A Vindication of Certain Passages in a Discourse: On ... the Death of Dr. Priestley; and a Defence of Dr. Priestley's Character and Writings, in Reply to the Animadversions of ... John Pye Smith ...C. Stower, 1805 - 109 pages |
From inside the book
Page 1
... candour as the spirit of his theological system will admit . The truth or falsehood of that system I am not now disposed to contest ; but some of the author's observations appear to require a cursory notice : especially B as 1 as they ...
... candour as the spirit of his theological system will admit . The truth or falsehood of that system I am not now disposed to contest ; but some of the author's observations appear to require a cursory notice : especially B as 1 as they ...
Page 41
... candour would hesitate as much " in forming an opinion on the future state " of Origen , as of that great sinner , Dr. Priestley , upon whose cri- tical case he gravely observes , p . 40 , " What presumptuous " mortal would forbid the ...
... candour would hesitate as much " in forming an opinion on the future state " of Origen , as of that great sinner , Dr. Priestley , upon whose cri- tical case he gravely observes , p . 40 , " What presumptuous " mortal would forbid the ...
Page 86
... candour , to introduce so trite a truism ? But if the writer means any thing , he means to insinuate , that Dr. Priest- ley is not to be depended upon equally with other learned authors ; and it cannot be doubted that the expression ...
... candour , to introduce so trite a truism ? But if the writer means any thing , he means to insinuate , that Dr. Priest- ley is not to be depended upon equally with other learned authors ; and it cannot be doubted that the expression ...
Page 89
... which he lays the principal stress , is that of inadvertent concession , of incidental remark , of complaint , of caution , of affected candour , of apology , of of inference , which , though indirect , is at LETTER V. 89.
... which he lays the principal stress , is that of inadvertent concession , of incidental remark , of complaint , of caution , of affected candour , of apology , of of inference , which , though indirect , is at LETTER V. 89.
Page 107
... candour of his English reader , in favour of his own interpreta- tion of the clause , he cannot mean to be serious . This gentleman complains heavily of " the. " extremely. illiberal. and. angry. spirit. of. his. " opponent's 66 opponent's ...
... candour of his English reader , in favour of his own interpreta- tion of the clause , he cannot mean to be serious . This gentleman complains heavily of " the. " extremely. illiberal. and. angry. spirit. of. his. " opponent's 66 opponent's ...
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A Vindication of Certain Passages in a Discourse: On ... the Death of Dr ... No preview available - 2019 |
Common terms and phrases
allegation angels animadversions apostles Archdeacon of St argument Arianism Arius assertion believe Bishop called Calvinism calvinistic system candour Celsus cerning chap character of Origen charge Chrysostom concerning Jesus Christ concerning the person contra Celsum controversy DEAR SIR Discourse divine Early Opinions concerning Ebionites ecclesiastical writers error eternal evidence extravagance faith Father futed gentleman Gilbert Wakefield glory Gnostics gospel Hackney hebrew Christians heresies History of Early Horsley humanity of Christ ibid inadvertency insinuations Jerome jewish Jews JOHN PYE SMITH Justin Martyr learned writer Letters Logos mean Mosheim never Opinions concerning Jesus passage person of Christ philosophers plainest facts platonic precise reverse Priest Priestley and Dr Priestley's Hist Priestley's History principles professes racter reader Remarks reply represented reverse of acknowledged says scriptures sect Sermon shew soul spirit superangelic Synod of Dort taught Tertullian testimony Theophilus Lindsey thing tion Trinitarian truth unlearned Christians unsub words worthy correspondent zeal
Popular passages
Page 53 - Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you, as ye yourselves also know...
Page 8 - All mankind, by their fall, lost communion with God, are under his wrath and curse, and so made liable. to all the miseries in this life, to death itself, and to the pains of hell forever.
Page 8 - The sinfulness of that estate whereinto man fell, consists in the guilt of Adam's first sin, the want of original righteousness, and the corruption of his whole nature, which is commonly called Original Sin; together with all actual transgressions which proceed from it.
Page 67 - And in this Trinity none is afore or after other, none is greater or less than another; but the whole three persons are co-eternal together, and co-equal.
Page 7 - The covenant being made with Adam, not only for himself, but for his posterity, all mankind descending from him by ordinary generation, sinned in him, and fell with him in his first transgression.
Page 9 - God, having out of his mere good pleasure, from all eternity, elected some to everlasting life, did enter into a covenant of grace, to deliver them out of the estate of sin and misery, and to bring them into an estate of salvation by a Redeemer.
Page 9 - God is a Spirit, infinite, eternal, and unchangeable, in his being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness, and truth.
Page 7 - The decrees of God are his eternal purpose according to the counsel of his will, whereby, for his own glory, he hath fore-ordained whatsoever comes to pass.