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fruma godspelles hælendes crist sunu godés suæ

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1 *INITIUM euangelii ihesu christi fili dei 2 sicut scriptum est in

est in esaia

engel min befora onsione sin sexe foregearuas wege Xin ecce mitto angelum meum ante faciem tuam qui praeparabit uiam tuam.

done witgo
propheta. I. [1] ii.

stefn cliopendes

m. ciii. lu. lxx.

3 *Uox clamantis * 2. i.

lu. vii. io. x.

mt. viii.

in * 3. vi.

mt. viiii.

in woestern gearuas
woeg drihtnes rehta doewyrcas stigageongas his
in deserto parate uiam domini rectas facite semitas eius.

was iohannes 4 *Fuit iohannes


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woestern gefulwade J bodade
deserto baptizans et praedicans baptismum paenitentiæ in remissionem peccatorum.

foerende wæs foerde to him

all iudæa lónd Ja hierusolomisco waras alle

ງ weoron gefulwad

egrediebatur ad illum omnis iudae regio et hierosolimitae uniuersi et baptizabantur

from him in Iordanenes stream ondetende synno hiora

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ab illo in iordane flumine confitentes peccata sua. 6 *Et erat

herum camelles. J gyrdils fellera ymb sído his J lopestro J wudu hunig waxes on wudu bînde pilis cameli et zona pellicia circa lumbos eius et lucustas et mel siluestrae

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nam ic wyrde fore-hlutende undoa Juongas
non sum dignus procumbens soluere corrigiam calciamentorum eius.

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æfter mec his +æs
post me cuius

ic fulwade iwih

8 ego baptizaui uos

mt. xi.

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CAP. I. 1. on fruma godspelles hælendes cristes sunu godes 2. swa awriten is in esaia pone witgu henu ic sende engel min beforan onseone pine sepe foregearwax weg þinre 3. stemn cliopande in westenne gearwigað weig drihtnes rehte wyrcap doað stige+gongas his 4. was iohannes in westenne gefulwade ♬ bodade fullwiht hreownisse in forgefnisse synna 5. færende wæsł foerde to him alle Iudeas londe da hierosolimisca alle ♬ gefullwade from him in iordanes streame ondetende synna heora 6. ♬ was iohannes gegerelad gewedad mix herum cameles ♬ gyrdels fellenne ymb lendenu his ♬ waldstapan loppestra 3 wudu huniges wæxep on wude bendum ♬ þ brucende wæs 7. 1 bodade cwepende cymep dom strongre mec æfter me as this nam ic wyrde fore-hlutende undon-Floesan pwongas gescoas his 8. ic fulwade eowic in wætre he wiotudlice gefulwax eowic mið gaste halgum


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a nazareth

n þam dagen com se hælend fram Uenit ihesus nazareth galilée. I was ge-fullod galilée 7 bapon Iordane fram Iohanne.

10 7 sone of þam wætere. he ge-seah opene heofenes 7 haligne gast swa culfran astigende. on hym wunede.

11 1 pa was stefen of heofene pus cwedende pu ert min ge-lufede sune. on de ic gelicode.

12 And sone gast hine on westen genedde.

13 he on westene was feortig dagen. 1 feortig nihte. 7 he was fram sathanas ge-costned. 7 he mid wilde deoren wæs. 1 J hym ængles peneden.

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tizatus est a iohanne in iordane.

ydde iohannes ge-seald wæs com Preteriens se hælend on galileam godes rices. mare galilée

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16 pa he ferde wið þa galileiscæ sæ. He ge-seah symonem J andream his broder heore nytt on pare sæ lætende. so lice hyo wæren fissceras.

17 1 þa cwæð se hælend cumeð æfter me. ic do gune þæt gyt beod sawla on-fonde. 18 7 hyo pa rædlice hym felgdon 1 forleten heore nytt.

19 panen hwon agan. he ge-seah iacobum zebedei J iohannes his broder. 7 hyo on heore scype hyre nyt logeden.

20 he hyo sona clepede 1 hyo heora fader zebedeo on scype for-leten mid hyrlingen.

Various Readings.


9. dagum. 10. sona; watera. 11. heofenum; ge-worden [for pus cweɣende]; eart. 12. sona; genydde. 13. feowertig daga feowertig nihta; satanas costod; wildeorum was; englas penedon. 14. Sye; halend; bodigende. 15. heofone riche ge-neahlac; ded-bote; ge-lyfað. galileisca; brotor hyra; þara; lættende; solic; waren fisceras. 17. inc [for gunc]. 18. hin [so; for hym]; fyligdun; hyra nyt. 19. þanan; brdor [so]; heora; hyora nytt logoden. 20. 7 he hi; for-lætenum; hyrlingum.

ihesus secus

uidit symonem andream fratrem

eius mittentes retia in mare.

