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J brohton to him lytlo cild

hiu syngeð

te he gehrine *æm Xa Xegnas uutedlice

derneleger adulterium* 105. ii.

to oðrum onfoas
alii nubserit


lu. cxcu.

mt. cxc.

moechatur. 13 *Et offerebant illi paruulos ut tangeret illos discipuli autem comminabantur * 106. ii.

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lv. ccxui.

mt. [c]xcii.

gesæh de hælend unwyrke brohte 1 cuæ to him letas
đa lytlo
iesus indigne tulit et ait illis sinite paruulos

gecuma to uenire ad

me I ne

fore-letas gie hia a Juslicra is fordon ric talium est enim regnum et ne prohibueritis eos

so lice ic sægo 15 amen




16 et

godes dei. godes swelc lyttel ne in-gaað in Sæt uobis quisque non receperit regnum dei uelut paruulus non intrabit in illud

iuh suæ hua ne


gefrigade hia 7 on-sette hond ofer on sa ilco gebledsade hia complexans eos et inponens manus super illos benedicebat eos.

7 mixxy faerende 17 *Et cum egresus XXXII.

107. ii. lu. cxxi. woeg fore arn cneuo beged fore la larua god goda huæd mt. exciii. esset in uiam procurrens quidam genu flexo ante genu flexo ante eum rogabat eum magister bone quid

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ic geheald from gigote minum 20 et ille respondens ait magister haec omnia obseruaui á iuuentúte mea.

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se hælend uutedlice mixxy behaldend hine lufade hine cuoe him 21 *Iesus autem intuitus eum dilexit eum et dixit illi unum tibi deest uade cumque * 108. ii.

ðu hæbbe bebyg sel Xorfendum 7 hæfistu scealt habba habes uende et dá pauperibus et


in heofne J

cym soecfylg mec
thesaurum in caelo et ueni sequere me.

lu. clii. ccxuiii mt. cxciiii.

11. 7 cwax to him swa hwele for-letes wif his 7 oder læde to derne-giligrum eft-sende ofer hiæ gif wif for-lete wer hire to orum foes hio syngað

12. J 13. brohtun to him lytle te gihrine tæm ða Xegnas wutudlice stiordun Sæm brengendum 14. ða miððy gi-sæh de hælend un-wyrène brohte 7 cwa to him letas a lytlu cuma to me ne for-letas hiæ us-licra is fordon rice godes 15. so ic cwe o iow swa hwelc ne foeð rice godes swelce lytelne ne gæð in ðæt 16. gifragade him on gisette honda ofer hia gibletsade hiæ 17. 9 mix dy færende was on woeg fore arn sum oder cneo gibe[ge]d bifora hine gibed hine la larow god hwæt sceal ic doa te lif ece ic onfoe 18. de hælend soɣlice cwæd to him hwæet mec du cwedes goodne ne ængũ good buta ana god 19. Ja bibodu wastu æte derne-lice Sætte u ne ofslæ ætæ u ne stele ætæ Xu leose witnesse cyɣnisse cwede æt du facun ne doe ar-wyrða fæder inne ♬ moder dine 20. he Jwyrde cwæð him la larwa alle ðas ic giheald from gigoð-hade minum 21. de hælend wutudlice mixxy biheold hine lufade hine cwæ to him an de forgeten is gong swa hwæt swa du hæbbe bibyge ♬ sel arfum hæfes gistrion goldes in heofnum cym soecfylig me

22 And for pam worde he was ge-unret J ferde gnornigende for þam he hæfde mycele æhta;

23 pa cwæ se hælend to his leorningcnihton hine beseonde. swype earfoðlice on godes rice gað þa þe feoh habbað;

24 Da forhtodon his leorning-cnihtas be his wordum; Eft se hælend him Iswariende cwæð. eala cild swyde earfoðlice þa de on heora feo getruwigeað gad on godes rice;

