A Manual of Classical Bibliography: Comprising a Copious Detail of the Various Editions of the Greek and Latin Classics, and of the Critical and Philological Works Published in Illustration of Them, with an Account of the Principal Translations, Into English, French, Italian, Spanish, German, Etc, Volume 2

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H. G. Bohn, 1837

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Page 326 - Fables, Ancient and Modern, translated into verse from Homer, Ovid, Boccace, and Chaucer, with Original Poems, fol.
Page 57 - The Lyric Works of Horace, translated into English verse : to which are added, a number of original Poems, by a Native of America.* This was John Parke, of whom we luaru from Mr.
Page 236 - English fustian, for the consolation of those who had rather Laugh and be Merry than be Merry and Wise, vellum, 8vo.
Page 410 - REMARKS on the life and writings of Plato. With answers to the principal objections against him ; and a general view of his dialogues.
Page 111 - A critical Inquiry into the Life of Alexander the Great, by the ancient historians : from the French of the baron de St. Croix ; with notes and observations; by sir Richard Clayton, bart.
Page 182 - The Orator : Handling a hundred severall Discourses, in forme of Declamations : Some of the Arguments being drawne from Titus Livius and other ancient Writers, the rest of the authors owne invention : Part of which are of matters happened in our Age. Written in French by Alexander Silvayn, and Englished by LP [Lazarus Piot, a nom de guerre of Anthony Munday's] London.
Page 52 - A Poetical Translation of the Works of Horace, with the original text, and critical Notes collected from his best latin and french Commentators, by the Rev.
Page 406 - Morgan's Investigation of the Trinity of Plato, and of Philo Judaeus, and of the effects which an attachment to their writings had upon the principles and reasonings of the Fathers of the Christian Church. Revised by HA HOLDEN, LL.D. Head Master of Ipswich School, late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Crown Octavo.
Page 532 - Histoire de la république romaine, dans le cours du septième siècle, par Salluste: en partie traduite du latin sur l'original; en partie rétablie et composée sur les fragmens, qui sont restés de ses livres perdus, remis en ordre dans leur place véritable ou le plus vraisemblable.
Page 216 - BLOUNT : I purpose to be blunt with you, and, out of my dulness, to encounter you with a Dedication in the memory of that pure elemental wit, Chr. Marlowe, whose ghost or genius is to be seen walk the Churchyard in, at the least, three or four sheets. Methinks you should presently look wild now, and grow humorously frantic upon the taste of it. Well, lest you should, let me tell you, this spirit was sometime...

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