THE BRITISH PULPIT. THE NEW COMMANDMENT. REV. J. M. RODWELL, A.M. ST, SEPULCHRE'S CHURCH, SKINNER STREET, NOVEMBER 29, 1835. "A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another. as I have loved you, that ye also love one another."-JOHN, xiii. 34. THE religion of Jesus, is the religion of love, love in its origin, love in its manifestation, love in its fruit. It sprang out of the infinite compassion of the divine mind: it was wrought out amid benevolence unexampled, and selfdenial unequalled: and its effect is peace in the sinner's bosom, the peaceable fruit of righteousness in his life and conversation, the smile of a reconciled God, the sight of his face in glory, the embrace of his everlasting love. And this free, this full, this everlasting salvation which God has provided for his fallen creatures, is set before us in the text, as the Christian's model in providing for the wants and in exercising affection towards his fellow men: "A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another: as I have loved you, that ye also love one another." In that memorable night when divine love, and infernal malice had each their perfect work, these solemn words were spoken. In that night when Jesus was betrayed into the hands of those who thirsted for his blood, and the wondrous scheme of man's redemption was brought to its accomplishment-when nothing now remained of his stupendous undertaking, but to be led like a sheep to the slaughter, and to make his life a sacrifice for sin; in that trying hour, when the powers of darkness were about to display on him their last and utmost effort, this solemn charge was given to those disciples whose loyalty remained as yet unshaken, to "love one another as he had loved them." From all eternity he had loved his own, and " having loved them, he loved them unto the end." And now when he was about to manifest that strength of love, which should throw into the shade every other display of Jehovah's goodness; when Calvary was about to exhibit the master-piece of heavenly compassion, he proclaimed this to be the pattern, this the stimulus, this the security for our love to man, that in the view-the believing view of his cross, we should behold a new commandment, and feel 2 VOL. V. B |