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J gesegon hia geongende J on-geton monigo J foexemenn J of allum 33 et uiderunt eos abeuntes et cognouerunt multi et pedestres et de omnibus ciuitatibus

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lv. xciii. io. sluiii.

3 geonduaearde cues to æm selles int. cxluii. 37 et respondens ait illis


selle we

J cuoedon him mixxy ge-eadon bycge we mix penningum tuæm hundum hlafo 7 eis manducare et dixeru[n]t ei euntes emamus denariis ducentis panes et dabimus

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J cuoe to him hu monig hlafo habbað gie gaað geseað J mixxy 38 et dicit eis quot panes habetis ite et uidete et cum

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hlafo J



locade in

mixɣy weron onfence fif
41 et
acceptis quinque panibus et duobus piscibus intuens in

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fulle J of fiscum

fa hlafo Xara screadunga
reliquias fragmentorum duodecim cophinos plenos et de piscibus.

before hia 7 tuoege
ante eos et duos

J genomon 43 et sustulerunt

woeron uutedlice a de

44 erant autem qui

brecon eton

fif Susendo wærowærana

manducauerunt quinque milia uirorum.

33. gisegun hiæ gongende ongetun comun monige foede men of allum cæstrum efne-giurnun xider J bifora comon hiæ 34. eode gisah micle reatas de hælend 1 milsende was ofer hiæ da de werun swelce scip ne hæfdun hiorde 7 on-gan læra hiæ feolu monige 35. J mixxy solice stondas monige werun to-gineolicadun degnas his` cwedend him unbyedwestig is stow is ec so tide is fore-giead 36. forlet hiałða þ hie gonge in a nestu gimæru lond byccas ceopias him mett a de eotas 37. Jondsworade cwas to him de hælend sellas Sæm iow mix to eotanne 7 cwedun him mixxy eadun gonege wega we mix peningum twæm hundreðum hlafa selle we him to eotanne 38. cwax to him hwæt hlafa habbas ge gas giseað miðoy oncneowun cwedun to him fife 7 twoege fiscas 39. 7 bibead him hiæ gisnide... alle æfter... ofer groenum hegge grese + 40. gi-dældun hiæ in... hundre erh fiftigum 41. mix-y werun on efenne fif hlafum J...locade on heofnas gibletsade bræca hlafas salde egnum his te hiæ gisette bifora hiæ 7 twoege fiscas dælde allum 42. etun alle gifylde werun 43. ginomun da lafe dara scradunga twelf ceowlas fulle of fisce 44. werun wutudlice a de etun fif Susend weorona


Dis sceal on sæternes-dæg ær halgan dæge. A. B.



a sona he nydde his leorningcnihtas on scyp stígan. phi him beforan foron ofer pæne muþan to bethsaida. op hep fole for-lete;

46 And pa he hi for-let he ferde on pone munt ♬ hine ana þar gebæd;

47 And þa æfen wæs scyp was on middre sæ. 7 he ana was on lande 48 he ge-seah hi on rewette swincende. him was wider-weard wind; And on niht embe pa feorpan wæccan he com to him ofer þa se gangende. J wolde hi for-bugan;

49 pa hi hine gesawon ofer pa sa gansæ gende hi wendon hit unfæle gast wære. p 1 hi clypedon; 50 Hi ealle hine gesawon. 7 wurdon gedrefede J sona he spræc to him I cwad; Gelyfap ic hit eom. ne þurfon ge eow ondrædan.

51 he on scyp to him eode. 7 se wind geswac 1 hi pas þe má betwux him wundredon.

52 ne ongeton hi be þam hlafon; So lice heora heorte was ablend;

53 And pa hi ofer-segledon. hi comon to genesár. 7 par wicedon.

54 pa hi of scipe eodon. sona hi hine


55 And eall price befarende hi on sæccingum bæron pa untruman. þar hi hine gehyrdon;


A sona he nydde his leorningcnihtes on scyp stigon hyo him be-foren foran ofer þanne mudan to bethsaida. of hep folc for-lete.

46 pa he hyo for-let. he ferde on panne munt. J hine ane þær ge-bæd.

47 And þa æfen was scyp was on midre sæ. he ane was on lande.

48 he ge-seah hyo on reowette swincende. heom was widerward wind. Ænd on nyht ymbe pa feorpan weccan he com to heom ofer pa se gangende. 1 wolde hyo for-bugen.

49 Da hyo hine ge-seagen ofer þa sæ gangende. hyo wenden phyt un-fele gast wære. J hyo clypedon.

50 Hyo ealle hine ge-seagen 7 wurden ge-drefede. 7 sone he spræc to heom. J cw. Ge-lefe ich hit em. nellen ge eow andreden.

51 he on scyp to heom eode. J se wind ge-swæc. 1 hyo þas þe ma be-tweoxe heom wundredon.

52 ne on-geaten hyo be pam hlafan. Sodlice heore heorte was ablend.

53 And pa hyo ofer-seigledon. hyo comen to genesar. 7 þær wicoden.

54 pa hyo of scype eoden. sone hyo hine ge-cneowen.

