and we cannot command the funds to pay them, even if they could be obtained. Besides, in the present state of progress, an additional supply of native help by no means lessens the demand for missionaries. The larger the number of soldiers and subordinates, the more captains and generals are needed. We hope indeed that the time will come, when these also, if any are required, may be native born; but the time is not yet. Native pastors of native churches are beginning to appear among us, and we hope that the day for native evangelists and native missionaries is not far distant; but at present, and for some time to come, there should be a strong body of foreign missionaries. The stronger our force and the more efficient our operations, the sooner, humanly speaking, will the day come when the work may be given over to natives. The churches should consider this matter well. This meagre support, this feeble mode of operation, is anything but economical. It would be called by merchants, if transferred to their mercantile concerns, ruinous. Oh that we could make Christians at home see, as we see, the wants of this mission field! How much is to be done here for Christ, and how little strength have we to do it! Will you not-ye whose souls have been redeemed by the blood of the Son of God-send your sons and daughters to rescue from the world of perdition these millions who, with a lie in their right hand, are wending their way thither? Will not some of those just ready to gird themselves for the "holy calling," who, like Paul and with his spirit, are inquiring, "Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?" respond to the call extended to them from this needy part of Christ's vineyard, and "come over and help us?" * * The world affords no scenery more beautiful and sublime, no clearer skies, nor purer air and water, nor richer fruits, than are found here. "Only man is vile," and only the gospel can raise him from his deep degradation. PASUMALIE. LETTER FROM MR. TRACY, DECEMBER 1, 1856. The Seminary. MR. TRACY first refers to the class formerly mentioned as having been admitted to the seminary, who were to pursue Tamil studies only. At the time of admission, this class numbered thirteen. Three others were subsequently received, and five left during the year, two on account of sickness. "The hope that some of these young men might soon be admitted to the church," he writes, "has been realized, and I have been permitted to welcome ten of them to its privileges. One other, has expressed an earnest desire to be made partaker of the same privileges, but though I have been much pleased with his earnestness, I have, for several reasons, thought best to have him wait a while longer. Another class, of smaller boys, has been admitted from the boarding schools. Two or three of these give pleasing evidence of seriousness, if they have not, as they hope, already chosen the Lord for their portion." One young man, who had been in Mr. Taylor's employment for some years as a catechist, has been studying in the seminary for several months with a view to the pastoral office. "By his diligence in study, and his unassuming character, he has secured the esteem of all who know him here; and by his consistent and earnest piety, as well as by his knowledge of divine truth, he gives promise of much usefulness as pastor of a native church." Of the teachers, Mr. Tracy says, "they have, as heretofore, been indefatigable in the performance of their duties. Their labors in the seminary leave them but little leisure, but what they have had, has been diligently employed, in various ways, for promoting the cause of Christ." "Attempts have been made to unsettle their minds, and turn their attention to more profitable employment in the service of government, but, I am happy to believe, without success." Five hundred and sixteen portions of Scripture, and six thousand four hundred and eighty-four tracts have been put in circulation by the students and teachers during the year. "Their subscriptions for evangelical objects have amounted to fifty-six rupees, which, though a small sum in itself, is not so when regarded in connection with their circumstances." The special presence of the Holy Spirit has not been so manifest in the seminary as in some previous years, "but we have reason to believe that he has been in our midst, convicting of sin, and perfecting the work of grace in the hearts of his children." Government Schools. The interest excited by the action of government in regard to education has reached the seminary, and three of the boys have left to join government schools. The school in which one of these boys has become a pupil, Mr. Tracy says, "has contained about two hundred scholars; but recently the admission of a boy of the barber caste was the signal for rebellion, and about eighty of the scholars, mostly, if not entirely brahmins, left the school. Some of these soon returned and applied for re-admission; but they were informed that they could not come in until the next year, and then only on condition of paying the tuition money for the time of their absence, with a fine equal to two months' tuition fees. On these conditions they might be re-admitted to the school, but must take their place in classes below those which they left. This prompt and decided action will have a good influence, not only upon those immediately concerned, but upon many others who will thus learn that government will not tolerate caste when it interferes with their plans for the good of the people." "The use of the Bible in these schools is strictly prohibited, and no one would be allowed to address the scholars on the subject of religion." The only influence missionaries can exert upon the pupils, is that which they exert upon the community generally. This is true, however, only of schools established and supported entirely by government. "In schools which receive grantsin-aid, no restrictions are laid on religious instruction, but so many conditions are attached to the grants, as to make it very undesirable that we should have any thing to do with them." Ahmednuggur Mission. India. KHOKAR. LETTER FROM MR. BARKER, NOVEMBER 29, 1856. In this letter Mr. Barker gives some account of a tour which he made among the villages of his field in October, during which he saw much evidence of growing religious interest, which served to encourage him in his work and to call forth his gratitude to Him who is thus following the labors of the missionaries and their native helpers with the influences of his Holy Spirit. His