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Dys sceal

on wodnes-dæg

on þære fifteo

Jan wucan ofer

pentecosten A. B.

Et uenit ad eum leprosus deprecans eum et genu flexo

34 he manega gehælde pe missenlicum ádlum gedrehte wæron. 1 manega deofolseocnyssa he ut adraf. 7 hi sprecan ne lét. forpam hi wiston phe crist wæs;

35 And swide ær arisende he ferde. on weste stowe J hine þar gebæd

36 him fyligde simon. 7 pa de mid 1 him wæron.

37 1 þa hi hine gemetton hi sædon him. eall pis fole de seco;

38 pa cwæð he fare we on ge-hende túnas ceastra. pic dar bodige. witodlice to dam

ic com.

39 7 he was bodigende on heora ge-samnungum ealre galilea. 1 deofol-seocnessa ut adrifende;

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leprosus depre cans eum J genu flexo si uis potes me mundare.

wum him to cwæþ; Drihten. gif þu wylt du to cwæð. Drihten gyf þu wilt þu miht ge- dixit. Domine

miht ge-clænsian me;

41 So lice se hælend him ge-miltsode. J dixit domine si his hand apenode 7 hine æt-hrinende pus mundare. A. cwæ; Ic wylle. beo du geclansod.

uis potes me

42 1 pa he us cwed sona seo hreofnys him fram ge-wat. I he was geclænsod.

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Various Readings.


34. mislicum adlum; wæron; manega deofol-seocnyssa; let; wiston. 35. sunne omitted. 36. fylygde; wæron. 37. 3 þa hyo; gemetton; sægden; sect. 38. ceastras. hyra samnunge 1 ealra; deofol-seocnyssa. 40. reofola; gebigdum cneowum. 41. him ge-miltsode; apenede; æthrinende; ge-clænsod. 42. reofnyss; ge-clænsod. 43. sona; bead or beod. 44. warna þæt þa [sic]; nanum men; secge; ac ga ætyw; ealdra; þinra clansunga. 45. bodian; beon ute; westum stowum; æghwanon; comon.

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dioblas menigo he fordraf útafirdenalde leta spreca hiane lefde hia to spreccanne fordon wiston hine demonia multa eiciebat non sinebat quoniam sciebant eum * 16. viii.


loqui ea

lu. xxvii.


J on æring suiðe arás foerde+færend dona eode on woestigum stouołstyd der gebæd 35 *Et diluculo ualde surgens abiit in desertum locum ibique orabat. 36 et * 17. viii.


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bæd hine giornede hine I mix cnew-beging cuoes gif u wilt ðu mæht meh geclænsiga depræcans eum et genu flexo dixit si uis potes me mundare.

líc rower

lu. xxviii.

leprosus* VI. 18. ii.

se hæl 41 ihesus

Ja wæs milsande his ge-rahte hond his gehran thrínande him cues to him ic willo geclænsiga miseratus eius extendit manum suam et tangens eum ait illi uolo mundare.


7 mixxy gecues sóna foerde from him diu riofol ง geclansad was 42 et cum dixisset statim discessit ab eo

him sona draf hine ei statim eicit illum.

bec Sæm aldor

té principi

J. bebead

lepra et mundatus est. 43 et comminatus

cuoe him to gesih ðu þ nænigum menn du coede ah
44 et dicit ei uide
dixeris sed uade ostende


sacerda ງ gef fore
clænsunge Xin da de heht moises in cyðnisse him
sacerdotum et offer pro emundatione tua quae praecipit moses in testimonium illis.

lu. xxxiii.

mt. lxiii.

sox he foerde ongann bodiga J mersiga Þ word dus pte uutedlice ne mæhte ewunga 45 *Et ille egressus coepit praedicare et diffamare sermonem ita ut iam non posset manifeste * 19. x. in da ceastra ingeonga incuma ah uta in woestigum stowm was were 7 gesomnadon efne-gecwomon to in ciuitatem introire sed foris in desertis locis

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deofles monige he fordraft afirde 7 ne let
færende eode in westige stowe ł steyde

