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Dys godspel sceal innan hærefeste to scē iohannes

11 ♬ swa hwylce swa eow ne ge-hyrað.
þonne ge panon út gað ásceacad dust of

eowrum fotum. him on ge-witnesse;

12 And út-gangende hi bodedonhi
dædbote dydon

13 hi manega deofol-seocnessa út-adrifon. I manega untrume mid ele smyredon 1 gehældon;

14 And þa gehyrde herodes se cyng þæt; Soplice his nama was swutol geworden he cwad; Witodlice Iohannes se fulluhtere of deade aras. I on him synd forþam mægenu geworht;

15 Sume cwædon he is elias.


11 J swa hwilce swa eow ne here panne
ge panen ut-gað. áscaced dust of eowren
foten hem on ge-witnysse.

12 ut-gangende hyo bodedan hyo
deadbote dyden.

13 hyo manege deofel-seocnysse utadrifen. 7 manege untrume mid ele smereden ge-hælden.

14 End þa ge-hyrde herodes se kyng p. Solice his name was swutel ge-worden. 1 he cwa. Witodlice johannes se fulluhtere of deade aras. 1 on him synd for pan manege ge-worht

15 sume cwæden he is helias. sume cwædon he is witega swylce an of pam cwæden he is witege. swile an of pam

witegum ;

16 Da herodes ge-hyrde he cwad; Se iohannes pe ie be-heafdode se aras of deade; þe ic

17 Modlice herodes sende 7 hết iohannem gebindan on cwerterne. mæssan. Misit for pære herodiadiscan his broðar láfe phiuit iohannem. lippus. for þam de he nam hi;

herodes & ten

A. B.

18 pa sæde Iohannes herode. nys þe alyfed to hæbbenne pines broder wif;

19 Da syrwde herodias ymbe hine wolde hine of-slean J heo ne mihte;

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20 Solice herodes on-dred Iohannem J 20 So lice herodes on-drædde iohanne J
wiste he was rihtwis. 7 halig. 7 he wiste he was riht-wis. 7 halig. 7 he
heold hine on ewerterne. 1 he ge-hyrde heold hine on cwarterne. 7 he ge-hyrde p
he fela wundra worhte 7 he luflice him he fela wundre worhte 1 he lufeljce him ge-

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11. B. þanun. 12. A. B. hig. B. bodedun. A. B. hig.
13. A. B. hig. A. deofel-seocnyssa. B. smyrydon.
A. cyning. A. nama swutel geworden wæs. 15. B.
cwædun (2nd time). A. helias. 17. Rubric; B. adds-
et uinxit eum in carcerem propter herodiadem. A.
A. herodianiscan. A. broder; B. brodor.

21 Da se daig com herodes ge-berde-tide. he ge-garwede micele feorme his ealdormannen. 7 pam fermestan on galilée.

Various Readings.


11. hirað þonne; þanun; a-scacao; eowrum fotum
him. 12. bodedon; dædbote dydon. 13. manega deo-
fol-seocnyssa ut adrifon; manega; smyredon; ge-hæl-
don. 14. cyning; swutol ge- worden; þam mænega.
cwæson he his; cwædon; witega. swylce; witegum. 16.
ge-hyrde; Iohannes; bebeatdode. 17. Iohanne ge-bindam
(sic); cwærternum; broðor; for þam. 18. sægde; aly fed
to hæbbenne. 19. serwde (where MS. Hatton is wrong).
A. B. hig. 18. A. habbenne. 20. A. cwearterne. A.
20. on-dred iohanne; cwærterne; feola wundra; lufelice.
lufelice. B. gehyrde. 21. A. gebyrd-tyde; B. gebyrdtide. 21. ge-byrd-tide; gegarewode; mannon; fyrmestum; ga-
B. mycle. B. ealdor-mannon.



uinxit eum in

ter herodiadem.

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an from witgom unus ex prophetis.

deadum eft aras mortuis resurrexit.



ec cuocdon witgo is swelce uero dicebant propheta est quasi

missygeherde herodes cuoe one ic gecearf iohannen Sis from 16 *Quo audito herodes ait quem ego decollaui iohannen hic á

lv. xc.
mt. cxliii.

