Page images

and Massillon, 392-on the death
of Princess Charlotte, cited, 393-
other sermons of, 395 - controver-
sial writings of, 396 - vindication
of Dr. Priestley by, cited, 397 -
other publications of, 399- emi-
nence and popularity of, 400 -
strange marriage of, 401.

Hamilton, Alexander, politics of, 164

as a financier, 165 opposes
John Adams, 171 vindicated
against calumny, 172-not devot-
ed to England, ib. proofs of his
opposition to British policy, 173 -
not an enemy of France, 174 -
tries to avoid war, 175-not a
monarchist, nor hostile to State
rights, 176-open and manly con-
duct of, 177- his conduct towards
Burr, 178.

Hawley, General, enters Edinburgh,
29-encamps at Falkirk, 30-de-
feated by Charles Edward, 31.
Heidelberg, Taylor's residence in,

• 494.

Henry II., England at the accession
of, 129makes Becket his com-
panion and confidant, 131-pro-
motes him to the archbishopric, 137
- offended by him, 139. quarrels
with him, 140 - opposed by the
power of the church, 142 - threat-
ens the bishops, 144 arraigns
Becket for treason, 147-brutal
conduct of, 150 - obliged to seek
peace with Becket, 154-breaks
into a rage again, 156 - his feigned
grief for Becket's death, 158 - his
punishment, 159 - subsequent hu-
miliation of, 160. See Becket.
Hepburn of Keith receives Charles
Edward, 16.

Her, the vision of, in Plato, 99.
Highlanders, the, join Charles Ed-
ward, 9-enter Edinburgh, 15-
victorious at Preston, 18- invade
England, 23- retreat from Derby,
28-victorious at Falkirk, 31-
defeated at Culloden, 39. See
Charles Edward.

Hindoos, ideas of a future life held by
the, 103.

History, mediæval, runs into biogra-
phy, 119.

Hochelaga, edited by E. Warburton,
reviewed, 237-account of Cana-
da in, 238- account of the Unit-

ed States in, 240. See Warbur-



Holmes, Oliver W., Urania by, re-
viewed, 208-his great popular-
ity, ib.
his wit, 212 high
praise of, 213- his fine command
of language, 215
should write
more, 216.

Homage of the Arts, by Schiller,
translated, 424.
Horsley, Dr., as a man of science, 88.
Howe, General, moves against Phil-
adelphia, 451.

Howe, S. G., on Prison Discipline,
noticed, 257.
Hughes, attempts to finish Addison's
Cato, 352.
Hume, David, Adam Smith indebted
to, 69 persecuted for his infideli-

ty, 72.
Humphreys, Alex., claims the earl-
dom of Stirling, 441.
Hutton, Dr., quarrels of, 88.


Iliad of Homer, by C. C. Felton, no
ticed, 522.

Iliad, Pope's and Tickell's transla-
tions of the, 359.

Imagination, lack of, in modern times,
275, 283, 287.
Improve, as a verb, denoting use,

Indians, the Iroquois, H. R. School-
craft's Report on the Census of,
reviewed, 292-early history of,
wholly unknown, ib. - incommu-
nicative character of, 295-policy
of conducting them over the Mis-
sissippi, 297 object to the census,
208- are now increasing in num-
bers, 299 progress of agriculture
among, 300 - cattle and orchards
of, 301-free intercourse with, to
be promoted, 302-traditions and
antiquities of, 303 - languages of,
304-tools and structures of, 306
- incapable of effecting great
works by joint labor, 308 - intel-
lectual power of, 309 imagina-
tion shown by, 310 - one of their
traditions cited, 311 and inter-
preted, 312-ephemeral memorials
of, 313.

Iroquois Indians, Census of the, 292.
See Indians.


[blocks in formation]

Malebranche, Addison's visit to, 327.
Manfred, prince of Sicily, 501-
usurps the throne, 502-defeated
and killed, 503.
Manners in America, 242.
Marshall's Life of Washington cen-
sured for Americanisms, 182.
Massillon, pulpit eloquence of, 392.
Mathematics, pleasures of the study
of, 90.

Matilda and Gilbert Becket, legend
of, 124.

Maury, Mrs., on the Statesmen of
America, noticed, 513.

Kinloch Moidart joins Charles Ed- Mechanical inventions, progress of,
ward, 9.



Medals, Addison's Dialogues on, 330.
Men of Letters and Science, Brough-
am's Lives of, reviewed, 59.
Modern Literature, G. Gilfillan's
Sketches of, reviewed, 273
independent thought, 279 - worth-
less productions of, 280. See Age.
Monmouth, battle of, 455.
Moral Sentiments, Smith's Theory
of, 68.
Murray, Lord George, advises
Charles Edward, 17 - counsels a
retreat, 27 manœuvres at Clif-
ton, 29.

