Visit to Capt. Barclay of Ury-Ury described-Capt. Barclay a great bred as his cattle-As a conversa- floored his coach-The Captain's Captain and his passenger-Din- ner to the Captain and Mr. Wat- early riser-His feats as a pedes- trian and on the coach-box-His mode of living-Four score per- Miller's description of the Cap- Captain drive the Defiance from loses ten minutes over one stage- NO. LXIX.VOL. XII. Page ........ The Editor's Address. THE gentleman who has hitherto edited the New Sporting Magazine having retired, and a change in the management of the work being contemplated, it seems necessary on the part of his successor to say a few words in explanation of the manner in which it will in future be conducted. The present Editor, while he thoroughly feels that the spirit-stirring exercise of hunting ought to take precedence of all other field sports, cannot help thinking that the attention of his predecessor has been rather too exclusively devoted to the chase; and that lengthened details of the proceedings of a particular hunt-highly interesting indeed to a limited circle, but not very likely to meet with the approbation of the great majority of readers-have occasionally occupied too large a proportion of the pages of the New Sporting Magazine. That there may be less room for this objection in future, it will be the Editor's endeavour to obtain a greater variety of hunting intelligence; and he hopes that by thus enlarging the circuit to afford satisfaction to a greater number of sportsmen. As the account of a good run-whether in Leicestershire or Lothian, Cumberland or Kildare-is always interesting, the communications of gentlemen descriptive of a good day's sport, a long run, or a "brief but brilliant" burst are respectfully solicited, with the assurance that every attention will be paid to their favours. While the impression is yet vivid let them write to the New Sporting Magazine an off-hand letter, descriptive of the good thing which it has been their fortune to enjoy; and thus share their pleasure with the sporting world at large, instead of making a dry, brief, note of the "interesting circumstance" in their pocket book, and thus condemning a flower to a Hortus Siccus which ought to bloom perennially in the pages of the New Sporting Magazine. As hunting does not continue all the year round, so neither ought its details at all seasons to occupy the principal portion of the pages of a sporting journal; which ought rather to give some account of the various field sports and exercises at the seasons in which they occur than to be at all times devoted to the details of one. The nobleman or gentleman whose only love in January appears to be the chase, will be found, rod in hand, at the streams in May and June. In July we hear of him winning a sweepstakes, gentlemen riders, at the country races within a mile of his own mansion. On the 12th of August he is in Yorkshire or the Highlands, killing his fifty brace of grouse a day; and about the first week in September we hear of him at cricket getting an infinite series of runs from his own bat-Sussex against all England, at Lord's or beating Professor Wilson, very nearly, at hop-step-andjump, at a gathering" on the border. He attends Doncaster races as a matter of course; from whence he proceeds to Chatsworth or Harewood, or Castle Howard or Wentworth Park, to spend a fortnight in retirement, and enjoy the benefit of pedestrian exercise among the stubble and turnips while amusing himself with thinning the breed of partridges. In October he may be heard of at Stratfieldsay or Drayton as one of the most destructive of pheasant-killers; and before he again takes the field, towards the latter end of the month, for the regular hunting campaign, he visits Swaffham with a college chum, and acts as referee in the great coursing match-Mr. Gurney's blue bitch Maria against Mr. Paston's black dog Tom, for a thousand. Such is the routine of an English gentleman's field sports and exercises, diversified with visits to Epsom, Ascot, and Newmarket, an occasional visit to the Lakes,-when he attends all wrestling matches among the stalwart sons of Cumberland and Westmorland,—or a voyage, in a friend's yacht, to the south-west coast to attend the Falmouth regatta, or see the Torquay cup sailed for; on which occasions he also generally attends the wrestling between Cornwall and Devon on the Hoe at Plymouth. Notwithstanding these bodily exercises the noble lord or honourable gentleman suffers not his mind to lie fallow. He keeps his mathematical acquirements in exercise by a diligent summation of his steward's accounts; maintains a regular and interesting correspondence, political, sporting, and philosophical, with his brother in India, his cousin at Corfu, and his friends in every quarter of the globe. Every year he furnishes the Highland Society with an admirable essay on the improvement of the breed of cattle or the reclamation of waste lands; occasionally contributes a paper to the Linnean Society on the various species of salmon, the generation of eels, the arrival of the woodcock or the hybernation of the swallow; and every other month a first rate article to the New Sporting Magazine. If in parliament, his activity and power of locomotion-without steam-enable him to be present at the discussion of every important question; and shortly after the commencement of each session when we usually have a hard frost-he generally finds. time to prepare and deliver a luminous speech on the state and prospects, of British industry, agricultural and commercial, which elicits the applause of all intelligent statesmen, on both sides of the house, and serves the small class of spokesmen--et præterea nihil-as a text book till the prorogation of parliament.-The judicious reader will see with |