The Corresponding Secretaries of the Board are Rev. RUFUS ANDERSON, Rev. SELAH TREAT, Rev. SWAN L. POMROY, and. Rev. GEORGE W. WOOD. Letters relating to the Mis sions and General Concerns of the Board, may be addressed SECRETARIES OF THE A. B. C. F. м. Missionary House, 33 Pemberton Square, Boston. Letters intended for the Corresponding Secretary resident in New York may be addresse Rev. GEORGE W. WOOD, Bible House, Astor Place, New York city. Donations and letters relating to the Pecuniary Concerns of the Board, (except letters the subject of the Missionary Herald,) should be addressed JAMES M. GORDON, Treasurer of the A. B. C. F. M. Missionary House, 33 Pemberton Square, Boston. Letters relating to the Missionary Herald, Journal of Missions and Youth's Daysprin and remittances for them, should be addressed AUGUSTUS DURANT, Missionary House, 33 Pemberton Square, Poston. The following arrangement has been made in the system of General Agencies by the Pru dential Committee, with a view to greater efficiency in the organizations for raising funds. Districts. NORTHERN NEW ENGLAND: Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont, MASSACHUSETTS: SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND: Connecticut and Rhode Island, NEW YORK CITY: New York city, Long Island, River Counties as Delaware, Otsego, Oneida and Lewis Cos. for a District Secretaries. Rev. WILLIAM WARREN. Rev. ISAAC R. WORCESTER, Auburndale, Ms. Rev. ORSON COWLES, North Haven, Ct. [The care of this district is among the dutie devolving on Mr. WOOD.」 dison, Chittenden, and Franklin Cos., Vermont, Rev. J. H. PETTINGELL, 114 State st. Albany, N. NOTICE TO COLLECTORS AND DONORS. The Herald will be sent gratuitously-To every Donor, who does not prefer taking it a subscriber, and contributes to the Board, in a year, not less than ten dollars: To ever Collector, who collects, during the year, not less than fifteen dollars: To the Treasurer every association or society, contributing, during one year, not less than twenty dollars: To th pastor or stated supply of every congregation which contributes to the treasury of the Board through the monthly concert or otherwise. It may be proper to add that the Herald is no sent to the members of the Board, as such, whether corporate, corresponding or honorary. Persons entitled to the Herald, as subscribers, or gratuitously, according to the foregoin regulations, who do not receive it, are requested to give information of the failure. Person receiving it, but not entitled to it as subscribers, or gratuitously, are requested to return it. Those who are entitled to a copy of the Herald gratuitously, can have a copy of the Jou nal and Dayspring instead, if they prefer it. A copy of the Annual Report of the Board will be given to every association that com tributes twenty dollars or more, during the year. Treasurers of Associations and Auxiliaries are requested to give information respectin the number of gratuitous Heralds and Reports required. LEGACIES. In making devises and legacies to the Board, the entire corporate name, -" The America Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions," should be used; otherwise the intent the testator may be defeated. |