Labitte, M., La Divine Comédie
avant Dante par, reviewed, 97.
Lavoisier, Brougham's life of, 72-
merits of, as a chemist, 73 - ар-
propriates the discoveries of others,
74-unjust to Dr. Black, 75 -
miserable fate of, 76.
Legenda Aurea, a collection of
Christian legends, 106.

Letters and Science, Brougham's
Lives of Men of, reviewed, 59.
Lexicography, J. E. Worcester's con-
tributions to, 187. See Greek.
Literature, materials for, in America,
466-imitation essential to, 466.
Livermore, Abiel A., Lectures to
Young Men by, noticed, 268.
Lochiel joins Charles Edward, 9-
embarks for France, 54.

Locke, John, on unprofitable poetry,


Long Island, battle of, 449.

Lowell Offering, publication of the,



Nature, poetical worship of, 420.
Naval contests, brilliant character of,


Navy, American, early prejudice
against, 221 - reduced to a mini-
mum, 224.

Nero Timon, The, reviewed, 460-
the author of, a follower of Pope,
467-a reaction against modern
tastes, 470, 472 - analysis of the

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Nicodemus, legend in the Gospel of,


O, sounds of the vowel, 199.
O'Connell, poetical portrait of, 478.
Orthoëpy, J. E. Worcester on, 189 —
of the English language, 196
discrepancies in, 203.
Orthography, English, 204.
Ozanam, A. J., sur les Sources
Poétiques de la Divine Comédie,
reviewed, 97.


[blocks in formation]

Palermo oppressed by Charles of
Anjou, 505.
Paris, attractions of, 151.
Passages from the History of Liberty,
by Samuel Eliot, noticed, 511.
Peabody, A. P., Christian Consola-

tions by, noticed, 521.
Pedestrianism, advantages of, 484.
Philadelphia, capture of the frigate,
227 - retaken and burnt, 228
outward aspect of, 246.
Philosophy, tendency of modern, 274,


Pichot, Amédée, Histoire de Charles-
Edouard par, reviewed, 1 - merits
of, 58. See Charles Edward.

Pickering, John, list of American-
isms by, 183- Greek Lexicon by,
reviewed, 373-his work com-
mended, 374.

Pilgrim Festival, Warburton's ac-
count of the, 250.

Piozzi, Mrs., second marriage of, 61.
Plato, account of the invisible world
by, 99.

Plutarch, account of the invisible
world by, 100.

Poets, Nine New, reviewed, 402-
causes of the multiplication of, 403

advice given to, 404 - danger
of the increase of, 405-R. W.
Emerson as one of the, 406 - W.
E. Channing, 414 - C. T. Brooks,
423-W. W. Story, 426 - Т. В.
Read, 428-J. F. Colman, 431 -
F. E. Browne, 432 - Epes Sar-
gent, 433- Miss Farley, ib.
Pontine Marshes, hunting in the, 4.
Poor, plan of tenements for, 266.
Pope, charges of, against Addison,
considered, 319 - accuses him of
hauteur, 321 - predicts the failure
of his Cato, 352 - takes vengeance
on Dennis, 354 - his quarrel with
Addison examined, 356 the
charge respecting the Rape of the
Lock, 357-hated Addison for
his politics, 358 - for his conduct
on the translation of the Iliad, 359

charges him with falsehood and
duplicity, 360 openly breaks
with and satirizes him, 362 - his
last interview with Addison, 363

remarks on Addison's sacred
poems, 364 - slanders circulated
by, 366-taste for the poetry of,
467-peculiar merits of, 468 -
writes from the intellect, 469.
See Addison.

Preble, Commodore, attacks Tripoli,

Prepositions, treatment of, in lexi-
cography, 376.
Preston, battle of, 17.
Pretender. See Charles Edward.
Priestley, chemical discoveries of, 74.
Prison Discipline, S. G. Howe on,
noticed, 257.

Procida, Giovanni da, history of,

Purgatory of St. Patrick, Vision of
the, 110.


Rape of the Lock, Addison's judg-
ment of the, 357.

Read, Thomas B., Poeins by, re-
viewed, 402, 428 - an unconscious
plagiarist, 429 - cited, 430.

Reformers, manner of modern, 345.
Richardson, as a lexicographer, 206.
Rosamond, Addison's opera of, 335.
Royal Society, quarrels in the, 88.
Russell, Lord John, poetical portrait
of, 479.


Sadducism of the present age, 284.
Saints, historical interest in the
Lives of the, 120.
Sargent, Epes, Songs of the Sea by,
reviewed, 402 merits and faults
of, 433.

Savage, the poet, belies Addison,


Saze, Marshal, appointed to invade
England, 5-receives counter or-
ders, 6.

