PUBLIC DOCUMENTS RELATING TO INTERNATIONAL LAW 1 UNITED STATES Canada, select list of books, with reference to periodicals, on reciprocity with. 1907. 14 p. Library of congress. Paper, 10c. Chinese, treaty, laws and regulations governing admission of; regulations approved Feb. 26, 1907. 62 p. Bureau of immigration and naturalization. Consular service. Executive order [amending consular regulations of 1896]. 1 p. President. Consular service. Executive order [amending sec. 4 of order of June 27, 1906]. 1 p. President. Continental Congress, Journals of the, 1774-89. Vols. 7-8. Library of congress. Cloth, $1.00 each. Cuba, Acts of Congress, treaties, proclamations, and decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States relating to noncontiguous territory and Cuba and to military affairs. 1907. xxvii, 380 p. Bureau of insular affairs. (S. doc. 204.) Cuban pacification. Report of secretary of war and assistant secretary of state, Dec. 11, 1906. p. 444-543. Bureau of insular affairs. Paper, 15c. Dominican Republic, convention between the United States and the, providing for assistance of the United States in the collection and application of customs revenues of the Dominican Republic. Feb. 8, 1907, proclaimed July 25, 1907. 8 p. Dept. of state. French alliance in American revolution, list of works relating to. 1907. 40 p. Library of congress. Paper, 10c. Germany, commercial agreement between the United States and. 1907. 24 p. Bureau of manufactures. (Tariff series, 5.) Germany. Proclamation [reciprocity with Germany]. 1907. President. 2 p. 'When prices are given, the document in question may be obtained for the amount mentioned from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. Germany, regulations provided for in commercial agreement between, and the United States. 1907. 2 p. Treasury dept. (Dept. circular 36.) Guatemala, convention between the United States and, for reciprocal protection of patents. Signed at Guatemala City, Nov. 10, 1906, proclaimed July 9, 1907. 3 p. Dept. of state. Honduras, treaty between the United States and. Comayagua, July 4, 1864, proclaimed May 30, 1865. Edition, 1907. 17 p. Dept. of state. Hospital ships. Convention between the United States and certain powers for exemption of hospital ships in time of war from payment of all dues and taxes imposed for the benefit of the state, signed at The Hague, Dec. 21, 1904, proclaimed May 21, 1907. 10 p. Dept. of state. Immigration laws and regulations of July 1, 1907. 76 p. Bureau of immigration and naturalization. Paper, 10c. Immigration, list of books, with references to periodicals, on. 3d ed. 1907. 157 p. Library of congress. Paper, 25c. International Red Cross convention. Convention for the amelioration of the condition of wounded of armies in the field. Signed at Geneva, July 6, 1906, proclaimed Aug. 3, 1907. 30 p. Dept. of state. Mexico, convention between the United States and, for elimination of bancos in Rio Grande from effects of article 2 of treaty of Nov. 12, 1884, signed at Washington, Mar. 20, 1905, proclaimed June 5, 1907. 7 p. Dept. of state. Mexico, proceedings of the international boundary commission, United States and. Relating to the placing of additional monuments to more perfectly mark the international boundary line through the town of Naco, Arizona-Sonora. 1907. 18 p., map. Dept. of state. Morocco, protection of patents in, agreement [between the United States and Great Britain] effected by exchange of notes. Feb. 4-June 24, 1907. 3 p. Dept. of state. Nicaragua, treaty between the United States and, for the extradition of criminals. Signed at Washington, Mar. 1, 1905, proclaimed June 15, 1907. 11 p. Dept. of state. Passports. Executive order [governing granting and issuing of passports in the United States]. 3 p. President. Servia, conventional tariff of, based on treaties with Great Britain, France and Italy. 1907. 9 p. Bureau of manufactures. (Tariff series, 4.) Paper, 5c. State, dept. of, rules and regulations governing the. 1907. 55 p. Dept. of state. (S. doc. 359.) GREAT BRITAIN 1 Aliens act, 1905. First annual report of H. M. inspector; with a statement with regard to the expulsion of aliens. For 1906. For 1906. Home dept. (cd. 3473.) 6d. Australasia. Further correspondence relating to the convention with France, dated 20th October, 1906, respecting the New Hebrides. (cd. 3525.) 2d. Australia, accession of the Commonwealth of, to the industrial property convention of 1883, as modified by the additional act of 1900. August 5, 1907. Foreign office. (cd. 3609.) d. Belgium, convention between the United Kingdom and, supplementing article XIV. of the treaty of extradition of October 29, 1901. Signed at London, March 5, 1907. Foreign office. (cd. 3580.) d. Commercial attachés and commercial agents, report on the system of British. 1907. Foreign office. (cd. 3610.) d. Costa Rica, agreement between the United Kingdom and the Republic of, for the exchange of postal money orders. Signed at San José de Costa Rica, April 26, 1907. Foreign office.. (cd. 3581.) 1d. Danube, report on the operations of the European commission of the, during the years 1894-1906, with a résumé of its previous history. Foreign office. (cd. 3646.) 