* 58. X.

se for on herodes sende J geheald iohannen geband hine in carcern 17 *Ipse enim herodes misit ác tenuit iohannen et uinxit eum in carcere * 59. ii.


hlaf philipes broder his for Son lædde propter herodiadam uxorem philippi fratris sui quia duxerat eum (sic).

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lu. xii. mt. cxliiii. cuoes for on 18 *Dicebat enim * 60. vi. mt. cxlv.

herodia uutedlice gesetnade 19 herodias autem insidiabatur

herodes for on ondreard iohannen wiste hine 20 herodes enim metuebat iohannen sciens eum

wer sodfæst J halig J geheald hine
♬ miðöy geherde hine menigo he gedyde 7 lustlice
uirum iustum et sanctum et custodiebat eum et audito
eo multa faciebat et libenter

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11. swa hwele swa ne onfoed iow ne gi-heres iow mix by gegas ona scæcas drygas da ascaðæt dvst of fotum iowrum in cynisse him 12. miðу gieodun to him forbodadun pte hreonisse dedun 13. J diowlas monige fordrifen 9 smiredun miðoele menigo untrymige 1 gihælde 14. giherde herodes cynig eowunga fordon giworden was noma his 7 cwæð fordon iohannes de fulwihtere eft aras from deade fordon hia un-woene sint mæhte in him 15. oðro wutudlice ...... odro soɣlice cwedun witga is swelce an from witgum

16. mixxy giherde herodes cwæ one ic ofceorf iohannen des from ... eft aras 17. sexe for on herodes sende giheold iohannen giband hine in cerc-erne fore herodiades lafe philippes broder his fordon lædde hine 18. cwæð forðon iohannes herodiade ne is gilefed de to habbanne lafe broder ines 19. herodiade wutudlice gisættnade him 7 walde of-sla hine ne mæhte 20. herodes wutudlice ondreord iohannes wiste hine wer soð-fæst dæt halig giheold hine giherde hine menigo he gidyde lust-lice hine giherdun (sic) 21. J miððу dæge macalice gicom gineolicade herodes cennisse his fearme dyde dæm aldur-monnum ♬ holdum ♬ forwestum galiles

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24 Đa heo út eode heo cwas to hyre meder; Hwæs bidde ic; pa cwap heo. iohannes heafod pæs fulluhteres ;

25 Sona pa heo mid ofste inn to bam cinincge eode. heo bæd 7 pus cwæd; Ic wylle du me hrædlice on anum disce sylle iohannes heafod; 26 pa wears se cinincg geunrét for pam ade. I for þam de him mid sæton; Nolde þeah hi ge-unretan.

27 ac sende ænne cwellere I bebead p man his heafod on ánum disce brohte; And he hine pa on cwerterne beheafdode.

28 his heafod on disce brohte 7 hit sealde þam mædene. mæden hit scalde hire meder;

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22. A. dohter in-eode 3 tumbade. A. cyning; B. cincg. A. mædenne. 23. A. byddest. 25. A. ofeste. A. into. A. cyninge. A. sylle on anum disce. 26. A. cyning. A. peh hig.; B. peah hig. 27. A. asende [for ac sende]. B. anne. A. cwelere. A. cwearterne. B. beheafdude. 28. A. inserts anum before disce. B. medyr. 29. A. hig. A. lychaman; B. lic (altered to lichamon). A. byrginne. 30. A. hig. A. B. hig. A. hig. 31. B. asundran. B. stowæ. A. agean-hwyrfdon. A. B. hig. 32. A. B. hig. A. on-sundron. B. stowæ.

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22 7 pa pa þare herodiadiscen dohter ineode 7 tumbede. hit licode herode. 7 eallen þam þe him mid sæten. Se kyng cwæð þa to þam meigdene. bide me swa hwæt swa þu wille. 7 ich pe sylle.

23 End he swor hire. Sodes ich pe sylle swa hwæt swa pu me bydst. þah þu wille half mine rice.

24 pa hye ut eode. hyo cwed to hire moder. Hwæs bidde ich. pa cwed hye. Iohannes heafed pas fulluhteres.