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gaast swelce of-stigende J wunigende in æmon him spiritum tamquam columbam descendentem et manentem in ipso

wæs of heofnum ðu arð sunu mîn leaf on Sec ic wel licade est de caelis tú és filius meus dilectus in té complacui.

J stefn geworden 11 et uox facta


1 sona de gást 12 *Et statim spiritus expellit * 6. ii.

feortig næhta J wæs acunnad
noctibus et
et temtabatur

æfter on onnea

lu. xv. mt. xv.

hine on woestern eum in desertum.

ງ was in woestern feoertig daga J
13 et
erat in
in deserto xl diebus et xl

14 †Postquam autein

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from dæm wiɣerwearde I was
mis wilde deorum englas geherdon him
satana *Eratque cum
et angeli ministrabant illi
ge-sald wæs iohannes cuom se hæl in galilea
godspell rices godes
traditus est iohannes uenit ihs in galilaeam *Praedicans euangelium regni dei

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15 ́ et * 9. vi.

mt. xx.

ร gelefes

gefylled is tîd ric godes hreowigas dicens quoniam impletum est tempus et appropinquauit regnum dei paenitemini et credite

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sæ galilæs ge-sæh done simon ♬ andreas broker 16 *Et praeteriens secus mare galilaeae uidit simonem et et andream fratrem * III.

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foerde Xona lytel huon gesæh iacob
19 *Et progressus inde pusillum uidit iacobum zebedæi et iohannen

Ja ilcothia in scip fratrem ejus et ipsos in naui

mixxy forleort faeder his

relicto patre suo

zebeɣies sunu Jone iohannem

* 11. vi. mt. xxii.

gesetton ða netto componentes retia.

J sona 20 et statim

geceigde hia J
uocauit illos et

zebedeus in scip mið ðam celmertmonnum fylgedonłfylgende weron hine him
zebedaeo in naui cum mercinnariis
sunt eum.


9. aworden was in dagum dæm cwom þe hælend from nazare pære byrig to galilea 7 gefulwad was in iordanen from iohanne 10. 7 onstyde astag of wætre geseh ontynde heofunas 7 gastes halga swilce culfra of dune stigende 7 wuniende in him in æm 11. 7 stæfn geworden was of heofune pu eart sunu min leof on de ic wel licade 12. J sona de gast draf hine on westen 13. 7 was on westen feowertig daga feowertig næhta wæs acunnad from þæm wiɣerwearda was mix wilde deorum englas geþegned on herdon him. 1 14. æfter pon wutudlice gesald was iohannes com se hæ in galilea bodade godspelles rice godes 15. J cwepende forpon gefylled is tide to-genealacede rice godes hreowsiap gelefap in godspell. 16. færende bi sæ galilea gesæh simonem is petrus andreas broðer his hia sendende nett on sæ werun forþon fisceres 17. ♬ cwap heom to se hæ cumap æfter me ♬ gedoa eowic ge beopange seon fisceres monnum 18. ricenlice miðþy forleten nett fylgende werun him 19. foerde ponan lytel hwon gesæh iacobus zebedes sunu 3 Iohannes broder his pa ilcahia in scip gesetton nett 20. sona Sariht geceigde hia 7 mispy forlet fæder his zebedeus in scipe mix þæm hyremonnum fylgende wærun him

Erat enim

docens eos quasi potestatem habens. A.

Et protinus

egredientes de

sinagoga uenerunt in domum

21 7 ferdon to cafarnaum sona restedagum he lærde hi on gesamnunge. ingancgende

22 hi wundredon be his lare;

Soplice he was hi lærende swa se þe

anweald hæfð. næs swa boceras.

23 on heora gesamnunge wæs sum man. on unclænum gaste 1 he hrymde

24 1 cwæ eala nazarenisca hælend hwæt

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24 cwæð. eala nazarenisca hælend hwæt is us 7 þe. com u us to for-spillanne. ic wat is us 7 pe. ງ come þu us for-spillan. Ich þu eart godes halga; wat þu ert godes halge.

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symonis et an mid iacobe J Johanne;

dreæ. A.

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30 So lice pa sæt simonis swegr hriðigende hi him be hyre sædon. 31 ge-nealæcende he hi up ahóf hyre handa ge-gripenre. 7 hrædlice se fefor hi forlet. heo penode him;

32 Solice pa hit was æfen geworden þa sunne to setle eode. hi brohton to him ealle þa unhalan. I pa de wode wæron.

33 7 eall seo burh-waru was ge-gaderod to þære duran.

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ihesus capharnaum statim sabbatis ingressus synagogam docebat


nd rædlice of hyora samnunge he Egrediente

Al comenon 5

ihesu de syna

comen on symonis 7 andreas hus goga uenit in

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domum symonis andréé.

Various Readings.


