junction with the modifications contained in the supplementary note transmitted to the embassy, December 21, and with the reservation of the conditions formulated in the letter of the ambassadors of the Shereefian Government to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, dated December 25. Done at Paris, in duplicate form, March 4, 1910, corresponding to the 21st safar, 1328. (L. S.) S. PICHON. God be praised. The present agreement, including the Chaouya and Casablanca question, the frontier region question and the basis relative tc the financial question, having been ratified by His Shereefian Majesty according to his letter to his ambassadors, dated the 27th Moharrem, 1328, corresponding to February 8, 1910, we give to it our definite signature. EL HADJ MOHAMMED BEN ABDESSELAM EL MOKRI. REGULATIONS ADOPTED BY GERMANY, AUSTRIA-HUNGARY, BELGIUM, SPAIN, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, FRANCE, GREAT BRITAIN, ITALY, MOROCCO, THE NETHERLANDS, PORTUGAL, RUSSIA, SWEDEN, RELATIVE TO THE COMMISSION OF FOREIGN CLAIMS. Adopted at Tangiers by the Diplomatic Corps, at its meeting of April 25, 1910.1 ARTICLE 1. The Shereefian commission charged with the verification of the debts of the Makhzen, actually organized under the presidency of the representative of the Sultan, shall receive from His Majesty plenary powers to settle definitely all the foreign claims formulated against the Makhzen for engagements or facts prior to June 30, 1909. For this purpose the number of its members shall be increased from 2 to 10. ARTICLE 2. This commission is to be divided into four sub-commissions of two members each; the remaining two delegates will be called upon to take 1 Diplomatic documents, 1910. Moroccan Affairs V. Paris, 1910, p. 376. N. R. G., id., p. 702. the places of those members of the sub-commissions prevented from sitting in the course of the labors. ARTICLE 3. Each sub-commission shall take up the examination and the settling of the claims of a group of nationalities, according to an apportionment which shall be made by the diplomatic corps. ARTICLE 4. The commission charged with the verification of the Makhzenian debts shall transmit to the respective sub-commissions the papers of all the matters included in the category specified under Article 1, and of which it was possessed up to the day of the beginning of the labors of the new commission. On the other hand, the respective legations shall, before this date and separately, send to the president of the new commission a complete list of the claims submitted by it to the present procedure. The legations shall, however, be granted a delay of thirty days beginning with the pre-cited date, to send to the president one or several complementary lists of claims to cover omissions that they may have ascertained. ARTICLE 5. Each sub-commission shall examine the claims within its jurisdiction in the order indicated to it by the delegate of the legation interested; this delegate shall be present at all the sessions; his duty shall be to see to it that the examination of the matters proceed with regularity. The claim-holders shall be required to be present at the hearing in person or send a special representative. The judgment rendered in this manner shall be signified to the claim-holder through his legation in the prescribed administrative form, either by registered letter if he reside abroad, or through the intermediary of the interested consular authority, if he reside in Morocco. The claim-holder may appeal the judgment to the arbitration commission within a period of forty days, by depositing the amount of arbitration costs as specified in Articles 18 and 20. This period of forty days shall begin on the day the claim-holder shall have received such notification. ARTICLE 7. The claims shall be heard in accordance with local usage, and without resorting to the application of the rules of procedure of the foreign legations. ARTICLE 8. The case having been heard, the sub-commission shall then deliberate upon the matter in the presence of the delegate of the legation and render a decision in writing stating the fact of adjudication. ARTICLE 9. This decision, however, shall not become final and definitive until it shall have been communicated, within eight days, by the delegate of the legation, to the claim-holder and expressly accepted by him or by his representative. In this case the delegation shall deliver to the interested party a document authenticating the judgment rendered. ARTICLE 10. The claim-holder who will not accept such a decision shall have the privilege to appeal from it, within a period of two weeks to an arbitration commission composed of two members, one appointed by the representative of the Sultan at Tangiers, the other by the legation interested. In case of disagreement relative to the judgment to be rendered by the two arbitrators, then these