Nestorians:-Letter from Mr. Wright. Library University of Texas Austin, Texas 115 face of reproach, sacrifice and suffering. This severe ordeal will doubtless prove a blessing to them and the great cause. 1857. are starting off for Tabreez, to consult | best interests of our work, even in the with him and see if anything can be done to induce the government to check the evil doings of its agent here, in regard to our mission. Mr. Khanikoff is personally very kindly disposed towards us; but we are not yet informed that he is authorized by his government to extend to us regular Russian protection. It is reported that the Shah threatens to make the contest with England a religious war, in case the English shall enter his dominions. In such an issue, (though we trust it will not occur,) when wild fanaticism would be rife throughout the kingdom, we shall of course need all the human succor we can properly obtain, though our chief reliance must still be on the Lord. The Schools-Cheerful Hope. Mr. Perkins mentions that Barth's Church "We History and a Scripture Geography prepared While there is enough in our present circumstances to lead us to draw somewhat largely on the resources of faith, in regard to the future, there is still enough in our past experience of the divine goodness, nor less in the divine promises, and much also in the encouragement we have in our work, to rebuke despondency, and constrain us still to trust in the Lord. Sunshine and fair weather, we believe, will succeed the pending storm, and a brighter sunshine than has yet dawned on Persia. The time of man's necessity is God's opportunity. We will therefore hope for the best, while we try to be prepared for the worst. Indeed, if we and the churches feel and pray as we ought, may we not hope that the months before us will be a season of unprecedented blessings to this people and this land. LETTER FROM MR. WRIGHT, DECEMBER 4, 1856. Correspondence with the Russian Consul. Our male seminary is unusually full, and there are more applicants for admission than can be received. The female seminary is also full, and was never more promising than now. Our village schools, being more subject to annoyance from tools of the evil agent of the government, will be likely to suffer much the present season; yet it would not be strange, if in this respect the Lord should deal far better with us than our fears. Preaching the gospel was never more extensively and vigorously prosecuted by the mission and its helpers than now, and never with more encouragement on the whole. It is due to our helpers and Nestorian friends to state, that in these dubious times, they manifest very commendable firmness in standing by the mission, and in seeking to promote the | Khanikoff, the Russian consul, is at pres MENTION is made above, of the intended visit of Messrs. Stoddard and Wright to the Russian consul at Tabreez. This letter from Mr. ment towards the mission, and the critical Mr. Stoddard and myself arrived at Tabreez the 26th ultimo. On the 28th we rode out to Nehmat Abad, a village about ten miles from this city, where Mr. ent residing. learn, that he had not applied to his We were surprised to ❘ to the people to go to their preaching. (10.) That an Iltizam (written obligation) be taken from the missionaries, that they will not send preachers to any village, or other place. (11.) That girls and boys be not taught in the same schools.' ernment for authority to protect us, as he expected we should make a formal application to him, whenever we desired it; whereas the subject had been only brought to his attention in the course of a private correspondence. We shall of course at once make the application. The consul was kind and cordial, and we held a full and extended consultation with him on the present state of our mission. He was ready to aid us unofficially, all in his power. On the 29th, he wrote to his Persian secretary in town, directing him to have an interview with the Kâim Makâm, the Governor of Azirbâjäm, and ascertain his disposition in relation to the course of the Persian agent in Oroomiah. On the 2d inst. we received from him the following note. "You see that in these orders there is much ill will towards you, and also many contradictions. (1.) The number of schools is thirty, but they are to be only in the places of the residence of the missionaries, which are two. (2.) The education of girls is forbidden, but it is said that girls must not be taught with boys. (3.) It is not defined how many scholars a school may contain. "If it meet your views, we will bring to the notice of the Kâim Makâm these contradictions, but in any case I think you will do well to confer with Meerza Aly Akbar, to whom I write to call upon you, and to concert with you as to what it is best to do. I much regret that all these delays will keep you here so long, but as to what you desire, if we arrive at any thing it is only by patience. "P. S. I have forgotten to inform you, that the Kaim Makâm said, that if the two Asker Khans do any thing over and above the Firman, he is ready to prohibit them from it. This is not so badly devised to disembarrass himself of this affair, but in all reason this ground ought to be abandoned, for it will bring you to nothing." “The Kaim Makâm has given to Meerza Aly Akbar, (the consul's Persian secretary,) an evasive reply, saying that he did not believe the two Asker Khans (the Persian agent and the Governor of Oroomiah) would allow themselves to do any thing, not strictly in accordance with the orders from Tehran, which are, (1.) 