Mr. Manuel Sanguily, Attorney, ex-January 11, 1908. Mr. Juan B. Hernandes Barreiro, Doc-January 11, 1908. Denmark: Dominican Republic: Ecuador: Professor Henning Matzen, Doctor of December 13, nary of the Supreme Court, Member 1906. Mr. Apolinar Tejera, Rector of the September 16, mingo; 1907. Mr. Francisco Henriquez I. Carvajal, September 16, 1907. 1907. Mr. Eliseo Grullon, ex-Minister of September 16, 1907. 1907. Mr. Luis Felipe Carbo, Deputy, Sena- November 19, 1907. Mr. Honorato Vasquez, Doctor of Law, November 19, rid: Mr. Victor Manuel Rendón, Envoy Ex-November 19, traordinary and Minister Plenipoten tiary at Paris and at Madrid; 1907. Appointed by France: General Date of Appointment 1907. Julio Andrade, Deputy, November 19, Under-Secretary of State at the Department of War and Marine, Min ister of Public Instruction, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at Bogotá. Mr. Léon Bourgeois, Doctor of Law, November 16, President of the Chamber of Depu- 1906. Mr. Decrais, ex-Ambassador, ex-Min- November 16, ister of the Colonies, Senator; 1906. Baron D'Estournelles de Constant, November 16, 1906. 1906. Mr. Louis Renault, Minister Plenipo- November 16, Germany: Mr. Kriege, Doctor of Law, Privy November 30, 1906. visor and Counselor of the Depart- Mr. de Martitz, Doctor of Law, Privy November 30, University of Berlin; 1906. Mr. de Bar, Doctor of Law, Judicial November 30, the University of Göttingen. 1906. Great Britain: The Right Honorable Sir Edward Fry, November 30, Doctor of Law, formerly of the Court of Appeals, Member of the Privy 1906. The Right Honorable Sir E. M. Satow, November 30, ister Plenipotentiary at Pekin, Mem- 1906. The Right Honorable Sir Charles Fitz- September 30, patrick, Chief Justice of the Su- 1907. Appointed by Date of Appointment The Right Honorable Count de Desart, January 15, 1910. Greece: Mr. Denis Stephanos, Deputy, ex-Min- March 5/18, ister for Foreign Affairs; 1908. Mr. George Streit, Professor of Inter- March 5/18, national Law at the University of 1908. Athens; Mr. Michel Kebedgy, Counselor of the March 5/18, 1908. dria; Mr. Typaldo Bassia, Deputy, Professor January 9/22, 1908. Guatemala: Haiti: Mr. Francisco Anguiano, Doctor of February 8, Mr. Antonio Batres Jauregui, Coun- February 8, Mr. Carlos Salazar, Dean of the Fac- February 8, tive on the Central American Court of Justice, ex-Member of the Court of Appeal, etc.; Mr. Francisco de Arce, Doctor of Law, February 8, 1910. 1910. 1910. 1910. Mr. Jacques Nicolas Leger, Attorney, July 21, 1908. Appointed by Italy: Japan: Luxemburg: Mexico: Date of Appointment Mr. Solon Menos, Attorney, ex-Presi- July 21, 1908. Mr. F. D. Legitime, Publicist, ex-July 21, 1908. Mr. Tertullien Guilbaud, Attorney, ex-July 21, 1908. Haiti, ex-Member of the Constitu- His Excellency Commander Jean Bap- December 5, tiste Pagano Guarnaschelli, Doctor of Law, Senator of the Kingdom, First President of the Court of Cas- 1906. 1907. Mr. Auguste Pierantoni, Senator, Pro- September 12, Mr. Guido Fusinato, Doctor of Law, December 7, the University of Turin, Deputy of 1908. His Excellency Baron Itchirô Motono, November 30, 1906. Mr. Henry Willard Denison, Law November 30, Affairs at Tokio. Mr. Henri Vannerus, President of the October 10, Superior Court of Justice. 1906. 1909. Mr. José Ives Limantour, Doctor of March 7, 1907. istry of Finance and Public Credit; Appointed by Date of Appointment Netherlands: Mr. Pablo Macedo, Doctor of Law, March 7, 1907. sion, Director of the National School of Law of Mexico; Mr. Joaquin Obregón Gonzàlez, Doctor May 22, 1907. of Law, Governor of the State of Guanajuato ; Mr. Joaquin D. Casasus, Doctor of June 2, 1908. ex-Director of the National School of Law of Mexico. 1906. His Excellency Mr. T. M. C. Asser, November 1, Mr. F. B. Coninck Liefsting, Doctor of November 1, 1906. His Excellency Mr. Jonkheer A. F. de November 1, 1906. Doctor of Law, Minister of the In terior, ex-Professor at the Free Uni versity of Amsterdam, Member of Nicaragua: Norway: the Second Chamber of the States- Mr. Jonkheer G. L. M. H. Ruys de November 1, Minister of Justice, Member of the in the Province of Limbourg. 1906. His Excellency Mr. Crisanto Medina, March 3, 1908. Mr. Désiré Pector, Consul-General at March 3, 1908. Mr. G. Gram, ex-Minister of State, December 22, 1906. His Excellency Mr. George-Francis December 11, Hagerup, Doctor of Law and Letters, 1908. |