CHRONICLE OF INTERNATIONAL EVENTS WITH REFERENCES Abbreviations: Ann. Sc. Pol., Annales des sciences politiques, Paris; Arch. dipl., Archives diplomatiques, Paris; B., boletín, bulletin, bollettino; B. A. R., Monthly bulletin of the International Bureau of American Republics, Washington; Doc. dipl., France: Documents diplomatiques; Dr., droit, diritto, derecho; For. rel., Foreign Relations of the United States; Ga., gazette, gaceta, gazzetta; Cd., Great Britain: Parliamentary Papers; Int., international, internacional, internazionale; J., journal; J. O., Journal Officiel, Paris; Mém. dipl., Mémorial diplomatique, Paris; Monit., Moniteur belge, Brussels; N. R. G., Nouveau recueil général de traités, Leipzig; Q. dipl., Questions diplomatiques et coloniales; R., review, revista, revue, rivista; Reichs-G., Reichs-Gesetzblatt, Berlin; Staatsb., Staatsblad, Gröningen; State Papers, British and Foreign State Papers, London; Stats. at L., United States Statutes at Large; Times, the Times (London); Treaty ser., Great Britain: Treaty Series. September, 1906. 19 INTERNATIONAL. Convention signed at Berne by France, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Belgium, Denmark, Italy, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Roumania, Russia and Switzerland, additional to the international convention signed October 14, 1890 (State Papers, 82: 771, 796; N. R. G. 19:289), respecting transportation of goods by rail. J. O., July 26, 1907. December, 1906. 19 HOLY SEE. Protest addressed to papal nuncios against seizure December 11, 1906, by France of papers of Mgr. Montagnini at Paris. R. gen. dr. int. public, 1907, Documents, 22; Lémonon: Les rapports de la France et du Saint-Siège, R. dr. int. et leg. comp. 9:415; Fullerton: Church and State in France, National R., May, 1907. January, 1907. 30 PORTUGAL SPAIN. Act of the international commission on marking the Guadiana River with buoys and lights. Approved by exchange of notes June 5, 1907. Ga. de Madrid, June 25. February, 1907. 14 GERMANY-SWITZERLAND. Treaty signed at Berlin; ratifications exchanged at Berlin July 16, 1907; proclaimed in Germany July 19, 1907. Attestation of public records. Reichs-G. 1907, Nos. 33 and 34. 18 GREAT BRITAIN-NORWAY. Extradition agreement signed at Christiania. Provides that the treaty between Great Britain and Norway and Sweden, signed June 26, 1873 (N. R. G. 1:570), shall remain in force in so far as its provisions apply to Norway alone, and declares certain additions to the offences set out in Article II of said treaty. Treaty ser., 1907, No. 19. An order in council of Great Britain under the extradition acts, 1870 to 1906, applied in the case of Norway, those acts in accordance with the said treaty and additional agreement. London Ga., July 9. March, 1907. 3 DENMARK-ITALY. Declaration signed at Rome respecting protec tion of industrial models and designs. Italian royal decree promulgating, August 5, 1907. Ga. Ufficiale, September 10. 5 BELGIUM-GREAT BRITAIN. Convention signed at London supplementing article XIV of the treaty of extradition signed at Brussels, October 29, 1901 (State Papers, 94:7). In the relations of each party with the extra-European colonies and foreign possessions of the other, the periods fixed after arrest for request for extradition and production of evidence are extended to two months and three months respectively. Treaty ser., 1907, No. 16; Monit., July 8 and 9. Ratifications exchanged at London, April 17, 1907. British order in council putting in force, July 6. London Ga., July 9. See February 11, 1907. 13 UNITED STATES. Ratification by President of convention signed at Rio de Janeiro, August 13, 1906, continuing in force until December 31, 1912, the convention for arbitration of pecuniary claims signed at Mexico January 30, 1902 (Documents 1:303), excepting the third article, which is abolished. Ratification advised by U. S. Senate March 2, 1907. For text, see B. Min. Rel. Ext. (Quito) 1:212; and Report of delegates of U. S. to Third Int. Conf. of Amer. States, p. 71. 21 BELGIUM NICARAGUA. Ratifications exchanged at Guatemala of treaty of extradition signed at Guatemala, November 5, 1904. Monit., June 1; B. Usuel, June 1. April, 1907. 11 9 JAPAN. Amendment of Emigrant protection act. Emigrant transports are defined to be those that carry fifty or more to localities to be specified later. Hawaii, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Peru, Argentine Republic and Canada have since been specified. FRANCE-GREECE. Convention of extradition signed at Athens. French law authorizing ratification, July 1, 1907. J. O., July 3. 15 GREAT BRITAIN-PANAMA. Ratifications exchanged at Panama of treaty of extradition signed at Panama August 25, 1906. London Ga. 1907, p. 5597; Ga. Oficial (Panama) January 27, April 18; Treaty ser., 1907, No. 25. 19 18 GUATEMALA. Ratification of three conventions with Salvador, Honduras and Costa Rica, signed at San José, September 24 and 25, 1906, q. v. B. A. R., June. Costa Rica has also ratified these. Mensaje dirigido al Cong. nac. por el presidente.... January, 1907, Tegucigalpa; Memoria....rel. ext., January, 1907, Tegucigalpa. GUATEMALA. Ratification of convention signed at Rio de Janeiro August 23, 1906, in regard to patents, industrial models, literary and artistic property, etc.; also of the convention signed at Rio de Janeiro August 23 on international law. B. A. R., June. GUATEMALA. Ratification of two conventions signed at Rio de Janeiro August 13, 1906. Pecuniary claims and naturalized citizens. B. A. R., June. 20 21 MEXICO. Ratification of convention for the creation of an International Law Commission signed at Rio de Janeiro August 23, 1906. Diario oficial June 25. See April 19. 