A LITERAL TRANSLATION ОР THE APOSTOLICAL EPISTLES AND REVELATION, WITH A CONCURRENT COMMENTARY. Ου γραφη εις επιδειξιν τετεχνασμενη ἡδε ἡ πραγματεία, αλλα EUSEB. H. E. 5. 11. "This is no work contrived for display; but a memorial treasured up LONDON: PRINTED FOR J. G. & F. RIVINGTON, MDCCCXXXIX. 1220. PREFACE. THE object of the following work may be explained in few words. It is designed-1. To correct the common English Translation, where the sense was thought to be imperfectly, or erroneously given.-2. To interweave such a running Commentary, as might render the whole one continued discourse, easily intelligible, without distracting the attention either by a separate paraphrase, or by frequent notes. At the same time a simple, unadulterated text is preserved by printing in a different type all additions, or illustrations of the original. The notes for the most part contain references to other places of Scripture, and are designed to vindicate either the translation, or the commentary, where the subject might be thought to require it. This work has been dictated by no forwardness to teach; but has grown up from the |