The Christian's Unity With ChristXulon Press, 2007 - 232 pages This book digs deeply into the Christian's walk of grace. We look into the grace of God. You will get to understand the Christian's relationship to the law! You will understand that Christ's redemption unites the Christian with Christ! That Christ's unity with the Christian is entirely the grace of God! God will increase your faith in Christ and your dependency on Christ. Every Christian's relationship with Christ is through Christ's substitutional death on the cross along with his resurrection. Yet, some Christians will live in a spiritual desert the remainder of their life! There is hope! God has made the Christian's relationship with Christ to be the strongest and most glorious relationship known to humanity! Make the Scriptures in this book a continual part of your daily devotions and experience God working in you daily! He loves to study the Bible He preached live on radio, and then recorded the program on reel-to-reel tape, cassettes tapes and now records on CD'S. Jim entered the ministry in 1974. His radio program Reality In Jesus began airing on a local radio station since 1976. In 1999, the program began airing on international shortwave radio stations. Reality In Jesus continues on the air today. Jim likes woodworking, horseback riding, walking on mountain trails. He is married to the love of his live for thirty-two years. The desire of his heart is to grow in Jesus Christ and the Bible. We have one son Dwain. His wife, IRENE MCCOY |
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Abraham behalf blood covenant bondage brethren Christ Jesus Christ lives Christ's cross Christ's death Christ's finished redemption Christ's redemption Christian is dead Christian needs Christian righteous Christian's faith Christian's heart circumcision Colossians completed redemption condemnation continually Corinthians counts the Christian crucified crucified with Christ dead unto dead with Christ desires died with Christ Ephesians eternal evil faith in Christ false doctrine Father flesh forgiveness frees the Christian fruit fulfilled the law glory God the Father gospel grace grace of God hath heaven Holy Spirit mortifies humanity's Jesus Christ Judaizers justified keep the law live by faith living from Christ Lord Jesus Christ married to Christ mortify the old nature's power old nature old nature's old sin nature Paul Paul the apostle Pharisees positionally preach receive Christ Remember resurrection righ salvation Satan Savior Scripture self-righteousness temptation Therein things thou tion trust Christ truth united with Christ walk Word