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8. The Taku and other forts, which might impede free communication between Peking and the sea, shall be razed.

9. Right of military occupation of certain points, to be determined by an understanding between the powers, for keeping open communication between the capital and the sea.

10. (a) The Chinese Government shall cause to be published during two years in all subprefectures an Imperial decree embodying:

Perpetual prohibition, under pain of death, of membership in any antiforeign society;

Enumeration of the punishments which shall have been inflicted on the guilty, together with the suspension of all official examinations in the towns where foreigners have been murdered or have been subjected to cruel treatment.

(b) An Imperial decree shall be issued and published everywhere in the Empire declaring that all governors-general, governors, and provincial or local officials shall be responsible for order in their respective jurisdictions, and that whenever fresh antiforeign disturbances or any other treaty infractions occur, which are not forthwith suppressed and the guilty persons punished, they, the said officials, shall be immediately removed and forever prohibited from holding any office or honors.

11. The Chinese Government will undertake to negotiate the amendments to the treaties of commerce and navigation considered useful by the powers, and upon other subjects connected with commercial relations, with the object of facilitating them.

12. The Chinese Government shall undertake to reform the Office of Foreign Affairs and to modify the court ceremonial relative to the reception of foreign representatives in the manner which the powers shall indicate.

Until the Chinese Government have complied with the above to the satisfaction of the powers, the undersigned can hold out no expectation that the occupation of Peking and the province of Chihli by the general forces can be brought to a conclusion.

Peking, December 22, 1900.

For Germany,

For Austria-Hungary,

For Belgium,

For Spain,

For United States of America,

For France,






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Peking, January 16, 1901.

Under date of December 24, 1900, the Plenipotentiaries of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Spain, the United States, France, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, and Russia, have sent us the following note:

(The joint note is here quoted textually and in its entirety.)

We hastened to transmit the full text of this note to His Majesty the Emperor who, having taken cognizance of it, rendered the following decree:

"We have taken cognizance of the whole of the telegram of Yi K'uang and Li Hung-chang. It behooves us to accept, in their entirety, the twelve articles which they have submitted to us."

Consequently, we, Ch'ing, Prince of the first rank, Plenipotentiary, President of the Council of Foreign Affairs, and Li, Earl of the first rank, Su-yi, Plenipotentiary, Tutor to the Heir Apparent, Grand Secretary of the Wen-hua tien Throne Hall, Minister of Commerce, Superintendent of trade for the northern ports, Governor General of Chihli,

Declare that we accept in their entirety the twelve articles which we have been requested to insure the transmission of to His Majesty the Emperor.

In witness of which we have signed the present protocol and we transmit to the foreign plenipotentiaries a copy of the edict of His Majesty the Emperor, bearing the Imperial Seal.

It is understood that in case of disagreement, the French text shall be authoritative.

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Signed at Peking, March 26 (8th April), 1902.

His Majesty the Emperor and Autocrat of All the Russias, and His Majesty the Emperor of China, with the object of re-establishing and confirming the relations of good neighborhood, which were disturbed by the rising in the Celestial Empire of the year 1900, have appointed their plenipotentiaries to come to an agreement on certain questions relating to Manchuria. These plenipotentiaries, furnished with full powers which were found to be in order, agreed as follows:

Article 1. His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of Russia, desirous of giving fresh proof of his peaceable and friendly disposition towards His Majesty the Emperor of China, and overlooking the fact that attacks were first made from frontier posts in Manchuria on peaceable Russian settlements, agrees to the re-establishment of the authority of the Chinese Government in that region, which remains an integral part of the Chinese Empire, and restores to the Chinese Government the right to exercise therein governmental and administrative authority, as it existed previous to the occupation by Russian troops of that region.

Art. 2. In taking possession of the governmental and administrative authority in Manchuria, the Chinese Government confirms, both with regard to the period and with regard to all other articles, the obligation to observe strictly the stipulations of the contract concluded with the Russo-Chinese Bank on the 27th August, 1896, and in virtue of paragraph 5 of the above-mentioned contract, takes upon itself the obligation to use all means to protect the railway and the persons in its employ, and binds itself also to secure within the boundaries of Manchuria the safety of all Russian subjects in general and the undertakings established by them.