22 BELGIUM-DENMARK. Declaration signed at Brussels concerning reciprocal protection of industrial designs and models. Monit., August 8; B. Usuel, July 9. Ratifications exchanged at Brussels, July 9, 1907. 22 GUATEMALA. Ratification of Geneva convention signed July 6, 1906, for bettering the condition of wounded and sick soldiers in the field. B. A. R., June. See May 27, 1907. 24 COLOMBIA-PERU. Approval by National Constituent Assembly of boundary treaty signed at Bogotá September 12, 1905. Submission of boundary difference to arbitration of the Pope. B. A. R., August; Diario oficial (Bogotá) April 30. See July 6, 1906. 25 COLOMBIA-PERU. Approval by National Constituent Assembly of treaty of general arbitration signed at Bogotá, September 12, 1905. Diario oficial, April 30. See July 6, 1906. April, 1907. 26 COSTA RICA-GREAT BRITAIN. Agreement for the exchange of postal money orders signed at San José. Treaty ser., 1907, No. 17; La Gaceta, May 4; B. A. R., June. 27 FRANCE SPAIN. Ratifications exchanged at Bayonne of declaration signed at Bayonne June 1, 1906, approving boundary procès-verbal. J. O., June 3. COLOMBIA ECUADOR. Colombian law approving treaty signed at 30 BOLIVIA-CHILE. Agreement signed at Santiago additional to treaty signed October 20, 1904 (For. rel. 1905; Mem. del min. rel. est. 1903-5, Santiago, 1907). Chile agrees to make definite annual payments in lieu of guaranteeing interests, relative to the construction of certain lines of railway. Mem. rel ext., La Paz, 1907. May, 1907. 3 GREAT BRITAIN-PERU. Agreement signed at Lima for the exchange of postal parcels. Signed at London, February 22, 1907. Cd., 3671. 11 10 BRAZIL ECUADOR. Treaty of commerce and river navigation, signed at Rio de Janeiro. Ann. dipl., 5:188; R. dipl., June 16. SALVADOR. Ratification of the eighteen conventions signed at Rio de Janeiro at the Third International Conference of American States, 1906. B. A. R., August. GERMANY. Adhesion for its protectorates to the convention signed at Paris May 18, 1904, for the protection of women against the "traite des blanches." Reichs-G., 1907, No. 42. Denmark has adhered for Iceland and the Danish West Indies; Great Britain has adhered for Canada, Newfoundland, Australia, Bahamas, Guinea, Trinidad, Barbados, Windward Islands, South Rhodesia, Senegambia, Gold Coast, North Nigeria, British Central Africa, Malta, Gibraltar, Ceylon, Seychelles, Jamaica, Sierra Leone, Somaliland, Hongkong, and St. Helena. Of non-signatory powers, Brazil adhered May 15, 1905, and Austria-Hungary January 18, 1905. Staatsb., 1907, No. 79. See October 22, 1906, and December 31, 1906. 14 SPAIN SWITZERLAND. Convention of arbitration signed at Berne. Ratifications exchanged at Berne, July 9. Ga. de Madrid, July 20. May, 1907. 16 NETHERLANDS-UNITED STATES. Commercial agreement signed at Washington. Netherlands obtains reduction of duty on Dutch spirits under Section 3 of the Tariff Act approved July 24, 1897; United States obtains certain reductions of duty on American meats. A continuance of the most favored nation treatment which the United States has without treaty basis been receiving from Netherlands is virtually guaranteed during life of this agreement by privilege of denouncing. 17 BRAZIL COLOMBIA. Ratification by Colombia of boundary treaty signed at Bogotá April 24, 1907. Diario oficial, May 25; B. A. R., August. See April 24, 1907. 17 COLOMBIA ECUADOR. Ratifications exchanged at Bogotá of telegraphic convention signed at Bogotá May 5, 1906. Diario oficial (Bogotá), May 22, 1907. 27 GERMANY. Ratification deposited at Berne of Geneva convention signed July 6, 1906. The German proclamation, May 29, 1907, recites the declaration made by the first German delegate at the first plenary session of the Conference June 12, 1906, whereby Germany assumed the rights and obligations under the 1864 convention of the following signatories: Prussia, Bavaria, Hesse, Saxony, Wurtemburg, and Mecklenburg-Schwerin. Reichs-G., 1907, No. 25. Ratifications of the 1906 convention were deposited at Berne by Siam January 29; Russia and the United States February 9; Italy March 9 (Ga. Ufficiale, August 2, 1907); Great Britain, Switzerland and Kongo, April 16; Mexico, June 4 (Ga. oficial, August 21); Denmark, June 11; Brazil, June 18; Belgium and Luxemburg, August 27; Venezuela (Treaty ser., 1907, No. 30); Nicaragua (Treaty ser., 1907, No. 22). B. Usuel, August 15; Monit., September 19. See April 22, 1907 and August 24, 1907. 28 BRAZIL. Decree adhering to convention signed at The Hague July 29, 1899, for the pacific settlement of international conflicts. Diario official, May 30. See June 14, 1907. 30 CHINA-JAPAN. Agreement signed at Peking respecting establishment of maritime customs office at Dalny, and inland waters steam navigation. A provisional arrangement, to be replaced in the spring of 1908 by a revised agreement supplemented by an ordinance, the former to be prepared by the Japanese minister and the Inspector General of Customs, and the latter by the |