The Missionary Herald, Volumes 53-54Board, 1857 Volumes for 1828-1934 contain the Proceedings at large of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. |
From inside the book
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Page 108
... meetings on the Sabbath . Last Sabbath , we appointed a meeting in the morning , and lo , our congregation , of seventy - five or a hundred , were at the door before breakfast time ! We post- poned eating till after service - rejoicing ...
... meetings on the Sabbath . Last Sabbath , we appointed a meeting in the morning , and lo , our congregation , of seventy - five or a hundred , were at the door before breakfast time ! We post- poned eating till after service - rejoicing ...
Page 112
... meeting daily in the chowdi for reading the Scriptures and prayer . One of them appears to be a young man of most lovely character . He reads very well , and his attention in time of worship was remarkably rever- ential . I cannot doubt ...
... meeting daily in the chowdi for reading the Scriptures and prayer . One of them appears to be a young man of most lovely character . He reads very well , and his attention in time of worship was remarkably rever- ential . I cannot doubt ...
Page 118
... meeting with and preaching to the travelers who pass and repass this way for purposes of trade . I had often stood at my window and seen them from the different districts passing in large companies , and longed to sound in their ears ...
... meeting with and preaching to the travelers who pass and repass this way for purposes of trade . I had often stood at my window and seen them from the different districts passing in large companies , and longed to sound in their ears ...
Page 120
... meeting for the females , which is well attended . This meeting has often been attended by Armenian women , who wonder what a woman has to do with prayer . The work in the hamlets around Kessab is going on encouragingly . Sev- eral ...
... meeting for the females , which is well attended . This meeting has often been attended by Armenian women , who wonder what a woman has to do with prayer . The work in the hamlets around Kessab is going on encouragingly . Sev- eral ...
Page 122
... meetings char- called him to be useful in his vineyard . acterized by most earnest and solemn He was born and brought up on the attention ; and new cases of religious shores of the Adriatic , in the ancient awakening and conversion ...
... meetings char- called him to be useful in his vineyard . acterized by most earnest and solemn He was born and brought up on the attention ; and new cases of religious shores of the Adriatic , in the ancient awakening and conversion ...
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1st cong 1st pres 2d cong 2d pres 33 Pemberton Square Agent Ahmednuggur Aintab American Board Arabkir Asker Asker Khan asso Assyria attend Baghchejuk Beirut Bible bishop Boston brethren called Cesarea chapel chil Christ Christian church coll congregation cons Constantinople consul copies district Divrik dollars dona East Jersey Essex co field Gawar Geghi gent girls gospel Greek Haven Hohannes hope hundred interest Journal of Missions Kâim Makâm Kessab Kharpoot Kolhar Komr Koord labor letter Lord Marsovan meeting Miss Missionary Herald Missionary House months Mosul native helper Nestorian North Haven Oroomiah Pasha pastor persecution persons prayer preacher preaching present prev priests Protestant Protestantism pupils R. D. ch received Sabbath says Scriptures seminary sent South station teacher Tehran tion truth Turkish Turks vartabed village West worship York city young Yozgat