letter will awaken like feelings in the reader. He left Ahmednuggur October 17, and was absent fifteen days. He was accompanied by two assistants, Rugooba, who was long a companion of Mr. Munger on his tours, and Kassumbhai, the young Mussulman convert who, with Shahoo Dajee, united with Ramkrishnapunt's church in June last. Their first stopping place was at Shingvaz, where they met Shiveran (the deacon) and several members of the church, for religious exercises. They stopped for the night at Senda, a small village four miles from Shingvaz. The tent was well filled at evening worship, and at sunrise the next morning they met an attentive company in the mahar quarter of the village. They found the people of Senda very friendly, and not wanting in hospitality. Religious Interest at Guhoo. On the morning of the 18th (Saturday) we moved on to the village of Guhoo, twelve miles distant, in a north-easterly direction. There we found much to encourage our hearts. A few mahars from this place had been to Ahmednuggur to ask for books and to request the mission to send them a teacher. From this circumstance we had been led to expect much there, but our expectations were far more than realized. I reached Guhoo, on my horse, at nine o'clock, A. M., and nearly all the time until noon was spent in conversation with inquirers, while waiting under the grateful shade of a tree for my baggage. They received me with the greatest cordiality, and did everything in their power for my comfort. In the evening, the tent was filled with a company of interested hearers. When they arose to leave, at half past nine o'clock, they said they had not yet eaten their evening meal. After supper they repaired to the chowdi, and remained till midnight with the catechists, conversing on religious subjects. The Sabbath (October 19) was a deeply interesting day. I shall not soon forget its labors and its joys. My soul did greatly rejoice in God at what we were permitted to see. At sunrise, thirty men and ten women assembled in the chowdi to receive instruction. An | tiful Parah. This is a large village, occasional question was asked, but nothing occurred to call off the attention of the people from the customary exercises of reading, singing, preaching and prayer. In the evening, a still larger company met in the same place, and such was the interest manifested, that the services were continued till a late hour. (lying on both sides of the river,) and is the place of the great annual pilgrimage and hook-swinging, in honor of the goddess Bhuwanee. Here also we were received very cordially, and were importuned to send them a catechist or teacher. They said, "We are ignorant, we are in the dark, and how can we learn without an instructor? You visit us so seldom that we forget what you say before you come again." Our hearts were cheered by seeing many indications of good in this important place. At Arnbee, six miles below Kolhar, on the Parah, we found several persons inquiring, and earnestly desirous to know the truth. We met large companies of mahars, in private houses, two successive evenings, as there was no public place of gathering. It was good to be there. Two or three persons manifested quite as much interest as any we met at Guhoo. With one consent the people urged us to come again. The Saturday following we arrived at Khokar, where we spent the Sabbath. About forty-five The Spirit of God had evidently been at work among that people. I found that five or six of the most prominent men among the mahars had ceased to worship idols, and had for some time been in the habit of meeting daily in the chowdi for reading the Scriptures and prayer. One of them appears to be a young man of most lovely character. He reads very well, and his attention in time of worship was remarkably reverential. I cannot doubt that some of them have already passed from death unto life. We found at least one evidence that they were living godly lives, for they have already begun to suffer persecution. They suffer much from the pateel of the village, (a wealthy and a very wicked man,) and also from other | persons assembled in the bungalow for of their own (the mahar) caste. In reply to some persons who threatened them with violence in case they persisted in forsaking their old religion, they said, "Why should we fear you, who, at best, can only injure our bodies? We ought rather to fear and obey Him who can destroy both soul and body." They are enduring their trials without a murmur, and even rejoice in tribulation. They importuned me to send them some one to instruct them and to teach their children. Two days since, a teacher went there to establish a school, and I have just received from him the names of nine men who are ready to embrace Christianity. Surely the Lord is at work there. Kolhar and Arnbee. On the afternoon of the 20th, we pitched our tent at Kolhar, six miles from Guhoo, on the banks of the beau service, both morning and evening. On the night of the 26th we pitched our tent at Pimpulgaum, midway between Khohar and Newase. I have never spoken to a more attentive company than we met there. The mahars presented, through their head men, an urgent request for a teacher. It was painful to feel obliged to go on our way and leave men so anxious to hear the truth. Pleasing Indications at Newase - Yesooba. You will rejoice to hear that there are encouraging indications in the large and wicked village of Newase. Maroti, who was for a long time teacher of the school for catechists in Ahmednuggur, moved to Newase last month and is doing a good work there. Two or three brahmans, several Mussulmans, and one sonar (gold-beater) come to him daily for instruction. The good influence of Ramkrishnapunt's teaching there, is very | who are desirous to be admitted to the that the ladies felt disposed to undertake | the public profession of religion on the e apparent. I trust God has chosen many souls to salvation in that strong hold of Satan. May he speedily bring to nought the idolatrous worship in the great temple of Mohun Raj, which stands in the centre of the town. The last place at which we gave instruction, was the village of Pimpulgaum, in the Chanday field. The Deputation will no doubt remember seeing Yesooba, who then gave such a glowing account of his religious experience. He is a man of wonderful energy of character and of uncommon devotion to the service of his Master. All the people of his village (both high and low caste) respect him, and he is exerting a good influence over them. He is training up his family