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THE CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS. WHEATLY ON THE COMMON PRAYER, 7 edited by G. E. CORRIE, D.D. Master of Jesus College, Examining Chaplain to the late Lord Bishop of Ely. Demy Octavo. 7s. 6d. CÆSAR MORGAN'S INVESTIGATION OF THE TRINITY OF PLATO, and of Philo Judæus, and of the effects which an attachment to their writings had upon the principles and reasonings of the Fathers of the Christian Church. Revised by H. A. HOLDEN, LL.D. Head Master of Ipswich School, late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Crown Octavo. 45. TWO FORMS OF PRAYER OF THE TIME OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. Now First Reprinted. Demy Octavo. 6d. "From "Collections and Notes' 18671876, by W. Carew Hazlitt (p. 340), we learn that A very remarkable volume, in the original vellum cover, and containing 25 Forms of Prayer of the reign of Elizabeth, each with the autograph of Humphrey Dyson, has lately fallen into the hands of my friend Mr H. Pyne. It is mentioned specially in the Preface to the Parker Society's volume of Occasional Forms of Prayer, but it had SELECT DISCOURSES, by JOHN SMITH, late Fellow of Queens' College, Cambridge. Edited by H. G. WILLIAMS, B.D. late Professor of Arabic. Royal Octavo. 7s. 6d. "The 'Select Discourses' of John Smith, collected and published from his papers after his death, are, in my opinion, much the most considerable work left to us by this Cambridge School [the Cambridge Platonists]. They have a right to a place in English literary history."-Mr MATTHEW ARNOLD, in the Contemporary Review. "Of all the products of the Cambridge School, the 'Select Discourses' are perhaps the highest, as they are the most accessible and the most widely appreciated...and indeed no spiritually thoughtful mind can read them unmoved. They carry us so directly into an atmosphere of divine philosophy, luminous with the richest lights of meditative genius... He was one of those rare thinkers in whom largeness of view, and depth, and wealth of poetic and speculative insight, only served to evoke more fully the religious spirit, and while he drew the mould of his thought from Plotinus, he vivified the substance of it from St Paul."-Principal TULLOCH, Rational Theology in England in the 17th Century. "We may instance Mr Henry Griffin Williams's revised edition of Mr John Smith's 'Select Discourses,' which have won Mr Matthew Arnold's admiration, as an example of worthy work for an University Press to undertake."-Times. THE HOMILIES, with Various Readings, and the Quotations from the Fathers given at length in the Original Languages. Edited by G. E. CORRIE, D.D. Master of Jesus College. Demy Octavo. 7s. 6d. PRÆELEC DE OBLIGATIONE CONSCIENTIÆ London: Cambridge Warehouse, 17 Paternoster Row. ARCHBISHOP USHER'S ANSWER TO A JESUIT, with other Tracts on Popery. Edited by J. SCHOLEFIELD, M.A. late Regius Professor of Greek in the University. Demy Octavo. 7s. 6d. WILSON'S ILLUSTRATION OF THE METHOD of explaining the New Testament, by the early opinions of Jews and Christians concerning Christ. Edited by T. TURTON, D.D. late Lord Bishop of Ely. Demy Octavo. 5s. LECTURES ON DIVINITY delivered in the University of Cambridge, by JOHN HEY, D.D. Third Edition, revised by T. TURTON, D.D. late Lord Bishop of Ely. 2 vols. Demy Octavo. 15s. ARABIC AND SANSKRIT. POEMS OF BEHÁ ED DÍN ZOHEIR OF EGYPT. With a Metrical Translation, Notes and Introduction, by E. H. PALMER, M.A., Barrister-at-Law of the Middle Temple, Lord Almoner's Professor of Arabic and Fellow of St John's College in the University of Cambridge. 3 vols. Crown Quarto. 10s. 6d.; Cloth extra, 15s. Vol. I. The ARABIC TEXT. IOS. 6d.; Cloth extra, 155. Vol. II. ENGLISH TRANSLATION. "Professor Palmer's activity in advancing Arabic scholarship has formerly shown itself in the production of his excellent Arabic Grammar, and his Descriptive Catalogue of Arabic MSS. in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge. He has now produced an admirable text, which illustrates in a remarkable manner the flexibility and graces of the language he loves so well, and of which he seems to be perfect master.... The Syndicate of Cambridge University must not pass without the recognition of their liberality in bringing out, in a worthy form, so important an Arabic text. It is not the first time that Oriental scholarship has thus been wisely subsidised by Cambridge."-Indian Mail. "It is impossible to quote this edition without an expression of admiration for the perfection to which Arabic typography has been brought in England in this magnificent Oriental work, the production of which redounds to the imperishable credit of the University of Cambridge. It may be pronounced one of the most beautiful Oriental books that have ever been printed in Europe: and the learning of the Editor worthily rivals the technical get-up of the creations of the soul of one of the most tasteful poets of Islam, the study of which will contribute not a little to save honour of the poetry of the Arabs." MYTHOLOGY AMONG THE HEBREWS (Engl. Transl.), p. 194. For ease and facility, for variety of metre, for imitation, either designed or unconscious, of the style of several of our own poets, these versions deserve high praise, We have no hesitation in saying that in both Prof. Palmer has made an addition to Oriental literature for which scholars should be grateful; and that, while his knowledge of Arabic is a sufficient guarantee for his mastery of the original, his English compositions are distinguished by versatility, command of language, rhythmical cadence, and, as we have remarked, by not unskilful imitations of the styles of several of our own favourite poets, living and dead."