25 Eapere ys olfende to farenne purh nædle þyrel þonne se rica 1 se welega on godes rice gå;

26 Hi þæs de ma betwux him wundredon 1 cwædon 1 hwa mæg beon hal

27 pa beheold se hælend hi 1 cwad; Mid mannum hit is uneaþelic ac na mid gode; Ealle þing mid gode synt eaðelice

28 pa ongan petrus cwepan; Witodlice we ealle ping for-leton J folgodon þe;

29 Da Iswarode him se hælend. nis nan þe his hus for-læt. odde gebropru. oþþe geswustra. odde fæder. oppe modor. ode bearn. oppe æceras for me 1 for þam godspelle

30 þe hund-feald ne onfo. nu on þisse tide. hus broðru swustru. fæder modor. 7 J 1 bearn. æceras. mid ehtnessum I on toweardre worulde éce lif;

31 Manega fyrmeste beod ytemeste 7 ytemeste fyrmyste;

22 for pan worde he was unge-rot. I ferde gneorgende for pan he hæfde mycele ehte.

23 Ɖa cwæ se hælend to hys leorningcnihten hine be-seonde. swide earfedlice on godes rice gað þa pe feoh hæbbed.

24 Da forteden his leorning-cnihtes be his worden. Eft se hælend heom andswerede J cw. Eala chyld. swide earfodlice pa þe on hire feo ge-truwiad gad on godes rice.

25 eaðere is olfende to farene purh nædle þyrl. panne se rice 1 se welege on godes rice ga.

26 Hyo pas pe ma be-twexe heom wundreden 1 cwæden. 7 hwa mæig beon hal.

27 pa be-heold se hælend hyo 1 cwæð. Mid mannen hit is un-eadelic. ac na mid gode. Ealle ping mid gode synde eadelice. 28 pa on-gan petrus cweden. Witodlice we ealle þing for-leten. 1 folgeden þe.

29 Da andswerede hym se hælend. Nis nan þe his hus for-læt. odde ge-brodre. odde swuster. odde odde fæder ode moder. ode bearn. Se aceres for me. odde J for pam godspelle.

30 þe hundfeald ne on-fo. nu on pisse tide. hus brore I swustre. I fæder 1 moder bearn. ] æceres. mid ehtnyssen 1 on towearde wurlde ece lyf.

bearn. J æceres.

31 Manege fyrmeste by ytemeste. J ytemeste fermeste.

Various Readings.

22. A cross (†) is prefixed to this verse in A. A. om. And. B. gnorngende. B. mycle. 23. A. leorning-cnyhtum. 24. A. forhtedon. A. wurdon. A. Iswarigende. A. getruwiað. 25. A. Eaɣre. B. þuruh. A. þyrl. 26. A. hig. A. betweox. 27. A. B. hig. A. þyng synd easelice myd gode. 28. Space left for Rubric in A. B. angan. A. folgedon. 29. A. moder. 30. A. broðra. A. swustra. A. inserts before fæder. A. moder. A. ehtnyssum. A. ytemyste (twice); B. ytemyste (2nd time). A.B. fyrmeste (2nd time).


Various Readings.

22. þam; gnorngende; þam; mycel. 23. halend; ; leorning-cnihtan; beo-seonde; earfoolice; habbað. 24. forhtedon; wordum; halend; cyld; earfoxlice; heore; ga. 25. farenne þuruh; þyrel. ponne; welega. 26. þæs; betwux; wundrodon; cwaben; mæg. 27. halend; mannum; synd eaðalice. 28. cweðan; for-leton; folgodon. 29. halend; ge-swustra; modor; aceras. 30. broðra; swustra; fader; æceras; ehtnyssum; toworde worulde. 31. Manega; fyrmyste [for fermeste].

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sæ hælend eftersona ond[u]earde cuoed to him leafa suno la suiðe hefig is *ade gelefe in strionum
iesus rursus respondens ait illis filioli 6 quam difficile est
difficile est confidentes in pecuniis

* 109. ii. lu. cxx.

mt. cxu.

