The Parables of Jesus the MessiahWindRiver Publishing, Inc., 2003 - 197 pages The Life of Jesus the Messiah is a five-volume set that discusses the life of Jesus Christ topically. In volume 2, the parables taught by Jesus are discussed. Their nature is explained and both the historical impact they had on the Jews living at the time of Jesus and their significance to us today is discussed. The volume's organization makes it an ideal resource for both students and instructors. The volume includes complete scriptural references to the King James Bible, footnotes, a complete index, and a scripture index allowing readers to quickly find relevant commentary. |
Introduction | 1 |
What Is a Parable? | 7 |
Classification of Parables | 16 |
The Gospels Inherent Strength | 23 |
The Leaven | 41 |
Lost and Then Found | 51 |
Teaching Gospel Principles | 67 |
Teaching Relationships | 86 |
The Second Great Commandment | 94 |
Parables That Teach Warnings | 121 |
The Barren Fig Tree | 127 |
They Ask of Him a Sign | 159 |
As It Was Then So It Is Today | 173 |
189 | |
Common terms and phrases
Abraham accept Alfred Edersheim answer Apostles applied asked Behold bridegroom called chapter Christ Church cometh commanded covenant declared disciples DNTC earth earthly emphasized eternal evil faith Father feast forgive fruit gave Geikie given gospel guests hath heard instructions interpretation invited Isaiah Israel Jeremias Jesus taught Jesus the Messiah Jewish Jews John Joseph Smith Joseph Smith-History judge judgment king kingdom of God kingdom of heaven laborers Lazarus leadership Lord Lord's lost coin lost sheep Luke master Matthew mercy ministry miracle mustard seed Nephi openly Parables of Jesus petition Pharisees principle prodigal prophets publicans question received recorded rejected repentance represented responsibility reward rich righteous rulers saith unto Salt Lake City Samaritan Savior say unto scriptures seed growing secretly servant sinner soil souls sower spiritual story supper talents tares teaching thee things thou hast treasure Trench truth unjust steward vineyard virgins warning woman word worldly