COPYRIGHT, 1907, BY THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF INTERNATIONAL LAW Stanford Library OCT 5 1955 341.05 CONTENTS THE INTERNATIONAL CONGRESSES AND CONFERENCES OF THE LAST CENTURY AS FORCES WORKING TOWARD THE SOLIDARITY OF THE WORLD. Simeon INTERNATIONAL UNIONS AND THEIR ADMINISTRATION. Paul S. Reinsch.. 579 AMERICAN IDEALS OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS. Albert Bushnell Hart.... 624 THE EXTENT AND LIMITATIONS OF THE TREATY-MAKING POWER UNDER THE SECOND PEACE CONFERENCE AT THE HAGUE. David J. Hill.... STATE LOANS IN THEIR RELATION TO INTERNATIONAL POLICY. Luis M. Drago, 692 The National Arbitration and Peace Conference at New York.... First Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law.. 729 The Growth of International Law under a Permanent Court of Arbitra- SUPPLEMENT - IMPORTANT TEXTS OF AN INTERNATIONAL CHARACTER. THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW is supplied to all members The annual subscription to non-members of the Society is five dollars per Single copies of the JOURNAL will be supplied by the Publisher at $1.25 Applications for membership in the Society, correspondence with reference THE LEGAL NATURE OF INTERNATIONAL LAW. James Brown Scott.. THE HISTORY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE. Gaillard Hunt.. THE AMERICAN CONSULAR SERVICE. Wilbur J. Carr..... CITIZENSHIP AND ALLEGIANCE IN CONSTITUTIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL LAW. WOULD IMMUNITY FROM CAPTURE, DURING WAR, OF NON-OFFENDING PRIVATE PROPERTY UPON THE HIGH SEAS BE IN THE INTEREST OF CIVILIZATION? SUPPLEMENT-IMPORTANT TEXTS OF AN INTERNATIONAL CHARACTER. THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW is supplied to all members The annual subscription to non-members of the Society is five dollars per Single copies of the JOURNAL will be supplied by the Publisher at $1.25 per copy. Applications for membership in the Society, correspondence with reference |