'That the permission granted to the American missionaries to establish schools, be extended only to the province of Oroomiah, and not to that of Salmas. (2.) That the number of schools do not exceed thirty, and the number of scholars one hundred and fifty, (without indicating whether it The consul's secretary, who brought is for each school, or for all the schools.) this note to us, stated, that the following (3.) That these scholars be of the male orders were also from Tehran. (12.) sex. (4.) That the missionaries do not That the missionaries print no books induce any person to a change of reli- | conflicting with the existing religion of gion. (5.) Their scholars have no right Persian subjects. (13.) That whenever to be sent to preach under their direction, ❘ teachers or preachers are employed, it be nor to be placed in that office. (6.) That done with the knowledge and approbathey do not give instruction to girls. tion of the Bishops, Mar Yoosuph and (7.) That they do not teach their own Mar Gabriel.' These Bishops, you are language to the scholars of the country, aware, are unprincipled, wicked men, but that they limit themselves to teach and have been for many years bitter the language of the country. (8.) That opposers of our work. there be no school any where, but in the In addition to what the consul wrote, places of the residence of the American ❘ his secretary stated to us, that in accordmissionaries. (9.) That it be forbidden ance with Mr. Khanikoff's suggestion, he 6 told the Kâim Makam that it was not | orders to Asker Aly Khan to let things expedient for him to bear too hard upon remain as they were last year. 2. If he us, as we might be obliged to carry our refuse this, to lay before him the contracause to Tehran, where we should un- dictions which are in the Firman, and to doubtedly have the assistance of the request of him a delay, in order that these Russian Mission. The Kâim Makâm contradictions may be explained. This replied that he could not take the re- would be the best thing, for it is ten to sponsibility to revoke these orders; that one that he will not long remain here, when the Firman was sent to him two and that his successor will not dream years ago, he wrote to the government, of executing this order before he may raising objections to it, and intimating be influenced by your enemies. As to that we should get up an interest in that which concerns Tehran, I cannot opposition to it, which would make it say in advance, yea, or nay. If you difficult of execution; and the response wish, I will write to Mr. Anitchkoff, (the of the government was unequivocal, that Russian Minister at Tehran,) but in any the Firman must be executed. He case, I do not believe if one of you added, that if we thought best to go to presented himself at Tehran our Mission Tehran, we could of course do so. would refuse him its unofficial co-operation with the Prime Minister. Confer again with Meerza Aly Akbar. I have warmly re-committed your cause to him, and you may be sure that all that is in my power shall be done." As soon as Meerza Aly Akbar left us, we dispatched a messenger to the consul with the following queries. "1. Is there any reason to hope, that the Kaim Makâm will admit the orders of Asker Aly Khan to be suspended for the present and things to go on as in years past, or may we regard his statement to your Meerza as a final one, to which he will probably adhere? 2. What is your opinion now as to the expediency of our carrying the matter to Tehran? Is it your impression that the Russian Mission at the capital would interest themselves in our cause so far as to make an appeal to the King or Prime Minister, and to endeavor to procure a revocation of the Firman?" "P. S. It occurs to us to ask whether it is possible that the Kâim Makâm would consent to instruct Asker Aly Khan to suspend the execution of the Firman till application be made at the capital? This would procure at least a delay of several months and give us a quiet winter." The next morning we received the following note from the consul in reply. "I hasten to reply to your note of to-day, which I have just received. For the moment, I believe that which it is best to do is, 1. To return to the charge upon the Kâim Makâm, to engage him to give We called immediately upon the consul's secretary and held a long conference with him; urging him, if possible, to induce the Kâim Makâm at least to give an order suspending the execution of the Firman until the question could be referred to Tehran. This he proposed to do. With an English army on the borders of the country we have every thing to hope for from delay. Dec. 7. The messenger for Erzroom leaves to-day, and we forward our letters. Our business is as yet unfinished. We hope to obtain some order favorable to us to the authorities in Oroomiah, though not of such a nature as we could wish. It may put off the evil day, and in the meanwhile Providence may interpose in our behalf. GAWAR. LETTER FROM MR. RHEA, NOVEMBER 8, 1856. SINCE his return from Oroomiah, (June 1,) Mr. Rhea had enjoyed, unrestricted, the privilege of laboring in the villages on the Sabbath, and with but one exception, had visited from one to three villages each Lord's APRIL, day. The helpers also had rarely been absent | times proposing questions which showed from the villages. "I can only hope," he writes, "that these labors, feeble and unworthy enough, will not in the end be in vain. So far as I can see, there is no change for the better." Preaching to Travelers. For three months, this season, up to the time when Mrs. Rhea and myself left home to make a short tour in the mountains, I found considerable, and I trust not unprofitable, missionary employment in meeting with and preaching to the travelers who pass and repass this way for purposes of trade. I had often stood at my window and seen them from the different districts passing in large companies, and longed to sound in their ears the good news of salvation through Christ. But they were in haste and had no disposition, of their own accord, to call upon us, and receive instruction. If I invited them to our house, it would have been rude, according to the universal custom of the country, to have sent them away without placing bread before them. As this could be done with so little expense and inconvenience, and as it promised to be a hopeful department of missionary work thus to meet the mountaineers from different districts and various villages, I ventured to try the experiment, and thus far it has appeared to work well. Mr. Perkins, when visiting with us in the summer, became much interested in these mountain travelers, and strongly urged the experiment. that they were not merely giving the hearing ear, but also the understanding heart. During the three months, we had between five and six hundred, who were guests in our house, and who heard, many for the first time, the glad tidings of salvation through Christ. The expense attending this department has been about thirty dollars. May we not hope that some, if not many, have received the word into good and honest hearts. These efforts have at least had the effect to draw the mountaineers into closer sympathy with our station, to remove many of their unfounded prejudices, and to secure for our helpers who go among them, a more cordial reception. Southern Armenian Mission.