CUMULATIVE INDEX TO SUPPLEMENT VOLUMES 1-4 (Figures in italics refer to volume.) ABYSSINIA. Agreement between Great Britain, France and Italy. Decem- ADAPTION of the Geneva Convention to Maritime War, Convention for 1:159 2:153 ADDITIONAL ARTICLES to Geneva Convention of 1864. October 20, 1868... 1: 92 1:398 AFRICA. Agreement between France-Great Britain-Italy respecting im- 1:230 Agreement between France-Great Britain-Spain for maintenance 1:425 Convention between France and Great Britain respecting fisheries and possessions in. April 8, 1904.... 1: 9 General Act of Berlin relative to the Congo and Niger and new occupations in Africa. February 26, 1885.. 3: 24 Revision of June 8, 1899. General Act of Brussels for repression of slave trade and restric- See LIBERIA. Documents relating to. 3: 29 3: 70 AGRICULTURE, INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE of. Convention of June 7, 1905. 2:358 ALGECIRAS CONFERENCE, General Act of. April 7, 1906..... 1: 47 Documents concerning recognition of Mulai Hafid.. AMELIORATION of the sick and wounded. Geneva convention 1864.. 1: 90 1: 92 Hague convention of 1899. 1:159 Recommendation for revision. The Hague, July 29, 1899.. 1:105 AMELIORATION of the sick and wounded. Convention of Geneva, July 6, 1906 ... 1:201 Hague convention of 1907. 2:153 AMERICA. See UNITED STATES. AMERICAN COLONIZATION SOCIETY. See Liberia, Documents relating to. CONFERENCE. AMMUNITION, Restriction on importation into Africa. Brussels Act, 1890. 3: 2 ANARCHISTS. See POLITICAL OFFENCE. 1:230 ANNEXATION of the Congo TO BELGIUM. Treaty of November 28, 1907... 3: 73 . 3: 76 Bill providing for government of the Congo.. 3: 76 Decree suppressing foundation of the Crown. March 5, 1908.. 3: 87 3: 89 3:140 See CONGO, Documents relating to the. ANNEXATION of Korea TO JAPAN. Proclamation. August 29, 1910.. 4:280 Treaty. August 29, 1910.... 4:282 Japanese Imperial Rescript. August 29, 1910.. 4:283 Announcement of Japanese Foreign Office. August 29, 1910.... 4:284 2: 27 Draft convention. The Hague, October 18, 1907... 2: 29 4:102 Argentine-Chile. May 28, 1902..... 1:290 Bolivia-Peru. General arbitration treaty. November 21, 1901. Brazil-Bolivia. Claims arising out of Acre dispute. November 17, Great Britain-Germany. Walfish Bay. January 30, 1909. 3:306 (Obligatory). 1:299 (Pecuniary claims.) January 29, 1902.. 1:303 Resolution concerning general convention. August 7, 1906.. 1:307 2: 26 Peaceful settlement of international disputes. July 29, 1899.. 1:107 Netherlands-Brazil. Boundary of Surinam. May 5, 1906... 2: 43 3:233 ARBITRATION, Conventions and agreements of — Continued. 3:222 3:221 3:277 United States-Switzerland. February 29, 1908. ARGENTINE. Drago Note. December 29, 1902... ARGENTINE-BRAZIL. Arbitration convention. September 7, 1905.. Limitation of naval armaments. May 28, 1902.. ARGENTINE-URUGUAY. Protocol concerning River Plate. January 6, 1910. 4:138 2:334 4:135 3:280 2:333 3:282 2:330 1: 1 3: 1 1:290 1:294 1:297 3:121 ASIA, EASTERN. Agreement between Great Britain and Japan. August 1: 15 ASPHYXIATING GASES, Declaration concerning. The Hague, July 29, 1899. 1:157 ASSOCIATION OF THE CONGO. See INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF THE AUSTRALIA, COMMONWEALTH OF. Constitution..... Neutralization of Black Sea and Danube River. March 30, 1856. 3:114 29, 1864...... Neutralization of Switzerland. November 20, 1815.. 3:116 3:106 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY-OTHER POWERS. Treaty of Berlin. July 13, 1878.... 2:401 Preliminary treaty of peace between Russia and Turkey. March 3, 2:387 Treaty of Berlin, July 13, 1878.. Protocol between Austria-Hungary and Turkey. Definitive treaty of peace between Russia and Turkey. February 8, 2:401 2:424 February 26, 1909.. 3:286 1:153 Declaration of second Hague conference.. 2:216 April 23, 1908.. 2:270 BELGIUM. Law on acquisition and loss of nationality. June 8, 1909. 4:167 3:108 BELGIUM-CONGO. See CONGO, Documents concerning the. 3:259 3: 69 Further arrangement of December 23, 1908. Also boundaries... 3:295 3: 94 Treaty between Japan and Russia. July 15-28, 1907. BERLIN. Treaty of...... Treaty of San Stefano, modified by. March 3, 1878. Treaty of Constantinople. February 8, 1879. BLACK SEA. Convention for neutralization of. March 30, 1856. Treaty of San Stefano. March 3, 1878.... 1: 17 2:274 2:401 2:287 2:424 3:114 2:399 BLOCKADE. Declaration of London naval conference. February 26, 1909... 3:190 1903 ... 1:416 Protocol amending Art. 2 of above. February 6, 1907.. 1:121 1:422 Instructions for reconnaissance of the Rio Verde. February 1:424 BOLIVIA-PERU. General arbitration treaty. November 21, 1901. December 30, 1902.... Modifications of November 2, 1903. 3:378 3:381 3:383 3:386 Convention. The Hague, October 18, 1907.. BOMBARDMENT by naval forces. Recommendation. The Hague, July 29, 1:106 2:146 2:395 2:412 Protocol between Austria-Hungary and Turkey. February 26, 1909 .. 3:286 BOSPHORUS. Treaty of San Stefano. March 3, 1878.. 2:399 Instructions for mixed commission. February 6, 1907.. 1:422 1907 ... 1:427 Brazil-Uruguay. Lake Merim and Jaguarao River. October 30, 1909. 4:256 4:132 Great Britain-France. Possessions in Africa. April 8, 1904. 1: 9 1909. 3:306 3:233 United States-Mexico. Elimination of bancos in Rio Grande. March Equitable distribution of Rio Grande waters. May 21, 1906. 1:281 BRAZIL. Law respecting expulsion of foreigners. January 7, 1907 .. Protocol amending Art. 2 of above. February 6, 1907. 1:421 6, 1907 .. 1:422 |