EDWARD B. ELLIOTT, A.M. FELLOW OF TRINITY COLLEGE. CAMBRIDGE: Printed at the University Press, by J. Smith; AND SOLD BY DEIGHTON & SONS, CAMBRIDGE; 1821 e.27. WE the under-written do assign Mr. SEATON's Reward for the year 1820, to EDWARD B. ELLIOTT, A. M. Fellow of Trinity College, for his Poem on the OMNIPRESENCE of the SUPREME BEING; and direct the said Poem to be printed agreeably to the tenor of Mr. SEATON'S Will. November, 1820. W. FRERE, Vice-Chancellor. W. WEBB, Master of Clare Hall. OTHE BOD ΤΟ CHARLES ELLIOTT, Esq. This Poem IS AFFECTIONATELY INSCRIBED AS A SLIGHT EXPRESSION OF FILIAL GRATITUDE. THE OMNIPRESENCE OF THE Supreme Being. VAIN shadowy world! what mortal e'er hath trod With pilgrim footsteps life's eventful road, 5 And mind enkindled as with fire from heaven, 10 O'er a vain world which satisfieth not; And bear the pelting of the storms of fate, 15 |