3. H. SLINGLUFF NO 40 BRIEF COMMENTARIES UPON SUCH PARTS OF THE REVELATION AND OTHER PROPHECIES AS IMMEDIATELY REFER TO THE PRESENT TIMES... * WITH THE PROPHETIC, or, ANTICIPATED HISTORY OF THE CHURCH OF ROME. TO WHICH IS ADDED, A PILL FOR THE INFIDEL AND ATHEIST BY JOSEPH GALI.OWAY. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. II. LONDON: Printed 1802: TRENTON, reprinted by JAMES ORAM FOR DANIEL FENTON, 1809. A BRIEF COMMENTARY, &c. &c. ON THE SEVEN VIALS. The imprisonment of Satan, and the first Resurrection and Reign of Christ, &c. (Continued.) FROM this triumph of THE BLESSED SON OF GOD," the Prophet passes to the destruction of the world, the second resurrection, and the last judgment, which seem to be described as if they were to be in a manner contemporary events-events blessed and glorious indeed to those who shall, during their probationary state in this life, have put their faith and hope in him, and "feared God and given glory to him" in spirit and in truth! but events awful and dreadful beyond all expression to those who have refused to hear his voice, treated him as an impostor, and denied both "the FATHER and the SON," and shall have deluded their own souls to believe they can live "without God in the world." The former he shall set on his right hand, and the others on the left. To the former he shall say, "Come, ye VOL. ii. A |