6d. Emigration. Memorandum on the history and functions of the emigrants' information office. 1907. Colonial office. (cd. 3407.) 6d. France, additional agreement between the United Kingdom and, respecting the parcel post service between British India and France. Signed at Paris, March 30, 1907. Foreign office. (cd. 3499.) d. jd. France, dispatch from H. M. Ambassador at Paris transmitting the treaty between, and Siam, signed at Bangkok, March 23, 1907. Foreign office. (cd. 3578.) 1d. Germany, exchange of notes between the United Kingdom and, respecting the estates of deceased seamen. Feb. 16, March 21, 1907. Foreign office. (cd. 3452.) d. International disputes, protocol for the accession of non-signatory powers to the convention of July 29, 1899, for the pacific settlement of. June 14, 1907. Foreign office. (cd. 3649.) d. 'Official publications of Great Britain, India and many of the British colonies may be purchased of P. S. King & Son, Orchard House, 2 and 4 Great Smith Street, Westminster, London. Macedonian financial commission, despatches from the British adviser on the. 1907. Foreign office. (ed. 3497.) 5d. Nicaragua, accession of, to the convention signed at Geneva, July 6, 1906, for the amelioration of the condition of the wounded and sick in armies in the field. June 17, 1907. Foreign office. (cd. 3644.) d. Norway, agreement between the United Kingdom and, respecting the mutual surrender of fugitive criminals. Signed at Christiania. Feb. 18, 1907. Foreign office. (cd. 3606.) d. Panama, accession of, to the convention signed at Geneva, August 22, 1864, for the amelioration of the condition of the wounded in armies in the field. July 29, 1907. Foreign office. (cd. 3645.) d. Panama, treaty between the United Kingdom and, for the mutual surrender of fugitive criminals. Signed at Panama, August 25, 1906. Foreign office. (cd. 3648.) 1d. Persian coast and islands order in council, 1907. 25 p. (Statutory rules and orders, 1907, no. 382.) 2d. Peru, agreement between the Post office of the United Kingdom and the Post office of, for the exchange of postal parcels. 1907. Post office. (cd. 3671.) 21d. Peru, treaty between the United Kingdom and, for the mutual surrender of fugitive criminals. Signed at Lima, January 26th, 1904. Foreign office. (cd. 3503.) 11d. South-eastern Europe, further correspondence respecting the affairs of. [Dec. 1905 to March 1907.] Foreign office.. (cd. 3454.) 1s. 10d. Spain. Notes exchanged with the Spanish government respecting the maintenance of the territorial "Status quo" in the Mediterranean and the east Atlantic ocean, May 16, 1907. Foreign office. (cd. 3576.) d. Stuart papers, calendar of, belonging to H. M. the King, preserved at Windsor castle. Vol. 3. Historical manuscripts commission. (cd. 3430.) 2s. 10d. Sugar commission, International. Spring session, 1907. Report of proceedings. Foreign office. (ed. 3607.) 2d. Sugar convention, despatch to H. M. minister at Brussels respecting the international, of March 5, 1902. Foreign office. (cd. 3577.) d. Sweden, supplementary agreement between the United Kingdom and, for the mutual surrender of fugitive criminals. Signed at London, July 2, 1907. Foreign office. (cd. 3647.) d. Treaty series, general index to the, 1902-1906. Foreign office. (cd. 3605.) 2d. Turkish custom duties, correspondence respecting the increase of the. 1907. Foreign office. (cd. 3455.) 2s. White slave traffic, correspondence respecting the International conference on the, held at Paris, October, 1906. Foreign office. (cd. 3453.) 24d. Wounded in armies in the field, accession of Cuba, Dominican Republic, Hayti, and Paraguay to the Geneva convention, 1864, for the amelioration of the condition of the. July 6, 1907. Foreign office. (cd. 3608.) d. Wounded and sick in armies in the field, International convention for the amelioration of the condition of the. Signed at Geneva, July 6, 1906. Foreign office. (cd. 3502.) 3d. AUSTRALIA New Hebrides. Correspondence relating to the convention with France. Melbourne, 1907. 47 p. (No. 15.) BOLIVIA Peru. Alegato de parte del gobierno de Bolivia en el juicio arbitral de fronteras con la república del Peru. Buenos Aires, 1906. xviii, 320 p., maps. Legación de Bolivia. Peru. Colección de documentos que apoyan el alegato de Bolivia en el juicio arbitral con la república del Peru. Buenos Aires, 1906. 2v. maps. Legación de Bolivia. Peru. Defensa de los derechos de Bolivia ante el gobierno Argentina en el litigio de fronteras con la república del Perú por Bautista Saavedra. Buenos Aires, 1906. 2v. Legación de Bolivia. CANADA International waterways commission, reports of the, 1906. Ottawa, 1907. viii, 293 p. Dept. of public works. (No. 19a-1907.) CHILE Argentine republic. La linea de frontera con la República Arjentina entre las latitudes 27° i 31° S. por Luis Riso Patron. Santiago de Chile, 1907. 189 p., illus., maps. Oficina de limites. Relaciones esteriores, culto i colonizacion, memoria del Ministerio de, presentada al Congreso Nacional en. 1906. Santiago de Chile, 1906. 200 p. Ministerio de relaciones esteriores, culto i colonizacion. |