21. A. capharnaum; B. Capernaum. A. hig. A. ingangende. 22. A. hig (bis). 23. A. gesomnunge. 25. A. þyssum. 26. A. clypigende. 27. A. hig (bis). A. be-tweox. A. hig. 29. A. ge-somnunge; B. gesamnuncge. A. hig. A. symones. 30. A. symones. A. sweger; B. swegr (altered to sweger). A. hriðiende. A. hig. 31. A. hig. A. fefer hig. 32. A. æfen wæs. A. hig. 33. A. dura.

Various Readings.

21. sona; dagum. 22. lære; lerende; anweld; boceras. 23. here; was; man on unclænum. 24. nazareniscea; eart. 25. cedde; pisum men. 27. wundredon; be-twux eom; nywe; anwalde unclænum gastum be-beot; hersumiað. 28. ríce. 29. End hræddlice; hyra; hí comon. 30. simonis swegr hridigende; sægdon. 31. ge-neahlæcende; hyo [for hi]; heo [for hyo]. 32. afen geworden; hio [for hy]; un-halan. 33. seo burhwara; gegaderod; dura.


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21 *Et ingrediuntur

capharnaum da burug 7
capharnaum et statim sabbatis ingressus synagogam docebat eos. 12. viii.

ineode foerde to somnung



lu. xxiii.



quasi potestatem

hæbbende hæfde

* 13. ii.
lu. iiii. xxiiii.
mt. lxii.

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7 swigdon styldon ofer wæs forɣon lærende hia swalce he 22 *Et stupebant stupebant super doctrina eius erat enim docens eos

uðuta et non sicut scribae.


was in somnung monn in gast J of-cliopade 23 *Et erat in synagoga eorum homo in spiritu inmundo et exclamauit * IIII. 14. viii.

24 dicens quid nobis et tibi

lu. xxv.

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J Se su hælend de nazare cwome u losige to losane úsig ic wat hwæt u ar
nazarene uenisti

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J wundrande weron alle Sus te hia gefregndon bituih him cuoedende huæt æt is ðis huælc 27 et mirati sunt omnes ita ut conquirerent inter se dicentes quidnam est hoc quae

lár diusas niua forxonte in mæht

J gastum

unclænum hâtas

exmodiga him

doctrina hæc noua quia in potestate et spiritibus inmundis imperat et oboediunt ei.

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foerde gesprang mersungmerðu his
rumor eius statim in omnem regionem galilaeae.

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J andreæ mið
simonis et andreae cum iacobo et iohanne.

gelegen wæs Xa symones febrende wæs J sona cuoeða cuedon him of ærlof dæm 30 decumbebat autem socrus simonis febricitans et statim ei de illa.

Jcwom-geneolecde ahof da ilca accedens eleuauit eam

31 et

hal from februm ge-emb-ehtade him febris et ministrabat eis.


♬ miððy ge-grippen was hond his J reconlice forleort hia
et praehensa manu eius et continuo dimisit eam

efern Sonne uutedlicea geward mixxy to sett eade sunna 32 uespere facto cum occidisset sol geferedon gebrohton to him alle yfle hæbbende J diowbla afferebant ad eum omnes male habentes et demonia

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21. ♬ infoerdun capharnaum þære byrg 7 sona reste-dagas infoerde ineode to somnu[n]gum gelærde hia 22. swigadun stylton ofer lære his wæs forpon lærende hia swilce swa hæmæhte hæfde 7 no swa uɣwutu 23. 1 wæs in somnungum heora monn in gaste unclænum oft cleopade 24. cwæbende hwæt us 7 de þv hælendæ nazarenisca come pu to losane lorene usic ic wat hwæt þu þu eart halig god 25, bebeod → beboden is him se hæ cwæbende swiga þu gaa of Sæm menn gast unclæne 26. 1 bitende bat hine gast de unclæne of-cliopande stæfne micelre miccle ofeode from him 27.1 wundrende wærun alle pus pte hie frugno lascadun betwihc heom cwepende hwætis pis hwile lar þios das niowa is forpon in mæhte ♬ gastum unclænum hatap edmodað him 28. sprang foerde mersung merdo his sona instyderæpe in eallum þæm londe galilææ 29. 1 recene foerde of somnunga comon in hus... is petrus 7 andreas mix iacob 7 iohannes 30. gelegen wæs wutudlice swægre . is petrus fefer drifende ♬ ræpe cwedun to him of pæmt of pære 31. 1 com geneolacede ahof ða ilca ♬ miðþy gegripen was hond his 3 ricenlice forlet hio hal from ridesohte gedrif 7 geþæignade heom 32. æfen wutudlice þa gewarð miðpy to sete eode sunne gefoerdun brohtun to him alle pa

yfle hæbbende deoful hæbende 33. 7 was alle castre burg gesomnad to dore geat.

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