55 End eall price be-farende. hyo on sæccinge bæren þa untrumen þær hyo hine ge-hyrden.

Various Readings.

(Rubric-B. dæg). 45. B. leornincg. A. B. hig. B. forun. A. pone. A. betsaida. 46. A. B. hig. 47. B. midre. 48. B. ge-seh. A. B. hig. A. ymbe. A. B. hig. 49. A. B. hig (twice). A. unclæne [for unfæle]. A. B. hig. 50. A. B. Hig. A. hyne ealle. B. gesawun J wundor (sic). A. nellan; B. nellen [for ne þurfon]. B. adrædan. 51. A. B. hig. A. betweox. 52. A. on-geaton. A. B. hig. A. hlafum; B. hlafun. B. hyra. 53. A. B. hig. A. hig. 54. A. hig. A. B. hig. B. gecneowun. 55. A. hig (twice).

Various Readings.

45. cnihtas; stigan; be-foran; þonne. 46. þonne; ana; ge-bæð. 47. Ænd; efen. 48. ge-seh; rewette; forpan wæccan; eom; þam; for-bugan. 49. ge-sawon; sa; unfale; ware; clypodon. 50. ge-sawan; wurdon; sona he sprec; Ge-lyfax ic hit eom; andrædon. 51. him; geswac; þæs; betweox. 52. on-geaton; heora. ofer-sigledon; þar wicedon. 54. ge-cnewan. sæccingum baron þa untruman; hin ge-hyrdon.

53. hi

55. eal;

J sona


ge-treate Segnas his astige Sæt scip pte hia fore-eode hine ofer 45 *Et statim coegit discipulos suos ascendere nauem discipulos suos ascendere nauem ut praecederent eum trans fretum * 65. ui.

mt. cxluiii.


Sær byrig a hwile he forleorte Sæt folc ad bethsaidam dum ipse dimitteret populum.

7 mixxy forleorte hia ge-eode on 46 *Et cum dimisisset eos abiit in

mór montem * XVIIII.

66. ii.
lu. xliii. xxxu.




7 mixxy ef[e]rnsmolt woere was scip in middum sæes J he 47 *Et cum esset erat nauis in medio mari et ipse solus in terra. 67. iiii.

mt. cxluiiii.




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a fearða

ງ gesæh hia wynnennde in rowincg wæs forson wind wider-word him 7 ymb 48 et uidens eos laborantes in remigando erat enim uentus contrarius eis et circa quartam

bi-cerre hia

wacan næhtes cuom to him geongende ofer sæe J walde
uigiliam noctis uenit ad eos ambulans super mare et uolebat præterire eos.

gesegon hine geongende uiderunt eum


sae hia woendon

yfel wiht were

sos hia
49 at illi ut

J ceigdon clioppadon

ambulantem super mare putauerunt phantasma esse et

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Sa ilca ongunnun in berum hia a se yfle hæfdon 55 et percurrentes uniuersam regionem illam coeperunt in grabatis eos qui sé male habebant

ymb beara Ser geherdon hine æd he were circumferre ubi audiebant eum esse.

45. ↑ sona giðreatade degnas his to stiganne in sciphie fore-eode hine ofer luh to ær byrig a while he forleorte æt folc 46. mix-xy forleort hiæ eade on mor gibidda 47. ♬ mid-xy efern 7 smolt was scip on middum sæ `he ana on eoro 48. gisah hiæ winnende in rowinge wæs fordon wind widerword him 3 ymb a fearða wacune næhtes com to him de hælend gongende ofer sæ walde bicerra hiæ 49. so hiæ & gisegun hine gongende ofer sæ hiæ woendun yfel wiht were cliopadun cegdun 50. alle axe hine gisegun gidroefde unrotsade werun 7 sona he sprecende was mix him J cwas to him gilefas ic hitt am nallon ge ondreda 51. astag to him in scip giblant sette de wind for or swiɣe bitwih him styltun swigadun J readun 52. ne forðon oncneowun of hlafum wæs fordon heorta hiora for-blindad 53. J mix-xy foerdun derh comun on eoru æs folches genesares 7 a to plică 54. mid-y færende werun of scipe sona on-getun hine 55. J erh urnun all lond beade da ilcu on-gunnun on berum hiæ da se yfel hæfdun ymb beara der hiæ giherdun hine he were

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56 End swa hwær swa he on-wicnede on tunas eoden. on stræten hyo pa untrumen leigdon. 1 hine baden hyo hwore his reafes fined æt-rinen. his reafes fined æt-rinen. J swa fele swa hine æt-rinen hyo wurden hale.


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A comen to hym farisej 1 sume bokeres cumende fram ierusalem. 27 pa hyo ge-seagen sume of his leorning-cnihten be-smitene handen is unpwogenen handen æten. hyo telden hyo J cwæden.

3 Farisej ealle iudeas ne ate buton hyo heore hande ge-lomlice pwean healdende heora yldre ge-setnysse.

47 on stræte hi ne æta. buton hyo gebwegen beon. 1 manege oðre synde þe heom ge-sette synde. is calice frympa 7 ceaca. Japfata 7 manslage. (sic).