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is ah ne is mið god alle forton mæhto łebelico sint mið god est sed non apud deum omnia enim possibilia sunt apud deum.

ongann petrus him 28 coepit petrus ei

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forletað hus

+ broro †

suoestro 1 moder 士

so lice ic cuoedo iuh nænig monn is sere
dico uobis nemo est qui reliquerit domum aut fratres aut sorores aut matrem aut


faeder +

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patrem aut filios aut agros propter me et propter euangelium

hunteantig-sido hunt da huile ane nu in tide life disum huso ร brodro centies

ງ londo mix

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tantum nunc in tempore hoc domos et fratres et sorores et matres et

110. ii. lu. ccxxi.

mt. cxcuiii.


oehtendum 7 in world Sæm to-uearde líf êce filios et agros cum persecutoribus et in sæculo futuro uitam aeternam.

monigo uutedlice *31 Multi autem * 111. ii. lu. clxxiii. mt. cxcuiiii.

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23. Jymb-loccade

24. *a

22. sexe mixxy giwundrad was in worde eode seofende was fordon hæfte micle æhte de hælend cwæ to Xegnum his swiðe uneaðeÞhefige ðaðe gistrione habbas in rice godes in-gað Begnas wutudlice forstyltun on wordum his cwæ de hælend efter sona Jsworade cwæ sunu leofa la swide hefig is dade gilefað on gistrion in rice godes hiæ ingæ 25. eðor is camele erh dyrelegu nedles erh-fara Sonne de welgede wlonca in-gonge in rice godes 26. Jade swiður giwundradun cweɣende to him solfum 1 hwa mæge hal wosa 27. 3 sceowende in hiæ de hælend cwæð mið monnum unmæhtig is ah ne is mix god alle fordon mæhte sindun mið god 28. ongan petrus him cweoða heono we for-leortun alle fyligdun sohtun Sec 29. ondworde de hælend cwæd sox ic cweɣo iow nænig is sexe forletes hus broerswester moder ✈ fæder sunu lond fore mee 7 fore god-spelle 30. sexe ne on-foed hunteantigum siða da hwile nu in tide in life issum huse broer J swester moder 7 sunu 7 lond mix oehtendum in weorlde ær toworde lif 31. monige wutudlice bioðun ærist a foer-mestu a lætemestu foerðmest



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33 we nu astigad to hierusalem 7 mannes sunu bið ge-seald sacerda ealdrum 7 bocerum 1 ealdrum. 1 hi hine deade genyperiað. 1 hi hine peodum syllað.

34 ♬ hi hine bysmriað ♬ hi him on spætað 1 hine swingað of-slead hine. J he arist on þam þriddan dæge;

35 Him pa ge-nealahton to. iacobus. J Iohannes Zebedeis suna 1 cwædon; Lareow. we wylla þu us do swa hwæt swa we biddad;

36 pa cwæ he hwet wylle gyt pic inc dó.

37 þa cwædon hi; Syle unc pwyt sitton on pinon wuldre. án on pine swyðran healfe I oper on pine wynstran ;

38 Ɖa cwæð se hælend. gyt nyton hwæt gyt biddað; Mage gyt drincan þone calic. þe ic drince 7 beon gefullod on pam fulluhte þe ic beo gefullod;

39 pa cwædon hi wyt magon; Ɖa cwæð se hælend gyt drinca pone calic pe ic drince. gyt beo gefullode pam fulluhte de ic beo gefullod;


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oðlice hyo ferden on weige to ierusalem. se hælend heom beJ foren code. I hyo adreddem heom hine. J him felgden. 7 eft he nam hyo twelfe 1 on-gan heom seggen þa þing þe heom towearde wæren.

33we nu astiged to ierusalem. J mannes sune beod ge-seald sacerde ealdren boceren. 1 ealdren 1 hyo hine deaðe genyperieð. 7 hyo hine peoden sylled.

34 hine bysemeriad. hyo hym on spæted. 1 hine swinged. I of-sleað hine. 7 he arist on pam pridden daige.

35 Him þa ge-neahlahten to Iacobus J Iohannes zebedeus sunu. I cwæden. Lareow we willed p þu us do swa hwæt swa we byddað.

