amending the instructions to diplomatic officers and the consular regulations relative to expatriation, citizenship, naturalization, and passports; the naturalization regulations promulgated by the Department of Commerce and Labor; a list of the courts having jurisdiction to naturalize aliens; and a list of foreign countries and their rulers. Professor Munroe Smith, himself the author of one of the best monographs in English on citizenship, said of Mr. Van Dyne's work on that subject that there was "little to criticise either in his inclusions or his exclusions." The same thing may well be affirmed of the present volume, on naturalization. It is full of useful matter, selected and put together with sense and judgment and with intelligent appreciation of its significance. Moreover, much of the materials which it contains cannot be conveniently consulted elsewhere; and the work may fairly be pronounced indispensable to those who have to deal, theoretically or practically, with the subject to which it relates. J. B. MOORE. Proceedings of the National Arbitration and Peace Congress, New York, April, 1907. Edited by the Secretary, Robert Erskine Ely, 23 West Forty-fourth street, New York city. A review of these proceedings will be found in the Editorial Comment of this number at page 727. PERIODICAL LITERATURE OF INTERNATIONAL LAW. Arbitration. L'arbitrage international (Traduit de la Marine Rundschau, juin, 1906, par M. Fournier, lieutenant de vaisseau en retraite) Revue Maritime, 172:126. Asylum. Le droit d'asile en Angleterre depuis la loi sur les étrangers, Aliens Act de 1905. N. W. Sibley et Alf. Elias. Journal de droit international privé, 34:29. Austria-Hungary. La question d'Autriche-Hongrie. Gabriel Louis-Jaray. Questions diplomatiques et coloniales, 23:465. Balch, Thomas. A Pioneer in International Arbitration. J. D. Rodeffer. Sewanee Review, 15:215 (April, 1907). Blockade. Die rechtliche Natur der Blockade. Pohl. Zeitschrift für internationales Privat-und öffentliches Recht., 17:1. Bulgaria. La Politique russe en Orient. Le schisme bulgare. M. le prince Grégoire Troubetzkoi. Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 21:161. Cables. Das Seekabel in Kriegzeit. Cybichowski. Zeitschrift für internationales privat-und öffentliches Recht, 17:160. Canada. The Relations of Canada and the United States. P. T. McGrath. American Review of Reviews, 25:717 (June, 1907). Capitulations. La justice ottomane dans ses rapports avec les puissances étrangères. A. Mandelstam. Revue générale de droit international public, 14:5 (Jan.-Feb., 1907). Castro and American Diplomacy. Herbert W. Bowen. North American Review, 184:577 (March 15, 1907). Central Asia. Russes et Anglais en Asie Centrale. P. Humann. Annales des sciences politiques. May 15, 1907. Commerce in War. Le commerce brittanique en temps de guerre. H. R. Savary. Congo Free State, The government and. tion. Lord Monkswell. Fortnightly Review. March, 1907. Consular service, New tests for the. American Review of Reviews. 35:556 (May, 1907). Consular service. Shuffling the diplomatic court cards. cott's. Feb., 1907. René Bache. Lippin Disarmament. Our armaments; a plea for reduction. J. A. Murray MacDonald. Contemporary Review, May, 1907. Domicil. G. Addison Smith. Law Magazine and Review. 32:268. Egypt to-day. Sir Auckland Colvin. Nineteenth Century and After, April, 1907. Extradition. Note sur l'extradition au Mexique pendant les années 1897 à 1906. P. Leboucq. Revue de droit international privé et de droit pénal international. 3:145. Germany. Does Germany manace the world's peace? W. G. Fitz-Gerald. North Germany. La politique extérieure de l'Allemagne. André Tardieu. Questions Great Britain. La politique anglaise et le système des ententes et des alliances en Hague conference. L'Angleterre et la prochaine conférence de la Haye. Le cor- Hague conference. Peace conference and the navy, by Excubitor. Fortnightly Hague conference. Ueber einige Aufgaben der Haager Friedenskonferenzen und International law, Study of. H. L. Nelson. North American Review, 184:863. Intervention, the Monroe, Calvo, and Drago doctrines. Herbert W. Bowen. Inde- -- Japan and the United States Partners. Baron Kentaro Kaneko. North Ameri- Leibniz, La Diplomatie de. C. B. Favre. Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 21:199. Macedonia. The situation in the near East. Alfred Stead. Fortnightly Review, Manchuria, The open door in. 1907). Thomas F. Millard. Scribner's, 41:497 (April, Maritime law. L'Unification du droit maritime et la conférence diplomatique Morocco. De la condition juridique des étrangers au Maroc au point de vue Nationality. Le domicile de guerre et le principe de nationalité. Ernest Nys. 9:149. Nationality. De la nationalité d'une Anglaise qui a épousé un Français ou un Nationality. Ueber die Stellung der Ausländer im schweizerischer Bundesstaatsrecht. J. Hartmann. Zeitschrift für schweizerisches Recht, 26:98. Netherlands-Belgium. Les projets d'entente Hollando-Belge. Angel Marvaud. Revue politique et parlementaire, 52:91 (April, 1907). Newfoundland and the "Modus Vivendi." H. C. Thomson. National Review, April, 1907. Peace Congress in New York. W. T. Stead. American Review of Reviews, 35: 591 (May, 1907). Persia. La condition juridique des étrangers en Perse. J. Greenfield. Journal de droit international privé, 34:257. Persia. Notes sur la Perse. Bachir. Questions diplomatiques et coloniales, 23:222. Private property. Exemption of private property at sea from capture in time Sir William R. Kennedy. Yale Law Journal, 16:381. of war. Protectorates. Du protectorat colonial et de la sphère d'influence (hinterland). P. Fiore. Revue générale de droit international public, 14:148. Russo-Japanese war. Règlements et instructions du gouvernment japonais sur le traitement des subjets russes pendant la guerre russo-japonais. Traduction et remarques de Masanosuké Akiyama. 3ème article. Revue de droit international et de législation comparée, Deuxième Série, 9:211. Russo-Japanese war. Troubles causés au commerce maritime des neutres dans la guerre russo-japonais. (Traduit de la Marine Rundschau, décembre, 1906, par M. Fournier, lieutenant de vaisseau en retraite.) Revue maritime, 172: 482. San Francisco school question. The compromise in the Japanese controversy. Edwin Maxey. Yale Law Journal, 16:400. Siam. Le traité franco-siamois. Robert de Caix. Questions diplomatiques et coloniales, 24:60. South America. Gli Stati Uniti ed il commercio dell'America de Sud. S. L. Rocca. Rivista d'Italia, 10:243 (Feb., 1907). Territorial jurisdiction. Claims of territorial jurisdiction in wide bays. A. H. Charteris. Yale Law Journal, 16:471. Territorial jurisdiction. Foreign trawlers and territorial waters. Blackwood's Magazine, 181:430. Territorial jurisdiction. The recent controversy as to the British jurisdiction over foreign fishermen more than three miles from shore: Mortensen v. Peters. Charles N. Gregory. American Political Science Review, 1:140. Turkey. England and Germany at Constantinople. Sidney Whitman. Fortnightly Review, May, 1907. Turkey. De la nationalité en Turquie. E. R. Sulem. Journal de droit international privé, 34:51. War. Nuovi Appunti e discussioni di diritto bellico (a proposito de qualche recente pubblicazione). S. Gemma. Rivista di diritto internazionale, 2:80. APPENDIX (The following list forms part of the article on International Congresses and Conferences of the last century as forces working towards the solidarity of the world, by the Honorable Simeon E. Baldwin, which is printed at page 565 of this JOURNAL.) List of memorable international conferences, congresses, or associations of official representatives of governments, exclusive of those mainly concerned in dealing with the results of a particular war. Congress of Panama, June 22 to July 15. Four powers represented. Favored the abolition of privateering. Adopted a scheme for biennial congresses of the same powers (and annual ones in time of war), which was not ratified. 1826. 1830-1831. Conference of London (began December 30) between five powers establishing the perpetual neutrality of Belgium. 1847-1848. Congress of Lima (December 11 to July 8) to form an alliance of American republics. Five powers represented. A confederation agreed on, and a postal convention, but never ratified.1 1851. First International Sanitary Conference, held at Paris. Twelve powers represented. A convention affecting the navigation of the Mediterranean executed by five powers. Later conferences held in Paris in 1859; Florence, 1867; Vienna, 1874; Washington, 1881; Rome, 1885; Venice, 1892; Paris, 1893 and 1897. 1853. Maritime Conference for the Adoption of a Uniform System of Meteorological Observations at Sea. Held at Brussels, August 23 to September 8, on the initiative of the United States. 1853. General Conference as to Statistics, held at Brussels, on the initiative of Belgium. Twenty-six powers were represented. A permanent international bureau set up, at Rome, since 1885 (Institut international de Statistique). Publishes a bulletin. Meets biennially. 1856. Congress of Santiago as to a Continental Treaty of Alliance. Three powers represented. Treaty signed, ad referendum, but never ratified.2 |