Schiller, poetical translation from,


Schoolcraft, Henry R., Census of the
Iroquois Indians by, reviewed, 292
- highly qualified for his task,
293-travels of, among the In-
dians, 294 previous publications
of, 296 skill and tact of, in
taking the census, 208 - statisti-
cal facts collected by, 300-on
Indian history, 302 - and antiqui-
ties, 303 - other investigations of,
305 merits of his Report, 309
Indian tradition cited by, 311. See

Science, Brougham's Lives of Men
of, reviewed, 59.
Scipio, Cicero's Dream of, 100.
Sheffield, Lord, the friend of Gibbon,


Shelburne, Lord, Stirling's letter to,


Shells from the Strand of the Sea of
Genius, by H. Farley, reviewed,
402. See Farley.

Shirley, Governor, military command
of, 436.

Sicilian Vespers, Michele Amari's
History of the, reviewed, 500
events which led to the, 503

immediate cause of, 506 - progress
of, 507 - authorities for the histo-
ry of, 508 not the result of a con-
spiracy, 509 - lesson taught by,

Sicily, history of, in the 13th century,
501-the throne of, sold by the
pope, 502- Charles of Anjou
made king of, 503 - tyranny exer-
cised over, 504-rebellion in, 506.
Sketches of Modern Literature, by
George Gilfillan, reviewed, 273.
See Gilfillan.

Smith, Adam, Brougham's life of,
67-Theory of Moral Sentiments
by, 68- becomes acquainted with
Quesnay, 69- his Wealth of Na-
tions, ib. - his habits of mind, 70
- kindness of his affections, 71 -
religious opinions of, 72.

Smith, William, Memoir of Fichte
by, noticed, 263.

Sobieski, Princess Clementine, mar-
ries the Pretender, 34.
Somerset, Duke of, treatment of Ad-
dison by, 331.

Songs of the Sea, by E. Sargent, re-
viewed, 402.

Sparks, Jared, Library of Biography
by, 217.

Spectator, The, establishment of, 347.
Spence's Anecdotes, stories against
Addison in, 319.
Stahl, theory of phlogiston by, 74.
Statesmen of America, by Mrs. Mau-
ry, noticed, 513.
Steele, thoughtless and inconsistent
character of, 322 - befriended by
Addison, 338-Swift's complaint
of, 342 publishes The Tatler,
344-tone of his writings, 346
establishes the Spectator, 347-
and the Guardian, 349 - political
squabbles of, 350 quarrels with
Addison, 369.

[blocks in formation]


Lord Shelburne, ib. - adopts the
cause of the Colonies, 444-joins
the Revolutionary army, 445
his measures for defending New
Jersey, 446
captures a British
transport, 447 fortifies New
York, 448
in the battle on
Long Island, 449 - captured, 450
exchanged, 451 - in the battle
of Brandywine, 452 - of German-
town, ib. -on attacking Philadel.
phia, 453 - exposes Conway's ca-
bal, 454-in the battle of Mon-
mouth, 455 attacks Staten
Island, 456-commands at the
North, 457- death and character
of, 458.

Story, William W., Poems by, re-
viewed, 402 - merits and faults
of, 426 cited, 427 - least suc-
cessful when most ambitious, 428.
Strauss, blunders in the theory of,

Stuarts, tomb of the last of the, 1 -
final effort of the, 5.

Sumner, Charles, Phi Beta Kappa
Address by, noticed, 254
eulogies criticized, 255.

Swift, Dean, compared to Dr. John-
son, 65 an idle story about, re-
futed, 339 his relations with
Addison, 340 loved and trusted
him, 341 alienated from him,
342- retires to Ireland, 343.

Switzerland, Taylor's travels in, 497.

[blocks in formation]

Tencin, Madame de, the mother of
D'Alembert, 91.

Tenements for the Poor, plan of, no-
ticed, 266.

Theobald, Archbishop, favors Thomas
à Becket, 128.

Thierry, account of Thomas à Beck-
et by, criticized, 124, note.
Tickell becomes known to Addison,
335 - translation of the Iliad by,

Todd's edition of Johnson's Dic-
tionary, 188.

Tonson, Jacob, Addison's dealings
with, 324, 331, 364.
Travellers on foot, 485 - different
classes of, 487 discomforts suf-
fered by, 488 personal improve-
ment to be gained by, 489.
Tripoli, naval war with, 225.
Tullibardine, Marquis of, accompa-
nies Charles Edward to Scotland,
8-appointed his standard-bearer,



University education in England,
Urania, by O. W. Holmes, re-
viewed, 208- favorably received,
212-beauties and faults of, 213
- cited, ib., 215 - felicity of dic-
tion in, 215.

U, sounds of the vowel, 199.
Utilitarianism of modern times, 277.


Views afoot in Europe, by J. Bayard
Taylor, reviewed, 483. See Tay-

Virgil, visit to the other world in
the Eneid of, 101 - legends of
the Middle Ages about, 102.
Vollark, vision of, 108.
Vowels, sounds of the, 197 - indis-
tinctness of some, 200.


Walkenshaw, Baron, serves the Stu-
arts, 34- his daughter, 35.
Walker's Key to vowel sounds, 197.

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