THE METHODIST NEW CONNEXION MAGAZINE, AND EVANGELICAL REPOSITORY, FOR THE YEAR 1853. VOL. XXI.-THIRD SERIES. VOL. FIFTY-SIX, FROM THE COMMENCEMENT. LONDON: WILLIAM COOKE, EDITOR AND BOOK-STEWARD, METHODIST NEW CONNEXION BOOK-ROOM, PREFACE. To write the preface of a periodical publication is often, doubtless, a painful task. If there be present to an Editor's mind the facts of inefficient support, and a diminished circulation; or if he be sensible of not having been able to meet the requirements of the day, his reference to the sum of the year's labours must be made with feelings of disappointment, and perhaps of despondency. It is not, however, with feelings of this nature that we have to review the closing year. By the enlargement of the Magazine, with which we were enabled to commence it, a wider scope for exertion has been afforded, and we have been enabled to present to our readers a richer variety, as well as a considerably larger amount, of matter. We have thus been enabled to place ourselves, more fully than before, in ' harmony with the stirring and progressive times in which we live-to furnish ampler provision for the intellectual appetite-to keep our readers more fully informed in reference to scientific discovery, and to exhibit on a wider scale the connection between science and the principles of Revealed Truth. That the Connexional department of the Magazine has had its full share of space and attention, we scarcely need say. We consider it no small privilege to place on record the events, many of them so deeply interesting and important, which are transpiring in the various parts of our beloved Community. It is with infinitely greater pleasure that we chronicle the erection of schools and chapels, revivals of the work of God, or the happy deaths of our pious members, than it would afford us to record the most splendid victories which could be gained by our fleets and armies. We have been sustained and cheered in our labours, not only by kind expressions and favourable opinions, but also by a considerable enlargement of our circulation. The increase of subscribers to the Magazine, during the present year, has fully justified the liberal decision of the Committee in reference to its enlargement. Our friends |