above estimate of production shows a decrease of 374 per cent at the end of 1908 and 98 per cent at the end of the second quarter of 1911. AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE OPENING, MAINTENANCE, PROTECTION, AND OPERATION OF THE PANAMA CANAL, AND THE SANITATION AND GOVERNMENT OF THE CANAL ZONE Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the zone of land and land under water of the width of ten miles extending to the distance of five miles on each side of the center line of the route of the canal now being constructed thereon, which zone begins in the Caribbean Sea three marine miles from mean low-water mark and extends to and across the Isthmus of Panama into the Pacific Ocean to the distance of three marine miles from mean low-water mark, excluding therefrom the cities of Panama and Colon and their adjacent harbors located within said zone, as excepted in the treaty with the Republic of Panama dated November eighteenth, nineteen hundred and three, but including all islands within said described zone, and in addition thereto the group of islands in the Bay of Panama named Perico, Naos, Culebra, and Flamenco, and any lands and waters outside of said limits above described which are necessary or convenient or from time to time may become necessary or convenient for the construction, maintenance, operation, sanitation, or protection of the said canal or of any auxiliary canals, lakes, or other works necessary or convenient for the construction, maintenance, operation, sanitation, or protection of said canal, the use, occupancy, or control whereof were granted to the United States by the treaty between the United States and the Republic of Panama, the ratifications of which were exchanged on the twenty-sixth day of February, nineteen hundred and four, shall be known and designated as the Canal Zone, and the canal now being constructed thereon shall hereafter be known and designated as the Panama Canal. The President is authorized, by treaty with the Republic of Panama, to acquire any additional land or land under water not already granted, or which was excepted from the grant, that he may deem necessary for the operation, maintenance, sanitation, or protection of the Panama Canal, and to exchange any land or land under water not deemed necessary for such purposes for other land or land under water which may be deemed necessary for such purposes, which additional land or land under water so acquired shall become part of the Canal Zone. SEC. 2. That all laws, orders, regulations, and ordinances adopted and promulgated in the Canal Zone by order of the President for the government and sanitation of the Canal Zone and the construction of the Panama Canal are hereby ratified and confirmed as valid and binding until Congress shall otherwise provide. The existing courts established in the Canal Zone by Executive order are recognized and confirmed to continue in operation until the courts provided for in this Act shall be established. SEC. 3. That the President is authorized to declare by Executive order that all land and land under water within the limits of the Canal Zone is necessary for the construction, maintenance, operation, sanitation, or protection of the Panama Canal, and to extinguish, by agreement when advisable, all claims and titles of adverse claimants and occupants. Upon failure to secure by agreement title to any such parcel of land or land under water the adverse claim or occupancy shall be disposed of and title thereto secured in the United States and compensation therefor fixed and paid in the manner provided in the aforesaid treaty with the Republic of Panama, or such modification of such treaty as may hereafter be made. SEC. 4. That when in the judgment of the President the construction of the Panama Canal shall be sufficiently advanced toward completion to render the further services of the Isthmian Canal Commission unnecessary the President is authorized by Executive order to discontinue the Isthmian Canal Commission, which, together with the present organization, shall then cease to exist; and the President is authorized thereafter to complete, govern, and operate the Panama Canal and govern the Canal Zone, or cause them to be completed, governed, and operated, through a governor of the Panama Canal and such other persons as he may deem competent to discharge the various duties connected with the completion, care, maintenance, sanitation, operation, government, and protection of the canal and Canal Zone. If any of the persons appointed or employed as aforesaid shall be persons in the military or naval service of the United States, the amount of the official salary paid to any such person shall be deducted from the amount of salary or compensation provided by or which shall be fixed under the terms of this Act. The governor of the Panama Canal shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, |