- Turkey. Division of the Armenian Mission. As is generally known, it was sometime since decided to be expedient that the Armenian mission should be divided into two, the Northern and Southern. At a regular meeting of delegates, held at Aintab in November last, the Southern mission was duly organized. It embraces the following stations, viz. Aintab, Aleppo, Antioch, and Marash. Oorfa is also to be occupied as a station as soon as possible, the mission having designated Mr. Nutting to that place, with the expectation, however, that he will remain at Aintab until spring. In regard to that place, the committee on the proper supply of the field, write: "At the annual meeting of the Armenian mission in May, 1854, it was voted that Oorfa demanded two missionaries; and certainly Many did not find time or inclination the necessity of the place has not become to call, while many others were glad to less since God has blessed the feeble and rest themselves and their mules, sit in interrupted labors which have been expended the shade, eat a morsel of bread, and there to the calling out of a little church of listen to a portion of the Scriptures, as six members, who need, and long, and beg for some one to teach them the way of God read and explained. We had an average more perfectly; that they may be built up in of about eight a day. On some days the faith, and become to the thirty thousand we had none, and on others as many as of Oorfa, and the other thousands of the field thirty. Not unfrequently we had a little of which Oorfa is the centre, what the church company of thirty mountaineers from at Aintab, organized with about the same number in 1848, has been to the whole field different villages seated in our yard durof our mission-a light in the darkness-a ing our evening service, listening with living witness to the truth of the gospel. apparent interest to the truth, and often- | Every member of our mission felt, that even with our present number of missionaries in the field one should be designated to Oorfa, and that our brethren there should be immediately informed of such designation, that their hope, long deferred, might not be utterly extinguished. Yet, though the missionary designated was willing and desirous to proceed at once to his station, it was thought by all, that the great amount of missionary labor to be performed at Aintab, particularly the importance of carrying on the system of theological instruction, plainly required that Dr. Pratt should not remain alone through the winter." The mission also, "in view of the many openings in the villages around Antioch, and the wants of the thousands of Armenians in Adana and its vicinity," appeal to the Prudential Committee for the immediate designation of another missionary to that portion of the field. ANTIOCH. LETTER FROM MR. MORGAN, DECEMBER 18, 1856. MR. MORGAN had recently spent two months at Aintab, and with reference to the great work which has been accomplished there he remarks: "It is useless to attempt to describe the emotions we feel on entering that church and looking about on that great congregation. To see them unite in the services of the sanctuary with so much fervor, and at times tenderness, is, I am sure, one of the most gratifying sights to the Christian in the whole East." The Work at Kessab and Vicinity. When Mr. Morgan wrote he had just returned from a visit of a few days at Kessab, where he found many things of an encouraging and some of a trying character. He writes: I am sorry to be obliged to say, that our hopes of a change in the feelings of the pastor's wife were not well founded. She did appear well for a time, but if the Spirit was really striving with her, she grieved him away and became worse than before. After giving her husband all the trouble possible, she determined to return to Aintab. The pastor is in many respects left in an uncomfortable condition, yet on the whole he is, I think, able to give himself more quietly to his work than before; but, of course, as there is no hope of or wish for his wife's return, we cannot expect that the relation so happily instituted between Polat and the Kessab brethren, will be a permanent one, as he cannot be a long time separated from his children. This we all deeply regret. He seems to be just the man needed in that church. He is a strong man, with a strong propensity to lead, and generally leads in the right direction, so that any erratic tendencies among the people are checked; and he is very useful and acceptable to the church and congregation. I have strong hope, that if he were to remain, both he and the people would soon get into the spirit of the peculiar relation of pastor and flock. But if God closes up the way, we ought to be very thankful for an unmistakable expression of his will, however great our disappointment may be. The congregation there is up to its highest number, and seems to be pervaded by a deep interest in spiritual things. I could not but notice the thoughtful, solemn expression upon the faces of many as they walked out of church after the service. The pastor tells me that this has been the case for some weeks. The school is in a most gratifying condition, numbering about eighty pupils. The teacher, a young man from Killis, gives great satisfaction. There are several young men of families attending regularly, and pursuing their studies with great zeal, who seem to be actuated not so much by a desire to acquire knowledge, as to gain something that they can use for the spread of the gospel. They expressed great thankfulness that they were enjoying such privileges, and begged, with earnestness, an interest in my prayers. But better than this school, in my estimation, is the movement among the women. There are more than eighty of them now learning to read. The priest, Margos, goes about from house to house giving them their lessons, and they are taking hold of study with great |