25 Sona þa hye mid efste in to þam kynge geode. hyo bad I pus cwæd. Ic wille p þu me rædlice on anen dissce selle johannes heafed.

26 Da war se kyng ge-unrot for pan. aðe. 1 for þam þe mid him sæten. Nolde pah hyo unrotan

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Various Readings.


22. hediadiscan (sic) dohtor; ealle ;. sæton; cyning; mægdene; ic. 23. End; ic; bitst; dead [for pah]; healf. 24. heo; ic; heo [for second hye]; heafod. 25. hyo; cynge eode heo; anum disce sylle; heafod. 26. wearð; cyning; þam [for þan]; sæton; þeah. 27. sende anne heafod; anum disce; cwærterne beheafdude. 28. heafod; mædene; mægden. 29. cnihtas; ge-hyrdon; lic namon; byrigene. 30. apostlas togadere comon; cydden; halende; dydon; lærdon. 31. sæde; Cumas; uton; restan; manega wæron; comon; hwærfdon; fyrst næfdon. 32. foron on


I miðdy in-eode dohter Jæræ herodiades ៗ plægede gelicade mixxy gelicade herode
filia ipsius herodiadis et salt asset et placuisset

22 cumque introisset
introisset filia ipsius

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ec mið ædgeadre *æm hlingendum cynig cuoeð æm mægdne giuigwilnig from me te u willt wælle 1
simulque recumbentibus rex ait
pete á me quod

ic sello e dabo tibi.






swor hir forson pte suæ hwæt Xu gegiuas ic sello Se dah se
23 et iurauit illi
quia quidquid petieris dabo

a half rices

tibi licet demedium regni

siu miðry from eode cuoe moeder hire huet ic giuge wælle hiu cuoes heafud iohannis mei. 24 quae cum exisset dixit matri suae quid petam et illa dixit capud iohannis miðöy inn-eode sona mis oefeste to cynige wilnade cuoeð ic willo te baptistae. 25 cumque introisset statim cum festinatione ad regem petiuit dicens uolo ut


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gecearf hine in carchern decollauit eum in carcere.

sceware ge-heht to gebrenga heafud his in disc J speculatore praecepit ad-ferri capud eius in disco et decollauit eum

to-brohte heafud his in disc ៗ salde 节 bær mægdne attulit capud eius in disco et dedit illud


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mægden cuoe moder his
dicit matri suæ.

puellae et


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geherdon Segnas his
audito discipuli eius uenerunt et tulerunt corpus eius et posuerunt illud in monumento.

J efne-cwomon *a apostolas to Sæm hælende eft-gesægdon him alle Jade dydon J 30 *Et con-uenientes apostoli ad ihesum renuntiauerunt illi omnia quæ

lærdon docuerant.


ne walde


egerant et * XVIII.
61. viii.
lu. xci.


J cuoe: to him cymes sundrig in woestig styd J
illis uenite seorsum in desertum locum et
in desertum locum et requiescite pusillum 62. x.

31 *Et ait




woeron foron aðe cuomon 1 eft-cuomon menigo ne
erant enim qui ueniebant et rediebant multi nec manducandi spatium habebant.

astigedon in scip foerdon in woestig styd sundur ascendentes in naui abierunt in desertum locum seorsum.

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22. mixxy in-eode dohter ære herodiades 7 plægede mægdne giowa from me sætte du wylt ic selo de