in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. We spent a delightful evening at his house, where we met nearly all the mahars of the village. It rejoices our hearts to find such burning and shining lights scattered abroad among so many villages in the great valley of the Godavery. We returned home praising God for what we had seen during those few days, and feeling more desirous than ever before to engage in preaching to that multitudinous and rural population. It was particularly encouraging to find so good a work begun in places that had been so seldom visited, and some of which had scarcely been visited at all except by our native catechists. This is a fact that argues well for our future The inquirers at Guhoo and Arnbee said they had gained their knowledge of Christ chiefly at the pilgrimage at Kolhar, whither missionaries success. and native helpers had gone from time to itime to give instruction. "Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts." al church. We shall no doubt have a large accession at our next communion season. The Lord is graciously granting an abundant harvest. May he give us wisdom to instruct and guide the increasing flock! Nestorian Mission.-Persia. OROOMIAH. LETTER FROM MR. COCHRAN, OCTOBER 25, 1856. In this letter, Mr. Cochran first gives an account of a young Mohammedan who had recently been sent to the missionaries for instruction and counsel, and in whom they felt a deep interest. He came to them professing his full belief in the Christian religion and desiring baptism. Fully aware of the danger he would incur, he declared himself willing to profess Christ before the world at the cost of his life. He has been sent to Constantinople, "in the hope that, though compelled for the present to seek a refuge elsewhere, he will ere long be allowed to return and preach the gospel to his countrymen without hazard of his life." The interesting narrative will be found in the Journal of Missions for the present month. The attempted poisoning of the family of Deacon Joseph, at Dizza Takha, in the spring of 1856, will be remembered. The little son of Deacon Joseph, who ate freely of the poisoned food, died in October, probably from the effects of the poison. Mr. Stoddard has furnished a full account of the tour referred to below by Mr. Cochran, for which room can hardly be found at present in the pages of the Herald. Visit to Koordistan and Amadiah. Mr. Stoddard, Miss Fisk and myself have just returned from a tour of three weeks in the mountains of Koordistan. From Gawar we were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Rhea. We visited the districts of Ishtazin and Bass together. From that point Mr. Rhea and myself extended our journey to Amadiah, and joined the party on our return a week after, at Tekhoma. From Tekhoma we passed through the districts of Tâl, and up the Zab to Gawar. We were rejoiced the tour, and their successful experiment will give great encouragement to native helpers with their wives, who may be called to locate in those remote and comparatively inaccessible regions. But such tours, so fatiguing and trying to the nerves, will not probably be often repeated. part of the three eldest children of our mission. Their names are, Henry Martyn Perkins, Harriet Munroe Stoddard, and Lucy Myers Wright. The two first are in their thirteenth year, and the last, in her twelfth. These lambs of the flock are, as we trust, fruits of the precious revival with which our mission and The object of our visit to Amadiah the Nestorians were graciously visited was further to explore the district in last winter. It is with unspeakable joy reference to the formation of our conand gratitude-in some respects, I think, templated station on that side of the peculiar that the missionary parent is mountains. For a long time I have felt, permitted to recognize the covenant in common with my brethren, the exceed- faithfulness of God, in a land of darking importance of commencing opera- ness. And such are the intimate and tions there as soon as the government endearing relations of the different memshould be sufficiently settled to allow it. | bers and families of our mission, that the The mass of the people are on that side, and can never advantageously be reached from this. The plain of Oroomiah is fast becoming supplied with pious helpers, and maturing for important changes of civil and ecclesiastical relations, and it seems extremely desirable that that portion of the people should share to some extent in this initiatory work, before any change shall take place which may tend to increase prejudice or bar those districts from our approach. The visit has greatly increased my own convictions of the desirableness of speedily commencing missionary operations there. Mr. Cochran proceeds to urge many reasons for the speedy occupation of the field, offering his own services for that purpose, if the Committee approve. The mission has also passed a resolution, "strongly in favor of occupying Amadiah, or some point in that vicinity, at as early a day as practicable." LETTER FROM MR. PERKINS, NOVEMBER Children of the Mission Professing MR. PERKINS writes and many will rejoice with these missionary parents as they read: The present month was ushered in by an event deeply interesting to us, viz. interest of this occasion was by no means limited to the parents of the dear children who have thus avowed the Lord to be their God. Their joy and gratitude were largely shared by our entire circle. Some of the younger children of our mission cherish the hope, that they too are lambs of Christ's flock. Time will test the validity of their hopes. We trust that they also, at no distant day, may come with their parents to the table of the Lord. How faithful is God to fulfill his promises to his servants-nor least of all to his missionary servants. The death of Mrs. Stevens, "the wife of our kind friend, the English consul at Tehran," is mentioned. She died of cholera. Unfriendly Attitude of the Government. The agent of the Persian government, in charge of the Nestorians, is becoming more troublesome to us and our helpers, not only in attempting to enforce the definite orders of his government in regard to our labors, but also in carrying out the informal instructions, (as he now avows them,) to annoy us all in his power, by stirring up our enemies, who have influence among the masses, to oppose us and worry and oppress the evangelical Nestorians in every possible way. accordance with a suggestion from Mr. Khanikoff, Dr. Wright and Mr. Stoddard In |