The Cambridge University Press. THE HOLY SCRIPTURES, &c. THE CAMBRIDGE PARAGRAPH BIBLE of the Authorized English Version, with the Text Revised by a Collation of its Early and other Principal Editions, the Use of the Italic Type made uniform, the Marginal References remodelled, and a Critical Introduction prefixed, by the Rev. F. H. SCRIVENER, M.A., LL.D., Editor of the Greek Testament, Codex Augiensis, &c., and one of the Revisers of the Authorized Version. Crown Quarto, cloth, gilt, 215. From the Times. "Students of the Bible should be particularly grateful to (the Cambridge University Press) for having produced, with the able assistance of Dr Scrivener, a complete critical edition of the Authorized Version of the English Bible, an edition such as, to use the words of the Editor, 'would have been executed long ago had this version been nothing more than the greatest and best known of English classics.' Falling at a time when the formal revision of this version has been undertaken by a distinguished company of scholars and divines, the publication of this edition must be considered most opportune." From the Athenæum. 'Apart from its religious importance, the English Bible has the glory, which but few sister versions indeed can claim, of being the chief classic of the language, of having, in conjunction with Shakspeare, and in an immeasurable degree more than he, fixed the language beyond any possibility of important change. Thus the recent contributions to the literature of the subject, by such workers as Mr Francis Fry and Canon Westcott, appeal to a wide range of sympathies; and to these may now be added Dr Scrivener, well known for his labours in the cause of the Greek Testament criticisin, who has brought out, for the Syndics of the Cambridge University Press, an edition of the English Bible, according to the text of 1611, revised by a comparison with later issues on principles stated by him in his Introduction. Here he enters at length into the history of the chief editions of the version, and of such features as the marginal notes, the use of italic type, and the changes of orthography, as well as into the most interesting question as to the original texts from which our translation is produced." From the Methodist Recorder. "This noble quarto of over 1300 pages is in every respect worthy of editor and publishers alike. The name of the Cambridge University Press is guarantee enough for its perfection in outward form, the name of the editor is equal guarantee for the worth and accuracy of its contents. Without question, it is the best Paragraph Bible ever published, and its reduced price of a guinea brings it within reach of a large number of students.. But the volume is much more than a Paragraph Bible. It is an attempt, and a successful attempt, to give a critical edition of the Authorised English Version, not (let it be marked) a revision, but an exact reproduction of the original Authorised Version, as published in 1611, minus patent mistakes. This is doubly necessary at a time when the version is about to undergo revision... To all who at this season seek a suitable volume for presentation to ministers or teachers we earnestly commend this work." From the London Quarterly Review. "The work is worthy in every respect of the editor's fame, and of the Cambridge University Press. The noble English Version, to which our country and religion owe so much, was probably never presented before in so perfect a form.' THE CAMBRIDGE PARAGRAPH BIBLE. STUDENT'S EDITION, on good writing paper, with one column of print and wide margin to each page for MS. notes. This edition will be found of great use to those who are engaged in the task of Biblical criticism. Two Vols. Crown Quarto, cloth, gilt, 31s. 6d. London: Cambridge Warehouse, 17 Paternoster Row. THE LECTIONARY BIBLE, WITH APOCRYPHA, divided into Sections adapted to the Calendar and Tables of Lessons. of 1871. Crown Octavo, cloth, 3s. 6d. BREVIARIUM AD USUM INSIGNIS ECCLESIAE SARUM. Fasciculus II. In quo continentur PSALTERIUM, cum ordinario Officii totius hebdomadae juxta Horas Canonicas, et proprio Completorii, LATINIA, COMMUNE SANCTORUM, ORDINARIUM MISSAE CUM CANONE ET XIII MISSIS, &c. &c. juxta Editionem maximam pro CLAUDIO CHEVALLON ET FRANCISCO REGNAULT A.D. MDXXXI. in Alma Parisiorum Academia impressam: labore ac studio FRANCISCI PROCTER, A.M., ET CHRISTOPHORI WORDSWORTH, A.M. Demy Octavo, cloth. 125. Small in parallel Columns on the same page. Edited by J. SCHOLEFIELD, M.A. late Regius Professor of Greek in the University. Octavo. New Edition, with the Marginal References as arranged and revised by Dr SCRIVENER. Cloth, red edges. 7s. 6d. GREEK AND ENGLISH TESTAMENT, THE STUDENT'S EDITION of the above, on large writing paper. 4to. cloth. 125. GREEK TESTAMENT, ex editione Stephani tertia, 1550. Small Octavo. 3s. 6d. THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST MATTHEW in Anglo-Saxon and Northumbrian Versions, synoptically arranged: with Collations of the best Manuscripts. By J. M. KEMBLE, M.A. and Archdeacon HARDWICK. Demy Quarto. Ios. THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST MARK in Anglo-Saxon and Northumbrian Versions synoptically arranged: with Collations exhibiting all the Readings of all the MSS. Edited by the Rev. Professor SKEAT, M.A. late Fellow of Christ's College, and author of a MESO-GOTHIC Dictionary. Demy Quarto. IOS. London: Cambridge Warehouse, 17 Paternoster Row. THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST LUKE, uniform with the preceding, edited by the Rev. Professor SKEAT. Demy Quarto. 