two arbitrators shall agree upon a third arbitrator with whose help they shall bring the matter to conclusion. ARTICLE 11. If the designation of the third arbitrator can not be effected in the manner specified, the selection shall then devolve upon the diplomatic corps. ARTICLE 12. The arbitral decision shall be signified to the Makhzen in the person of the representative of the Sultan at Tangiers and through the offices of the legation interested, which, in turn, shall deliver to the claimholder a document stating the agreement reached. ARTICLE 13. A period of four months shall be granted to each sub-commission for settling the matters within its jurisdiction. This period passed, all matters left unadjudicated shall be de plano referred to the arbitral commission stated under Article 10, whose duty it shall be to adjudicate them within a period of three months. ARTICLE 14. Upon the completion of the labors of the commission, the latter shall convey definitive titles to the titularies of the adjudicated claims. ARTICLE 15. As regards titularies of net book-debts resulting from a contract made in due form or from an account regularly entered into with the Makhzen, they shall appear in accordance with the conditions indicated under Article 5, before the sub-commission charged with the affairs of their nationality, and this sub-commission shall register their holdings and deliver to them a definitive title. ARTICLE 16. If the sub-commission refuses to receive a holding of this kind, the matter shall be referred to an arbitral commission comprising: a Shereefian delegate appointed by the representative of the Sultan at Tangiers, a delegate of the legation interested, and a delegate of the State Bank. The judgment of this commission shall not be appealable. ARTICLE 17. Each arbitrator shall receive as his honorarium a certain per centum of the amount of the formulated claim; this honorarium for each arbitrator shall never be more than 2,000 francs, nor less than 50 francs. Each legation shall establish for its representatives a uniform tariff, keeping in mind the limitation indicated above. ARTICLE 18. The amount of the honorarium for the three arbitrators shall be advanced by the claim-holder and be borne by the defeated party. In case of a judgment against the Makhzen the amount allowed the claim-holder by the arbitrators shall be added to the amount of said honorarium. But the arbitrators shall have the power to balance the arbitration costs in whole or in part, if the Makhzen and the claim-holder are each defeated under certain principals. ARTICLE 19. In case a claim should be settled by the arbitral commission without the intervention of a third arbitrator, the claim-holder shall recover the sum advanced by him as honorarium of the latter. ARTICLE 20. The amount of the honorarium of the arbitrators must be deposited by the claim-holder in the State Bank for that special purpose, before arbitration begins. ARTICLE 21. Regarding claims whose titularies shall have failed to make the required deposit, and claims which, nevertheless, are referred to the arbitral commission by virtue of the dispositions under Article 13, a delay of forty days shall be granted to the persons interested within which to effect the deposit of arbitration costs stated under Article 20. ARTICLE 22. The legations interested shall make all due haste for the convenient organization of the arbitral commissions indicated in Articles 10 and 16. These commissions shall operate conjointly with the sub-commissions. and adjudicate without delay, as they may be referred to them, matters within their jurisdiction. ARTICLE 23. Claim-holders who have benefited either by definitive decisions of the sub-commissions, or by judgments of the arbitral commissions referred to in Article 10, shall be put in possession of the amount allowed them. upon the expiration of a period of seven months granted the commission of foreign claims for the settling of all matters (Art. 13). These payments shall be realized from the funds of the loan and in the form adopted for the payment of the Casablanca indemnities. Regarding claim-holders whose affairs might not have been adjudicated by the arbitral commissions within the period determined by Article 13, they may obtain payment of the amounts that have been allowed them either from the unexpended balance of the loan or from the general available resources of the Makhzen. ARTICLE 24. Regarding claim-holders of the class indicated under Article 15 and to whom may have been delivered definitive titles, they shall be put in possession of the amount of their credit through the intermediary of the legations interested, as soon as the Makhzen shall be able to dispose of the funds of the loan. ARTICLE 25. Upon the settlement of all claims mentioned under Article 1, the commission, according to the same procedure may undertake the examina |