The Russian Government, in view of these obligations accepted by the Government of His Majesty the Emperor of China, agrees on its side, provided that no disturbances arise and that the action of other powers should not prevent it, to withdraw gradually all its forces from within the limits of Manchuria in the following manner:

(a) Within six months from the signature of the agreement, to clear the southwestern portion of the Province of Mukden up to the River Liao ho of Russian troops, and to hand the railways over to China.

1 Rockhill, p. 99.

(b) Within further six months to clear the remainder of the Province of Mukden and the Province of Kirin of Imperial troops.

(c) Within the six months following to remove the remaining Imperial Russian troops from the Province of Hei-lung-chiang.

Art. 3. In view of the necessity of preventing in the future any recurrence of the disorders of last year, in which Chinese troops stationed on the Manchurian frontier also took part, the Imperial Russian and Chinese Governments shall undertake to instruct the Russian military authorities and the Tsiang-tsungs, mutually to come to an agreement respecting the numbers and the disposition of the Chinese forces until the Russian forces shall have been withdrawn. At the same time the Chinese Government binds itself to organize no other forces over and above those decided upon by the Russian military authorities and the Tsiang-Tsungs as sufficient to suppress brigandage and pacify the country.

After the complete evacuation of Manchuria by Russian troops, the Chinese Government shall have the right to increase or diminish the number of its troops in Manchuria, but of this must duly notify the Russian Government, as it is natural that the maintenance in the abovementioned district of an over large number of troops must necessarily lead to a reinforcement of the Russian military force in the neighbouring districts, and thus would bring about an increase of expenditure on military requirements undesirable for both states.

For police service and the maintenance of internal order in the districts outside those parts allotted to the Eastern Chinese Railway Company, a police guard, under the local governors ("Tsiang-Tsungs "), consisting of cavalry and infantry, shall be organized exclusively of subjects of his Majesty the Emperor of China.

Art. 4. The Russian Government agrees to restore to the owners the railway Shanhaikwan-Newchwang-Sinminting, which, since the end of September, 1900, has been occupied and guarded by Russian troops. In view of this, the Government of His Majesty the Emperor of China binds itself:

1. In case protection of the above-mentioned line should be necessary, that obligation shall fall exclusively on the Chinese Government, which shall not invite other powers to participate in its protection, construction, or working, nor allow other powers to occupy the territory evacuated by the Russians.

2. The completion and working of the above-mentioned line shall be conducted in strict accordance with the agreement between Russia and England of the 16th April, 1899, and the agreement with the private corporation respecting the loan for the construction of the line. And furthermore, the corporation shall observe its obligations not to enter into possession of or in any way to administer the Shanhaikwan-Newchwang-Sinminting line.

3. Should, in the course of time, extensions of the line in southern Manchuria, or construction of branch lines in connection with it, or the erection of a bridge in Newchwang, or the moving of the terminus there, be undertaken, these questions shall first form the subject of mutual discussion between the Russian and Chinese Governments.

4. In view of the fact that the expenses incurred by the Russian Government for the repair and working of the Shanhaikwan-NewchwangSinminting line were not included in the sum total of damages, the Chinese Government shall be bound to pay back the sum which, after examination with the Russian Government, shall be found to be due.

The stipulations of all former treaties between Russia and China which are not affected by the present agreement shall remain in force.

The agreement shall have legal force from the day of its signature by the plenipotentiaries of both states.

The exchange of ratifications shall take place in St. Petersburg within. three months from the date of the signature of the agreement.

For the confirmation of the above, the plenipotentiaries of the two contracting powers have signed and sealed two copies of the agreement in the Russian, French, and Chinese languages. Of the three texts, which, after comparison, have been found to correspond with each other, that in the French language shall be considered as authoritative for the interpretation of the agreement.

Done in Peking in duplicate, the 26th March (8th April), 1902.

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