He performed not only his own, but also the part assigned to another, with great reputation ; though with no profit, for he had no allowance but his commons. He was also one of the six who met at Stationers... The General Biographical Dictionary - Page 376by Alexander Chalmers - 1812Full view - About this book
| 1761 - 474 pages
...no effeft. eolkge at Chelfea j but he never had at Stationers hall to revife the whole 5 which taflc they went through in nine months, having each from the company of ftationers during that time thirty (hillings a week. He afterwards aflifted Sir Henry Savile, in publifhing... | |
| G.W. Johnson - 1795 - 414 pages
...his commons. He was alfo one of the fix who met at Stationers hall to revife the whole : which tafk they went through in nine months, having each from the company of Stationers during that time thirty fhillings a week. He afterwards alTifted fir Henry S-iville, in publilning the works of St. Chryfoftom,... | |
| 1798 - 560 pages
...commons [z]. He was alfo one of the fix who met at Stationers-hall to revifc the whole : which tafk they went through in nine months, having each from the company of ftatianers during that time thirty fhillings a week [A]. He afterwards aflifted iir Henry Saville in... | |
| 1809 - 562 pages
...allowance but his commons. He was also one of the six who met at Stationer's Hall to revise the whole; which task they went through in nine months, having...Stationers, during that time, thirty shillings a week. In 1615 Dr. Launcelot Andrews, Bishop of Ely, bestowed on him unasked, a prebend in his church. He... | |
| Encyclopaedia Britannica - 1810 - 816 pages
...his commons. He was alfo one of the fix who met at Stationers Hall to revile the whole ; which talk they went through in nine months, having each from the company of ilationers, during that time 30$. a-\»eck. He afterwards affilled Sir Henry Saville in publilhing... | |
| 1811 - 570 pages
...allowance but his commons. He was also one of the six who met at Stationers' Hall to revise the whole; which task they went through in nine months, having...Stationers, during that time, thirty shillings a week. In H115 Dr. launcelot Andrews, Bishop of Ely, bestowed on him unasked, a prebend in his church. He... | |
| 1823 - 888 pages
...allowance Uit his commons. He was also one of the six who met at Stationers Hall to revise the whole ; which task they went through in nine months, having...each from the company of stationers, during that time 303. a-week. He afterwards assisted Sir Henry Savile in publishing the works of St Chrysostom. In 1615,... | |
| John Platts - 1826 - 830 pages
...allowance but his commons. He was also one of the six who met at Stationers' hall to revise the whole ; which task they went through in nine months, having each from the Company of stationers, thirty shillings a week. He afterwards assisted Sir Henry Saville in publishing the works of St. Chrysostom.... | |
| Thomas Curtis (of Grove house sch, Islington) - 436 pages
...allowance but ins commons. He was also one of the six who met at Stationers' Hall to revise the whole. He afterwards assisted Sir Henry Saville in publishing the works of St. Chrysostom. In 1615 Dr. Lancelot Andrews, bishop of Ely, bestowed on him, unasked, a prebend in his church. He... | |
| Walter Farquhar Hook - 1847 - 616 pages
...translator of the Bible, but also one of the six who met at Stationers' Hall to revise the whole ; which task they went through in nine months, having...shillings a week. He afterwards assisted Sir Henry Savile, in publishing the works of St. Chrysostom. A present of a single copy of the book was the whole... | |
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