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Academy, Military, West Point, annual report of Visiters in
1837, page 468



Academy, memorial of teachers of French and drawing
Academy at New Hagerstown, Ohio, memorial for donation of




7 160

Accountability of disbursing officers, reports from the several
Departments, accompanying annual message, on the better
security of, page 165

[blocks in formation]

Agriculture, promote by distribution of seeds, (see report of

Commissioner of Patents)

[blocks in formation]

Agriculture, society of New York, memorial, same object

8 231

memorial of Charles L. Fleischmann, same
Alabama, Indian depredations in, report of agent, with list of

10 334


6 127

Legislature of, in favor of annexation of part of Flor-
ida to

7 163

Legislature, reduce price of lands, exchange school

lands, and grant unproductive to the States


7 180

Legislature, in favor of annexation of Texas

7 196

inhabitants of Marengo county, against sub-treasury 10 379

Alexandria, duebills cancelled by the corporation of
Allegany river, report of survey and drawing of

vor of the improvement of

[blocks in formation]

memorial, Common Council New York, in fa-

[blocks in formation]

Ambler, Peter, memorial of

[blocks in formation]

Amory, Nathaniel, memorial, (Bastrop's grant)

8 209

Appropriations, estimates of, for 1838, (general)

2 40

explanatory of certain items in general appro-

priation bill

2 46

explanatory of appropriation to pay revolu-

[blocks in formation]

Appropriations and expenditures, military service, 1837

Appropriations and new offices at 2d session 25th Congress
Aqueduct, Potomac, report of Major Turnbull, with explana-

[blocks in formation]

Arkansas, on extending time for locating donation claims in,


S 294

memorial of Legislature, cede lands to States
memorial of inhabitants of Helena against division

[blocks in formation]

kind of funds furnished to pay pensioners in
Architectural plans and drawings for the executive depart-

[blocks in formation]

reports of the heads of bureaus of the various branches
of the military service, showing their operations in
1837, &c., page 220

[blocks in formation]

explanatory of certain appropriations for the
proceedings of court of inquiry in cases of Generals
Scott and Gaines, held at Frederick, in Maryland

[blocks in formation]

force employed in Florida in 1837, and monthly ex-

[blocks in formation]

comparative expenses between cavalry and infantry
number of volunteers and militia employed within last

8 250

six years, and comparative expense between volun-
teers and regulars

S 271

statements in relation to the proposed increase


9 305

Armories, annual report of the operations in 1837

11 428

Armory, Western waters, report of Commissioners McRee,

[blocks in formation]


Arsenals, in relation to appropriations for
Atchafalaya river, in relation to the improvement of

Attorneys-fees of district, renewal of duty bonds

Vol. No.

5 120

2 61

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Banks, suspension of specie payments, acts of the several States

in relation to

of the several States, return of their conditions

in District of Columbia, condition of in 1837

Bank U. S., Legislature of Kentucky in favor of
Barbary Powers, payments, intercourse with
Bastrop's grant, memorial of Nathaniel Amory on subject of
Berard, C., teacher of French at the Military Academy
Beziers, Captain, claim of, for saving crew of American vessel

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

Blair, Francis P., surety of Postmaster Crockett, in relation to
balance due
Blue Book, (so called,) biennial register, why not finished
Bounty Land Office, annual report from, for 1837, page 733
Bounty lands, late war with Great Britain


10 353
5 84

quantity allowed to Continental and Virginia


Boundary, Northeastern, Maine and New Brunswick, and im-
prisonment of Mr. Greely, in relation to
Legislature of Massachusetts, on the subject of

[blocks in formation]



5 83

11 446

6 126
10 403

10 354

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