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COMPLETED TO THE END OF 1836, by the addition of a SUPPLEMENT, containing a
Bibliographical Index of several thousand Editions which have appeared either here or
abroad since the original publication of this work in 1825; with the prices at which they
are at present sold or imported by the London Booksellers.

VOL II....





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London: G. NORMAN, Printer, Maiden Lane, Covent Garden.


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EDITIO PRINCEPS. This edition is excessively rare and valuable; it has neither paging-figures, catch-words, nor signatures. Maittaire, who first gave a description of this volume, supposes it to have been printed by Zarotus, at Milan, about 1470, and took no inconsiderable pains to prove that it was really printed by the above-mentioned printer; and subsequent bibliographers have coincided with him in this supposition, among. which number may be ranked the following: Panzer, Orlandı, Saxius, De Bure, Ernesti, Harles, Belce, Dibdin, and Brunet. Gesner found the text of this edition so accurate and pure, that he esteemed it of manuscript authority: his words are; " Possideo exemplum primae quae adhuc intotuit editionis, "cuivis libro manuscripto facile comparandum, quae editio " cum nullam editoris, loci, temporis, expressam mentionem " habeat, ne titulum quidem s. indicem, conjectura nescio quam "probabili Antonio Zaroto Parmensi, et Mediolano, et anno "circiter 1470, a Maittairio adsignatur. Literae sunt ejus " formae, quam Jensonius adhibuit, sed paulo minus cultae et " incompositae." On the recto of fol. 1. without any prefix, we read the following titular head-line, which is immediately succeeded by the first ode of book i. thus;



O & præsidium & dulce decus meum
Sunt quos curriculo puluerē olympicū

&c. &c. &c.



Beneath these verses are

HARI EM Transfer

18 more. A full page contains 26 lines. After the Carmen Seculare, on the reverse of the 74th leaf, we have the following tetrastich (which the compilers of the Bibliotec. Portatil. v. ii. p. 94,) considered to be so much in the style of Mombrizio, the corrector of Lavagna's press, that they supposed it to have been executed by that printer in 1469; (in the copy inspected by Santander these verses were placed at the end of the volume ;)


H oc quicunq; dedit Venusini carmen Horatii:
Et studio formis correctum effinxit in istis
V iuat. & æterno sic nomine sæcula uincat

O mnia: ceu nunquam numeris abolebitur auctor.

On the recto

of the ensuing leaf the Epistles commence in a manner similar to the Odes, in large capitals; the Art of Poetry and Satires also commence with large capitals; at the end of the Satires the volume ends thus;

Vt nihil omnino gustaremus, uelut illis
Canidia afflasset. peior serpentibus aphris.

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As each of these

patts commences with its own proper title, the parts are not always disposed in the order above-mentioned, and it is equally probable, (if not more so,) that the Art of Poetry was originally placed the last in order, and not the Satires. At the sale of Dr. Askew's library, a copy was sold for £17. 6s. 6d. which was purchased for his late Majesty. For the satisfaction of my reader, I shall extract Morell's account of this book, as given by him in his Catalogue of the Pinelli Library, (v. ii. p. 324-5); "Exemplar est ex ea editione, quam ceu omnium pri"mam viri rei bibliographicæ periti suspiciunt; Maittairius " autem, Saxius, Burius (Bibliograph. n. 2711) aliique anno "circiter 1470, Mediolani ab Antonio Zaroto factam existi"mant. Hoc equidem ægre atque difficulter ego concesserim, " quod a Zaroti typis, cum quoad characterem, tum quoad "chartæ genus, liber haud leviter dissidere mihi videatur. "Bene vero character idem est, quo Plutarchi Apophtheg" mata a Philelpho Latine reddita, Florus, & Lucanus prodi"ere; libri tres absque ulla nota impressi, & inter hosce Pi" nellianos, num. 1347, 2746, & 4676, relati.-Ne quid atta" men dissimulem, exemplar hoc, ceteroquin nitidissimum, & " litteris depictis exornatum, ad calcem paginam unam habet, " manu ad impressionis normam eleganter exaratam." Consult Maittaire, v. i. p. 292; Panzer, v. ii. p. 12, and v. iv. p.

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