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" You put me in mind of ( a fancy of your friend Mr. Boyle, who was saying, that he had thoughts of making a short romantic story, where the scene should be laid in some island of the southern ocean, governed by some such rational laws and customs as those... "
The General Biographical Dictionary - Page 339
by Alexander Chalmers - 1812
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A New and General Biographical Dictionary: Containing an ... Account of the ...

G.W. Johnson - 1795 - 414 pages
...grounds his conjecture Upon the following paffage, to be found in the " Occafional Reffcctions." " You put me in mind of a fancy of your friend Mr. Beyle, who was faying, that he had thoughts of making a fhort romantic ftory, where the fcene fhonld...
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A New and General Biographical Dictionary: Containing an Historical and ...

1798 - 560 pages
...grounds his conjecture upon the following paff-ige, to be found in the Occalioual re. flection*. " You put me in mind of a fancy of your friend Mr. Boyle, who wasfaying, that he lud thoughts of making a fhort romantic itory, where the fccne fhoulJ be laid infomc...
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Swiftiana [ed. by G.H. Wilson].

Charles Henry Wilson - 1804 - 286 pages
...Mr. Boyle's " OCCASIONAL REFLECTIONS ON SEVERAL SUBJECTS," published in I665. Mr. Boyle there says, that he had " thoughts of making a short some island of the southern ocean, governed by such rational laws and customs as those of Utopia, or the New Atlantis ; and in this country I would...
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The General Biographical Dictionary: Containing an Historical and ..., Volume 6

Alexander Chalmers - 1812 - 544 pages
...and indecent, has observed, that, from this very treatise, which he has thus turned into ridicule, he borrowed the first hint of his Gulliver's some such rational laws and customs as those of die Utopia or the New Atalantis. And in this country he would introduce an observing native, that,...
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Biographia Hibernica: A Biographical Dictionary of the Worthies of ..., Volume 1

1821 - 508 pages strongly supported by the following passage, which he has quoted in proof of his opinion : — " You put me in mind of a fancy of your friend Mr. Boyle,...Atalantis ; and in this country he would introduce an observing native, that, upon his return home from his travels made in Europe, should give an account...
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Biographia Hibernica: A Biographical Dictionary of the Worthies of ..., Volume 1

1821 - 518 pages strongly supported by the following passage, which he has quoted in proof of his opinion :— " You put me in mind of a fancy of your friend Mr. Boyle,...Atalantis; and in this country he would introduce an observing native, that, upon his return home from his travels made in Europe, should give an account...
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Occasional Reflections Upon Several Subjects: With a Discourse about Such ...

Robert Boyle - 1848 - 454 pages divert you too long from so much pleasure as the Company seems to take in eating raw Fish. Eug. You put me in mind of a fancy of your Friend Mr. Boyle,...should be laid in some Island of the Southern Ocean, govem'd by some such rational Laws and Customs as those of Utopia or the 3T«r Atlantis, and in this...
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Robert Boyle: A Biography

Flora Masson - 1914 - 344 pages
...the Refactions, it is written in the form of conversation between Eugenius and Lindamor? " EUG. — You put me in mind of a fancy of your Friend Mr. Boyle,...was saying, that he had thoughts of making a short Romantick story, where the Scene should be laid in some Island of the Southern Ocean, govern'd by some...
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Robert Boyle: A Biography

Flora Masson - 1914 - 344 pages
...a fancy of your Friend Mr. Boyle, who was saying, that he had thoughts of making a short Romantick story, where the Scene should be laid in some Island of the Southern Ocean, govern'd by some such rational 1 Written after 1648. 2 See p. 194. Lindamor, the scholarly youth, well...
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1922 - 338 pages
...Menschlichen. Das zeigen Robert Boyles, Occasional Reflections, L. 1665, der einen Roman vorschlägt, "where the Scene should be laid in some Island of the Southern Ocean, govern'd by some rationel Laws and Customs as those of Utopia or the New Atlantis, and in this Country...
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