or by their own consent, will be considered by the United States of America as citizens of the United States of Brazil. Reciprocally, Brazilians who may or shall have been naturalized in the United States of America upon their own application or by their own consent will be considered by the United States of Brazil as citizens of the United States of America. ARTICLE II. If a citizen of the United States of America, naturalized in the United States of Brazil, renews his residence in the United States of America, with the intention not to return to the United States of Brazil, he shall be held to have renounced his naturalization in the United States of Brazil; and, reciprocally, if a citizen of the United States of Brazil, naturalized in the United States of America, renews his residence in the United States of Brazil, with the intention not to return to the United States of America, he shall be held to have renounced his naturalization in the United States of America. The intention not to return may be held to exist when the person naturalized in one of the two countries resides more than two years in the other; but this presumption may be destroyed by evidence to the contrary. ARTICLE III. It is agreed that the word "citizen," as used in this Convention, means any person whose nationality is that of the United States of America or the United States of Brazil. ARTICLE. IV. A naturalized citizen of the one party, on returning to the territory of the other, remains liable to trial and punishment for an action punishable by the laws of his original country, and committed before his emigration, but not for the emigration itself, saving always the limitation established by the laws of his original country, and any other remission of liability to punishment. ARTICLE V. The status of a naturalized citizen may be acquired only through the means established by the laws of each of the countries and never by one's declaration of intention to become a citizen of one or the other country. ARTICLE VI. The present Convention shall be submitted for the approval and ratification of the competent authorities of the contracting parties and the ratifications shall be exchanged at the city of Rio de Janeiro within two years from the date of this Convention. It shall enter into full force and effect immediately after the exchange of ratifications, and in case either of the two parties notify the other of its intention to terminate the same, it shall continue in force for one year counting from the date of said notification. In witness whereof the Plenipotentiaries above mentioned have signed the present Convention, affixing thereto their seals. Done in duplicate, each in the two languages, English and Portuguese, at the city of Rio de Janeiro, this twenty-seventh day of April nineteen hundred and eight. [SEAL] IRVING B Dudley [SEAL] RIO-BRANCO. LIST OF MEMBERS OF THE PERMANENT COURT OF ARBITRATION. (Translated and reprinted from the Report of the Administrative Council of the Permanent Court of Arbitration, dated April 6, 1910.) Appointed by Argentine: Date of Appointment His Excellency Mr. Roque Saenz Peña, July 6, 1907. eign Affairs and Religion, Envoy Ex- His Excellency Mr. Estanislas S. Ze-July 6, 1907. Mr. Luis Maria Drago, Doctor of Law, July 6, 1907. Religion, Deputy; Mr. Carlos Rodriguez Larreta, Doctor July 6, 1907. Appointed by Austria Hungary: Belgium: Date of Appointment His Excellency Count Albert Apponyi, December 4, Mr. Henri Lammasch, Doctor of Law, December 4, 1906. 1906. 1909. His Excellency Mr. Albert de Berze- February 26, Ernest de February 26, Plener, Privy Councilor, Doctor of 1909. His Excellency Mr. Beernaert, Minister October 6, 1906. of State, Member of the Chamber of Representatives, etc.; His Excellency Baron Descamps, Min- October 6, 1906. Mr. Ernest Nijs, Counselor of the September 5, Court of Appeals of Brussels; 1905. Mr. Arendt, Director-General of the January 23, 1907. Bolivia: Mr. Severo Fernandez Alonso, Doctor September 13, of Law, ex-President of the Repub 1907. lic, ex-Professor of International saca; Mr. Claudio Pinilla, Doctor of Law, ex- September 13, 1907. Appointed by Date of Appointment Brazil: 1910. His Excellency Mr. Ismael Montes, February 14, 1910. His Excellency Mr. Ignacio Calderón, February 14, 1907. His Excellency Mr. Lafayette Rodri- September 13, cil of Ministers; His Excellency Mr. Ruy Barbosa, Doc- September 13, tor of Law, Senator, ex-Ambassador, ber of the Brazilian Academy. 1907. Mr. Clovis Bevilaqua, Doctor of Law, September 13, Foreign Affairs, Professor of the Faculty of Law of Recife, Member of 1907. Bulgaria: Mr. Stoyan Daneff, Doctor of Law, At-July 10/23, 1907. of Ministers, ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship, ex-Professor at the University of Sofia, Deputy; His Excellency Mr. Dimitri Stancioff, July 10/23, 1907. Chile: Mr. Carlos Concha, Doctor of Law, ex-October 17, ties, ex-Envoy Extraordinary and 1907. Appointed by China: Colombia: Cuba: Date of Appointment Mr. Miguel Cruchaga, Doctor of Law, October 17, Mr. Alejandro Alvarez, Doctor of Law, October 17, Moral and Political Sciences at Mr. José Antonio Gandarillas, Doctor January 17, 1907. 1907. 1910. His Excellency Mr. Wu Ting-Fang, ex-April 4, 1905. General Jorge Holguin, ex-Chargé of March 26, 1908. the Executive Power, ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs; General Marceliano Vargas, ex-Min-March 26, 1908. ister Plenipotentiary at Paris, ex Minister of the Interior; Mr. J. Marcelino Hurtado, Envoy Ex-March 26, 1908. traordinary and Minister Plenipo tentiary at Rome; Mr. Felipe Diaz Erazo, Counselor of March 26, 1908. Mr. Antonio Sanchez de Bustamante, January 11, His Excellency Mr. Gonzalo de Que-January 11, nary and Minister Plenipotentiary 1908. 1908. |