34. ♬ lecnade monige pa þe werun geswæncte missenlicum adlum him sprecan forpon he wisten hine 35. ♬ on æringe swiðe aras ♬ foerde 1 Xær gebæd 36. ♬ fylgende wæs him simon ♬ þaðe mið him wærun 37. miþay onfundun hine cwædun to him forpon alle soecap de 38. 7 cwæp to heom se hæł gá wełwutu gangan in þa nehsto lond ♬ þa cæstre pte ec ær ic bodige to disse forpon ic com 39. 1 wæs bodande in somnungum heora 7 alle galile 7 deoflas fordraft forwarp 40. 7 com to him licprowere bed bidende him 7 mid cneu begende beginge cwæp gif du wilt þu mæh me geclensige 41. se hælend witudlice pa wæs miltsende him gerahte honda his 7 hran him cwæp to him ic wille geclænsie 42. 7 mixþy cwæþ hræpe foerde from him þe hriofal ♬ geclensad wæs. 43. beboden was him hræpe 1 draf hine 44. 7 cwæp to him gesih du nænegum menn sæcgetcwepe ah gaa æteaw þe xæm aldor sacerd ♬ agef for clansunge pine pape heht moyses in cypnisse *æm 45. so he foerde ongan bodige ♬ mærsige word þus wutudlice ne mahte eawunga in a ceastre ingangantineode ah butan in westigum stowum wære gesomnadun ✈ efne-comon to him æghwonan from æghwilcum halfe


1 1 eft æfter dagum he eode into cafarnaum. I hit wæs ge-hyred he was on huse 2 manega togædere comon. 1 he to

heom spræc.

3 hi comon anne laman to him berende. pone feower men bæron.

4 þa hi ne mihton hine inbringan for þære mænigu. hi openodon pone hróf þar se hælend wæs. 7 hi pa in-asendan. bed þe se lama on læg;

5 So lice da se hælend geseah heora geleafan. he cwæd to pam laman; Sunu þe synt þine synna for-gyfene.

6 par wæron sume of dam bocerum sittende. J on heora heortum þencende

7 hwi spyco þes pus. he dysegað. mæg synna for-gyfan buton god ána;


8 Da se hælend on his gaste oncneow.


1 1 eft æfter dagen he code in-to capharnaum ♬ hyt was ge-hyred. † he was on huse 2 manege to-gadere comen 7 he to hem


3 hyo comen ænne lame man to him berende. pane feower men bæren.

4 þa hyo ne mihten hine in-bringen for þare manige hyo openedon pane rof þær se hælend was 1 hyo pa in-asende p bed pe se lame on laig.

5 So lice pa se hælend ge-seah heore ge-leafen he cwæð. to pam lamen. Sune þe synde pine senne for-gefene.

6 þær wæren sume of pam bokeren sittende J on heore heortan pencende

7 hwi spec pes pus. he desiged. hwa maig senne for-gefen buton god ane.

8 Da se hælend þæt on his gaste on-cneow.

phi swa betwux him pohton. he cwed top hyo swa be-tweoxe heom pohten. he cwæð him. hwi dence ge pas ding on eowrum to heom hwi þence ge pas ping on eowre heortan. heorten.

9 hwæder is edre to secgenne to pam laman. þe synd dine synna forgyfene. hwæder pe cweðan arís nim dín bed I gá. 10 ge solice witon mannes sunu hæfð anweald on eordan; synna to forgyfanne; He cwæd to pam láman

11 þe ic secge arís. nim pin bed. 7 gá to pinum huse

12 he sona aras. 7 be-foran him eallum eode; Swa pealle wundredon 3 þus cwædon. næfre we ær þyllic ne ge-sawon.

Various Readings.

Ch. ii. v. 1. A. capharnaum; B. Capernaum. 2. A. hym. 3. A. hig. A. ænne. 4. A. hig ne; B. hine [for hî ne]. A. mænigeo; B. mænigum. A. hig [for hi; bis]. A. openedon. B. þare [for par]. A. in-asendon. 5. A. synd. B. forgifen. 6. A. heortan. 7. A. hwig sprycð. 8. A. hig. A. betweox. A. hwig. A. heortum. 9. A. geðre [for eðre]. A. secganne. A. inserts before nim. A. bedd. 11. A. bedd. 12. A. heom [for him].