10s. THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST JOHN, uniform with the preceding, by the same Editor. Demy Quarto. 10s. "The Gospel according to St John, in Anglo-Saxon and Northumbrian Versions: Edited for the Syndics of the University Press, by the Rev. Walter W. Skeat, M.A., Elrington and Bosworth Professor of AngloSaxon in the University of Cambridge, completes an undertaking designed and commenced by that distinguished scholar, J. M. Kemble, some forty years ago. was not himself permitted to execute his scheme; he died before it was completed for St Matthew. The edition of that Gospel was finished by Mr., subsequently Archdeacon, Hardwick. The remaining Gospels He have had the good fortune to be edited by Professor Skeat, whose competency and zeal have left nothing undone to prove himself equal to his reputation, and to produce a work of the highest value to the student of Anglo-Saxon. The design was indeed worthy of its author. It is difficult to exaggerate the value of such a set of parallel texts.... Of the particular volume now before us, we can only say it is worthy of its two predecessors. We repeat that the service rendered to the study of Anglo-Saxon by this Synoptic collection cannot easily be overstated."-Contemporary Review. THE POINTED PRAYER BOOK, being the Book of Common Prayer with the Psalter or Psalms of David, pointed as they are to be sung or said in Churches. Royal 24m0. Cloth, Is. 6d. The same in square 32mo, cloth, 6d. "The Pointed Prayer Book' deserves mention for the new and ingenious system on which the pointing has been marked, and still more for the terseness and clearness of the directions given for using it.”— Times. THE CAMBRIDGE PSALTER, for the use of Choirs and Organists. Specially adapted for Congregations in which the "Cambridge Pointed Prayer Book" is used. Demy 8vo. cloth extra, 3s. 6d. Cloth limp, cut flush, 2s. 6d. THE PARAGRAPH PSALTER, arranged for the use of Choirs by BROOKE FOSS WESTCOTT, D.D., Canon of Peterborough, and Regius Professor of Divinity in the University of Cambridge. Fcap. 4to., 5s. THE MISSING FRAGMENT OF THE LATIN TRANSLATION OF THE FOURTH BOOK OF EZRA, discovered, and edited with an Introduction and Notes, and a facsimile of the MS., by ROBERT L. BENSLY, M.A., Sub-Librarian of the University Library, and Reader in Hebrew, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. Demy Quarto. Cloth, 10s. THEOLOGY (ANCIENT). SAYINGS OF THE JEWISH FATHERS, comprising Pirqe Aboth and Pereq R. Meir in Hebrew and English, with Critical and Illustrative Notes. By CHARLES TAYLOR, M.A. Fellow and Divinity Lecturer of St John's College, Cambridge, and Honorary Fellow of King's College, London. Demy 8vo. cloth. "The Masseketh Aboth' stands at the head of Hebrew non-canonical writings. It is of ancient date, claiming to contain the dicta of teachers who flourished from B. C. 200 to the same year of our era. The precise time of its compilation in its present form is, of course, in doubt. Mr Taylor's explanatory and illustrative commentary is very full and satisfactory."-Spectator. IOS. accompanied by scholarly notes, of any portion of the Talmud. In other words, it is the first instance of that most valuable and neglected portion of Jewish literature being treated in the same way as a Greek classic in an ordinary critical edition... The Talmudic books, which have been so strangely neglected, we foresee will be the most important aids of the future for the proper understanding of the Bible... The Sayings of the Jewish Fathers may claim to be scholarly, and, moreover, of a scholarship unusually thorough and finished."-Dublin Univer sity Magazine. "A careful and thorough edition which does credit to English scholarship, of a short treatise from the Mishna, containing a series of sentences or maxims ascribed mostly to Jewish teachers immediately preceding, or immediately following the Christian era..." -Contemporary Review. "If we mistake not, this is the first precise translation into the English language THEODORE OF MOPSUESTIA'S COMMENTARY ON THE MINOR EPISTLES OF S. PAUL. The Latin Version with the Greek Fragments, edited from the MSS. with Notes and an Introduction, by H. B. SWETE, B.D., Rector of Ashdon, Essex, and late Fellow of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. In Two Volumes. Vol. I., containing the Introduction, with Facsimiles of the MSS., and the Commentary upon Galatians— Colossians. Demy Octavo. I2S. Swete has prepared himself for his task by a serious study of the literature and history which are connected with it; and he has produced a volume of high value to the student, not merely of the theology of the fourth and fifth centuries, but of the effect of this theology on the later developments of doctrine and methods of interpretation, in the ages immediately following, and in the middle ages."-Guardian. "Auf Grund dieser Quellen ist der Text bei Swete mit musterhafter Akribie hergestellt. Aber auch sonst hat der Herausgeber mit unermüdlichem Fleisse und eingehenaster Sachkenntniss sein Werk mit allen den jenigen Zugaben ausgerüstet, welche bei einer solchen Text-Ausgabe nur irgend erwartet werden können. Von den drei Haupthandschriften sind vortreffliche photographische Facsimile's beigegeben, wie überhaupt das ganze Werk von der University Press zu Cambridge mit bekannter Eleganz ausgestattet ist."-Theologische Literaturzeitung. VOLUME II. In the Press. London: Cambridge Warehouse, 17 Paternoster Row. |