5 Ac pa axode hine farisej 1 pa boceres hwi ne gad pine leorning-cnihtes æfter ure yldrena ge-setnysse. ac be-smitenen handen heora hlaf piggies.

6 Ɖa andswerede he heom. Wel witegede ysaias be eow liceteren swa hit awriten Dis fole me mid weleren wurded. sodlice heore heorten his feor fram me.

6 Ɖa andswarode he him; Wel witegod
isaias be eow licceterum swa hit awriten is;
pis folc me mid welerum wurdad. solice is.
hyra heorte is feor fram me.

7 on idel hi me wurdiad. 7 manna láre
1 bebodu lærað;

8 Soplice ge forlæta godes bebod. J healdað manna laga. þweala ceaca 1 calica. 1 manega opre þylce ding ge doo;

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7 on ydel hyo me wurdia. 7 manna lare 7 bebode læred.

8 Soolice ge for-læted godes bebod. J healded manna lage. þweala ceaca 7 calica. 3 manege odre pellice ping ge doð.

[ocr errors]

Various Readings.

56. on wic o**e [for on-wicnede]; stræton hi pa untruman legdon; huru [for hwore]; refes fned æt rinon; wurdon.

Cap. vii. 1. farisei; boceras. 2. ge-sawen; cnihtum besmitenvm handum; un-pwogenum handum etan; tældon; cwæson. 3. Farisei; eta; heora handa; hiora yldera ge-setnyssa. 4. eta; manega; synt [for 2nd synde]; calycea fryrmpa (sic); apfata (sic) ♬ mæstlinga. 5. Ænd; axsodon; boceras; ga; cnihtas; ge-settednysse; be-smitenum handan; þicgað. 6. andswarede; witegode; liceterum; welerum wurdad; heorte is [where Hatton MS. has heortenhis indistinctly]. 7. lara 7 bebodu lære. 8. forlæta; healda; laga; manega; þyllice.

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swa huider infoerde in londum ł in mærum ceastrum in plæcum geseton 56 et quocumque introibat in in uicos uel in uillas aut in ciuitates in plateis ponebant

+ in

Ja un-trymigo 1 ge-bedon

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gewoede his gehrinon 7 J sua oftor gehri

infirmos et depraecabantur eum ut uel fimbriam uestimenti eius tangerent et quot-quot tange

non hine hale gewurdon

bant eum salui fiebant.


toi him


[ocr errors]

sume oðer of usuutum cymende from hierusolim ad eum pharisaei et quidam de scribis uenientes ab hierusolimis. * XX. 70. x.

1 *Et conueniunt ad

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fuulwihta calica disca J

etton hia J oðero menigo sint da de gesald aron Sæm him to haldanne comedunt et alia multa sunt quæ tradita sunt illis seruare baptismata calicum et J gefrugnun hine urceorum et eramentorum et lectorum. 5 *Et interrogant eum pharisaei et scribae quare 71. ui.

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Jux-uuto forhuon


Jegnas dine ne geongas æfter gesetnisse geselenise ældra ah un-clænum hondum
discipuli tui non ambulant iuxta traditionem seniorum sed communibus manibus manducant


of iuih

so he onduearde cuoea to him wel gewitgade legerum suæ panem. 6 at ille respondens dixit eis bene prophetauit esaias de uobis hypocritis sicut dis mix muðum mec worðias hearta uutetlice hiora long is from me scriptum est populus hic labiis me honorat cór autem eorum longe est á me.

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idilnisse uutedlice mec workiað gelærende laruo
uanum autem me colunt docentes doctrinas praecepta hominum.

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[blocks in formation]

beboda godes gie haldas setnesse
calica J obero gelico
mandata dei tenetis traditionem hominum baptismata urceorum et calicum et alia similia


mt. cliiii.

ðisum wundrum monigo

hís facitis multa,

56. J swa hwider in-foerde in londin gimæru in cæstre in plæsum settun 8a untrymigu gibedun hine *te fæse giwedum his gihrionon 7 swa oftor gihrionun him hale giwurdun

Cap. VII. 1. 7 mix-xy comon to him da aldu 7 sume ore of uð-wutum cymende from hierusalem 2. J mid-xy gisegun sume ore of tegnum his gimetelicum mið honðum æt is un-wægnum eotas hlafas for-cwedun hiæ 3. aldv ♬ alle iudeas buta oftor giðwogun honda ne etun giheoldon settnesseselnesse ældra 4. J from Xing-stowe se gi-fulwad ne etun ore monigu sindun da de gisald arun him to haldanne ful-wiht calice J on-bora hiora J... 5. 7 gifrægn hine aldor-men J uð-wutu cwedende forhwon degnas dine ne gongas æfter gisetnisse ældra ah un-clænum hondum eotað hlafas 6. so he worde cwas him for on wel gewitgade esaias of iow legerum swa awriten is folche dis mið muðe mec weorðas heorte wutudlice hiora long from me 7. in idelnisse wutudlice mec worðas gi-lærde larwas 1 bibodu monna 8. eft for-leortun hine bibodu godes gi-haldas setnisse monna fulwiht on-bora hiora calicæ obre gilice issum wundrum monig

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