Jesus Or JihadXulon Press, 2005 - 120 pages |
Acknowledgments | vii |
Dedication | ix |
Introduction | xi |
What Is Jihad? | 13 |
Jesus | 23 |
Do You Believe in Peace? | 33 |
Fear or Freedom | 39 |
What Is Religion? | 43 |
Legalism or Grace | 69 |
Terrorism in Relation to Todays World | 79 |
Hate Your Neighbors or Love Them | 85 |
What Are Your Choices? | 91 |
My Testimonies | 97 |
A Word of Encouragement | 107 |
A Story Dedicated to My Dad | 113 |
Glossary | 115 |
Who Is God? | 49 |
What Is the Relationship Between Man and God? | 55 |
History Connecting Jesus Jihad and Abraham | 61 |
Bibliography | 117 |
Common terms and phrases
Abba Father Abraham Abram accept Jesus Christ Allah angel apostle baby baptized believe Bible blessed blood of Jesus called CHAPTER chastisement child choice Christ Jesus Christians Commandments covenant descendants disbelieve earth eternal everlasting evil Exodus faith Father fear fight follow forgive Garden of Eden give glory God the Father God's grace Hagar hand hate healing heart heaven heirs hell Hinduism Holy Spirit husband Ibrahim inherit Injeel Isaac Ishmael Islam Jehovah Jesus said unto Jews Jews and Christians jihad John kill kind living Lord Mary means Middle East Moses Muhammad Muslims nations neighbor Pastor peace person pray prophet Psalm Qur'an supports relationship religion Repent righteousness Sarah Satan Savior Second Timothy sent sins Sister someone Son of God soul suicide bombing Surah teach Ten Commandments terrorists thee things thou thy neighbor's told truth unbelievers Verse word worship