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Ch. ii. v. 1. dagum. 2. manega; comon; heom. comon; þanne; bæron. 4. mihton; meniga; þonne; þar; halend; in-asenden; lama; læg. 5. halend; heora geleafan; laman; synt; sinne for-gyfene. 6. þare waron; boceran; heora heorta. 7. desygað; mæg synna for-gyfen. 8. halerd; betwux; pohton; eowran heortan. 9. hweder his; segganne; laman; sind; synna for-gyfene; hweder de cweden; nim. 10. hafð; synnan; forgyfena; laman. 11. þinum. 12. sona; beforan; eallum; wundredon; cwæSon; pillic; þing omitted; ge-sawen.


eftersona infoerde capharnaum da burg æfter dagum



*te in hus


1 *Et iterum intrauit capharnaum post dies et auditum est quod est quod in domo esset. * 20. i. 7 sprecend was him spræc mt. lxx.

2 et conuenerunt multi ita ut non caperet neque ad ianuam et loquebatur

ງ efne cuomon monigo tus pte

ne mæhte foał nioma




him word

eis uerbum.

ร cuomon feredon brengende to him one eor-crypel se de from feowrum was geboren 3 et uenerunt ferentes ad eum paraliticum quí a quatuor portabatur.

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adune sendon

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lu. xxxvii. io. xxxviii.

bér on *æm se eor-cryppel laeglicgende wæs
patefacientes summiserunt grauatum in quo paraliticus

se hæł geleafo hioralara cuoeð dæm eord-crypple suna forgefen bixon de synno

ihesus fidem illorum ait paralitico fili dimittuntur tibi peccata.

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miððу gesæh

5 cum uidisset autem

weron uutedlice ter

6 erant autem illic
hwæt des swæus spreces
7 quid hic

ofðon sona ongætt
8 quo statim

to him huæt


sé dicit illis quid ista


miðöy ₺ oncneow cognito

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Hwæt is eaður to coexanne *æm eor-cryple forgefen biton de synno + 9 quid est facilius dicere paralitico dimittantur tibi peccata án

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hæfe sunu monnes on eorto forgefnise synno cwoeð dæm eorð-crypple habet filius hominis in terra dimittendi peccata ait paralitico.



Xin J gáa in hus grauatum tuum et uade in domum tuam.


de ic cuedo aris nim

11 tibi dico surge tolle

J sona he arás under-leat Þ bér eode 12 et statim ille surrexit sublato grauato abiit

before allum suæ pte of-wundredon
J hia worɣedun god cuoerende te næfra
omnibus ita ut ammirarentur omnes et honorificarent deum dicentes quia numquam

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Cap. II. 1. æfter sona hræde infoérdeineode capharnaum þe byrig æfter dagum 7 gehered was te in huse wære 2. 7 efne comon monige þus te ne mæhte foannioman ne to dore to geæte 7 sprecende was heomł him word 3. comon toferende bringende to him pone eord-crypel sexe from feowrum was geboren 4. ♬ miðþy hí ne mæhtun gebringan hine him for mengo genacadun unwreogon huspa bere þær he was 7 openedonopnende dydon adune sendun settun þa bere in ære pe eor-crypel læg licgende wæs 5 miðþy gesæh ponne se hælend geleafa heora cwæp to þæm eor-crypele sunu forgefen beopan de synne þine 6. weron wutudlice þær sume of upwutum sittende encende smeande in heortum heortum 7. hwæt þes us+swa sprecap heo folsap hwa mæg forgeofan forletan synne nympe ane god 8. of þon sona onget se hælend gast his pte swa pohtonsmeadon betwih heom cwæp to heom hwæt pas ge þencap in heortum eowrùm 9. hwæt is epre eaður to cweþanne þæm eorð-cryple forgefen beopun þe synne pine ope cwepan aris ♬ nimber bere pine ♬ gaa 10. þæt wutudlice witap ge pte he mahte hæfeð sunu monnes on eorpa forgefnisse synne cwæp to þæm eor-cryple 11. de ic sægce aris 7 nim bere pine 1 gaa to huse pinum 12. ♬ instyde he aras 7 under-leat bere eode beforan allum swa te ofwundradun alle 7 þa worþadun god cwepende

te hia næfre þus-swilc ne gesegun.


13 eft he ut eode to ære sæ. J eall seo menigeo him to com I he hi lærde.