36 pa cwæ he hwat wille gytic inc do.

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Various Readings.

32. A. B. hig (A. thrice; B. once). A. ondredon. A. fylgdon; B. fylidon. 33. A. hig (twice). 34. A. hig (twice). B. om. 1st hi. A. bysmeriað. A. þynre [for pine; twice].

37. A. B. hig. A. þynum. 39. A. omits this verse.

Various Readings.

32. beforan; adredon; fyligdon; heon seggan; eom; waron. 33. sacerda ealdrum bocerum ealdrum; genyeria; hi[for last hyo]; peodum syllas. 34. bysmriax; swingað; dridðan. 35. ge-neahlæchton; zebedeis sunan; ewa on. 37. þa cwæðon; þinum; þine swiððran; oðer; þine wynstran. 38. halend; drincan þonne calic; drince; ge-fullod. 39. cwaben; halend; þonne calic; ic; ge bið.

woeron foron on woeg astigon in hierusalem 32 *Erant autem in uia ascendentes in hierosolyma et

fore-eode onfora was geongend hia se hælend * XXXIII.
illos iesus 112. ii.
lu. ccxxii.
mt. ccii.

hia suigdon J fylgdon ondreardon J to-genom eftersona tuoelfo
ongann dæm him cuoesa da ingo
et stupebant et sequentes timebant et adsumens iterum duodecim coepit illis dicere quae

woeron him toweardo gelimpa scealde essent ei



for on heono woe stiges in hierusalem J sunu
33 quia ecce ascendimus in hierosolima et filius hominis

bið g[e]sald aldormonno sacerda J wuðuutum J geniðriað hine to deaɣe J selles hine hædnum tradetur principibus sacerdotum et scribis et damnabunt eum morte et tradent eum gentibus.

7 bismerage

34 et inludent

eft arisað resurget.

him 3 hia spittes
hine J hia 'suingeð hine hia acuoella kine 7 de Xirdda doeg
ei et conspuent eum et flagellabunt eum interficient eum et tertia

geneolecdon to him



iohannes suno zeberies cuoerende la larua 35 *Et accedunt ad eum iacobus et iohannes filii zebedaei dicentes magister

Su doe


woe walla te suae huæt we willnia
uolumus quodcumque petierimus facias nobis.

sox he cuoe him huætd willniað gé pte 36 at ille dixit eis quid uultis ut

Xinra J oder to wynstra

J cuoedon sel us pte an to suiðre
37 et dixerunt dá nobis ut unus ad dexteram tuam et alius ad sinistram

* 113. ui. mt. ccii.

ic gedoe iuh faciam uobis.

Xinra we sitta in wuldre xine tuam sedeamus in gloria tua.

se hælend uutedlice cuoed him ne uutogie huætd gie giwigeð hi magoge
38 iesus autem ait eis nescitis quid petatis potestis

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32. werun fordon on woege astigun in hierusalem fore eode gongende was him de hælend I swigdun 3 fyligdun ondreordun to ginom efter sona twelfe ongan dæm cweoða da ding weron him toworde


for on heono we stigas hierusalem J sunu monnes gisald bið aldurmonnum sacerda uð-wutum 7 giniðrias hine to deoba sellas hine hæðnum 34. J bismerigas hine spittas... hiæ swingas hine 7 hiæ cwella hiney irdan dæge arises 35. gineolicadun to him iacobus 7 iohannes sunu zebededes cweɣende la larwa wallon we te swa swa we wilnias u doe us 36. so he cwæ him hwet wilnigas ge pte ic doe iow 37. cwedun sel us te an to swiɣre inre Joser to ær swiɣra inre ge-sitte in wuldre ðinum 38. de hælend soɣlice cwæ him ne wutun ge hwæt ge giowigas hu magon ge one calic drinca one ic drinco Sæt ful-wiht of tonic fulwade ge sie in-gifulwade 39. soð hia cwedun him we magun donne hælend wutudlice cwæ him one calic ec on one ic drinco ge drinco æt fulwiht of dæm ic biom gifulwad de ge gifulwiað

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