gilicade herode æc mið tæm hlionendum cynig cwæ Xæm 23. ♬ swor hir forðon forðon (sic) Xæte swa hwæt swa Xu giowas ic selo e ah be all half rice min. 24. dio mixxy from eade cwæd to moeder hire hwæt giowigo ih welle hio cwæ heofud iohannes æs fulwihteres 25. mið dy in-eode sona mix oefeste to dæm cynige wilnade cwæðic wyllo ætte recunlice du selle me on disce heofvd iohannes as fulwihteres. 26. Junrotsade was de cynig fore aðum giswornum ♬ for eo (sic) mið restendum nalde hia unrotsiga 27. ah sende sceawere sceawende wæs heht to gibrenga + to-brohte heofud his on disce giceorf hine in carc-erne 28. to-brohte heofud his on disce ♬ salde æt Sæm mægdne sæt mægden salde moeder hire 29. mið-xy giherdun degnas his comon læddun lic-homa his settun æt in byrgenne 30. 7 efne comun da apostolas to dæm hælende eft sægdun him alle sa e dydon 7 lærdun 31. J cwa to him cuma ge syndrige in woestige stowe 1 ræste him (sic) werun forðon da de comun J eft comun monige J ne etes firste hæfde 32. Jastægdun on scip foerdun in woestig stydstowe sundrige

33 gesawon hi farende. 7 hi ge-cneowon manega; And gangende of pam burgum þyder úrnon. I him beforan comon ;

34 And pa se hælend Sanon eode. he geseah mycele menegu. 1 he ge-miltsode him for pam pe hi wæron swa swa scép pe nanne hyrde nabbað; And he ongan hi fela læran.

35 þa hit mycel ylding wæs. his leorn

33 ge-seagen hyo farende 1 hyo gecneowen manege. End gangende of pam burgen þider urnen. 1 him be-foren comen. 34 pa se hælend panen eode. he geseah mycele menigeo. 1 he ge-miltsede heom. for pam pe hyo wæren swa swa scep þe nænne herde næbbed. 1 he on gan hyo feola læren.

35 pa hit mycel ylding was his leorning-cnihtas him to comon 1 cwædon. peos ing-cnihtes him to comen cwæden. þeos 7 stowe is weste J time is ford agan.

stow is weste 7 tíma is forð agán. 36 forlæt pas menegu. ge-hende tunas. him mete bicgan. 1


hi faran on hi

37 pa cwæð he sylle ge him etan; Ɖa cwædon hi uton gan. 7 mid twam hundred penegon hlafas bicgan. J we him etan syllað;

38 Ɖa cwæ he hu fela hlafa hæbbe ge. ga locia. I pa hi wiston hi ewædon. fif hlafas twegen fixas.

391 þa be-bead se hælend Sæt fole sæte ofer grene hig.

40 hi pa sæton hundredon 7 fiftigon. 41 J fif hlafum. twam fixum onfangenum he on heofon locode 7 hi bletsode. 1 pa hlafas bræc. 7 sealde his leorning-cnihtum. phi toforan him asetton. twegen fixas him eallon dælde

42 hi æton pa ealle 1 gefyllede wurdon; 43 And hi namon para hlafa. J fixa lafe. twelf wilian fulle;

44 Solice fif pusend manna para etendra


Various Readings.

33. A. B. hig. (twice). B. gecneowun. B. burhgum. 34. A. þanen. A. mænigeo. A. B. hig. A. sceap. A. A. nænne. A.B. hig. A. fæla. 35. B. leornineg-enihtas. 36. A. mænegeo. A. hig. A. faron; B. farun. A. bycgon. A.B. hig. 37. A.B. hig. A. penegum. 38. A. fæla. A. hyg. A.B. hig. 40. A.B. hig. A. hundredum. A. fyftegum; B. fiftigum. 41. A. heofen, A.B. hig. A. bletsade. A.B. hig. A. eallum. 42. A. hig. 43. A.B. hig. A. þæra. A. B. lafa. 44. A. þæra.

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33. ge-sawen; færende; manega; buhrgum; urnon; beforan comon. 34. panon; mene geo; ge-miltsode; waron; sceap; hyrde nabbað; læron. 35. cnihtas; cwæxon; tima. 36. menega; tunas; byggan; eton. 37. sylle; cwaɣon; vton; penegon hlafas bycgan; etan sylla. 38. hwu fele hlafa habbe; locias; cwædon; hlafas; twege fiscas. 39. heig. 40. sæton; fiftigum. 41. hlafum; fyxum; on-fangenum; locode; hlafas; cnihtas; to-foran; asetton; fixas dældon. 42. eten; wurdon. 43. namon þara; fisca; wylian. 44. para etendre wæron.

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