14 7 pa he ford eode he ge-seah leuin alphei. sittende æt his cep-setle. J he cwad to him folga mé. pa aras he 1 folgode him. 15 hit gewearð þa he sæt on his húse manega manfulle. sæton mid þam hælende 1 his leorning-cnih tum; So lice manega þa de him fyligdon wæron

16 boceras farisei. 7 cwædon. witodlice he ýtt mid mánfullum ♬ synfullum. 1 hi cwædon to his leorning-cnihtum. hwi ytt eower lareow drincð. mid manfullum synfullum;

17 pa se hælend þis ge-hyrde he sæde him. ne beþurfon na da halan læces. ac da þe untrume synt; Ne com ic na pic clypode riht-wise ac synfulle.

18 J þa wæron Johannes leorning-cnihtas 1 pharisei fæstende. J pa comon hi 7 sædon him; Hwi fæstað iohannes leorning-cnihtas 1 phariseorum. 7 pine ne fæstad;

19 Da .cw. se hælend. cwede ge sceolan þæs brydguman cnihtas fæstan swa lange swa se brydguma mid him is. ne magon hi ne magon hi fæstan swa lange tide swa hi done brydguman mid him habbað;

20 So lice pa dagas cumað þonne se brydguma him bið fram acyrred. 7 ponne hi fæstað; On þam dagum

21 nan man ne siwap niwne scýp to ealdum reafe elles he afyrð þone níwan scyp. of þam ealdan reafe. I bip mare slite.

Various Readings.

13. A. mænigeo; B. minigeo. A. hig [for hi]. 14. A. ge-seh. A. lefin. 16. pharisei. A. hig. A. hwyg [for hwi]: 17. A. læcas. A. synd. 18. A. hig. A. hwig. 19. A. sculon. A omits from swa se to lange before tide. A. hig. 20. A. hig. 21. A. scep [for second scyp].

leuin alphej sedentem ad theloneum.

13 And eft he ut-eode to pare sæ. 7 eall Vidit ihesus syo manege hym to com 7 he hyo lærde. 14 pa he for-eode he ge-seah leuin alphei. sittende æt his cep-setle. I he cwæð to hym folge me. þa aras he 1 felgede hym.

15 I hit ge-war pa he sæt on his huse p manege manfulle sæten mid þam hælende his leorning-cnihten. So lice manege þa þe him felgden waren

16 bokeres pharisei. 7 cwæden witodlice he ett mid manfullen J synfullen. 7 hy cwæden to his leorning-cnihten. hwi æt eower lareow 7 drined mid mannfullen senfullen.

17 pa se hælend pis ge-hyrde he sæde heom. Ne be-purfen na þa halen læces. ac pa þe untrume synden. Ne com ic na þæt ich cleopede riht-wise ac synfulle.

18 ♬ þa wæren iohannes leorningenihtes 7 farisej fæstende. 7 þa comen hyo 7 segden him. Hwi fæsted Iohannes leorning-cnihtes " theesse dictad phariseorum 7 pine ne fæsted.

Accesserunt ihesum discipuli iohannis dicentes.

pharisei ieiufrequenter.

19 Da cwæ se hælend cwede ge. sculen Quare nos 1 pas bredgumen cnihtes fæsten swa lange swa namus se bredgume mid heom is; ne magen hyo fæsten swa lange tide swa hyo pane bredgumen mid heom hæbbeð.

20 So lice pa dages cumed pane se bredgume heom beod fram acyrred 7 panne hyo fæsted. On pan dagen

21 nanman ne sewed nywe scep to ealden reafe. elles he afyrd pane neowan scep of þam ealden reafe I by mare slite

Various Readings.

14. folga;

13. End (with coloured initial); seo menga. folgede. 15. ge-wear; manega manfulla sæton; halende; cnihtum; manega; fyligdon. 16. boceras farisei; cwædon; ytt; manfullum; synfullum; hyo cwæson; cnihtum ytt; drine; manfullum; synfullum. 17. be-þurfon; halan; synt; ic. 18. waron; cnihtas; pharisei; comon; sægden heom; Wwi (so, with coloured W for H); cnihtas. 19. halend; cwede; sculon; bridguman cnihtas fastan ; bridguma; magon; faston; ponne bridguman; him habbað. 20. dagas; ponne; brydguma hem by; ponne; fæstað. On þam dagum. 21. siwad; ealdum; pone niwan scyp;


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