-Saturday Review. "This sumptuous edition of the poems of Behá-ed-dín Zoheir is a very welcome addition to the small series of Eastern poets accessible to readers who are not Orientalists.... In all there is that exquisite finish of which Arabic poetry is susceptible in so rare a degree. The form is almost always beautiful, be the thought what it may. But this, of course, can only be fully appreciated by Orientalists. And this brings us to the translation. It is excellently well done. Mr Palmer has tried to imitate the fall of the original in his selection of the English metre for the various pieces, and thus contrives to convey a faint idea of the graceful flow of the Arabic...... Altogether the inside of the book is worthy of the beautiful arabesque binding that rejoices the eye of the lover of Arab art."-Academy. London: Cambridge Warehouse, 17 Paternoster Row. NALOPAKHYANAM, OR, THE TALE OF NALA; containing the Sanskrit Text in Roman Characters, followed by a Vocabulary in which each word is placed under its root, with references to derived words in Cognate Languages, and a sketch of Sanskrit Grammar. By the Rev. THOMAS JARRETT, M.A. Trinity College, Regius Professor of Hebrew, late Professor of Arabic, and formerly Fellow of St Catharine's College, Cambridge. Demy Octavo. NOTES ON THE TALE OF NALA, IOS. by J. 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"Let me say that I think it a most admirable piece of the highest criticism. . . . . I like your Preface extremely; it is just to the point."-Professor PALEY. "Professor Kennedy has conferred a boon on all teachers of the Greek classics, by causing the substance of his lectures at Cambridge on the Agamemnon of Eschylus to be published...This edition of the Agamemnon is one which no classical master should be without."-Examiner. THE THEÆTETUS OF PLATO by the same Author. [In the Press. ARISTOTLE.-ΠΕΡΙ ΔΙΚΑΙΟΣΥΝΗΣ. THE FIFTH BOOK OF THE NICOMACHEAN ETHICS OF ARISTOTLE. Edited by HENRY JACKSON, M.A., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Demy Octavo, cloth. 6s. "It is not too much to say that some of the points he discusses have never had so much light thrown upon them before. ... 8 PUBLICATIONS OF ARCHBISHOP USHER'S ANSWER TO A JESUIT, with other Tracts on Popery. Edited by J. SCHOLEFIELD, M.A. late Regius Professor of Greek in the University. Demy Octavo. 7s. 6d. WILSON'S ILLUSTRATION OF THE METHOD of explaining the New Testament, by the early opinions of Jews and Christians concerning Christ. Edited by T. TURTON, D.D. late Lord Bishop of Ely. Demy Octavo. 5s. LECTURES ON DIVINITY delivered in the University of Cambridge, by JOHN HEY, D.D. Third Edition, revised by T. TURTON, D.D. late Lord Bishop of Ely. 2 vols. Demy Octavo. 155. ARABIC AND SANSKRIT. POEMS OF BEHÁ ED DÍN ZOHEIR OF EGYPT. With a Metrical Translation, Notes and Introduction, by E. H. PALMER, M.A., Barrister-at-Law of the Middle Temple, Lord Almoner's Professor of Arabic and Fellow of St John's College in the University of Cambridge. 3 vols. Crown Quarto. Vol. I. The ARABIC TEXT. IOS. 6d.; Cloth extra, 155. 10s. 6d.; Cloth extra, 15s. metre, for imitation, either designed or un- Vol. II. ENGLISH TRANSLATION. "Professor Palmer's activity in advancing Arabic scholarship has formerly shown itself in the production of his excellent Arabic Grammar, and his Descriptive Catalogue of Arabic MSS. in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge. He has now produced an admirable text, which illustrates in a remarkable manner the flexibility and graces of the language he loves so well, and of which he seems to be perfect master.... The Syndicate of Cambridge University must not pass without the recognition of their liberality in bringing out, in a worthy form, so important an Arabic text. It is not the first time that Oriental scholarship has thus been wisely subsidised by Cambridge.”—Indian Mail. "It is impossible to quote this edition without an expression of admiration for the perfection to which Arabic typography has been brought in England in this magnificent Oriental work, the production of which redounds to the imperishable credit of the University of Cambridge. It may be pronounced one of the most beautiful Oriental books that have ever been printed in Europe: and the learning of the Editor worthily rivals the technical get-up of the creations of the soul of one of the most tasteful poets of Islam, the study of which will contribute not a little to save honour of the poetry of the Arabs."— MYTHOLOGY AMONG THE HEBREWS (Engl. Thump. 194. For ease and facility, for variety of "This sumptuous edition of the poems of Behá-ed-dín Zoheir is a very welcome addition to the small series of Eastern poets accessible to readers who are not Orientalists.... In all there is that exquisite finish of which Arabic poetry is susceptible in so rare a degree. The form is almost always beautiful, be the thought what it may. But this, of course, can only be fully appreciated by Orientalists. And this brings us to the translation. It is excellently well done. Mr Palmer has tried to imitate the fall of the original in his selection of the English metre for the various pieces, and thus contrives to convey a faint idea of the graceful flow of the Arabic...... Altogether the inside of the book is worthy of the beautiful arabesque binding that rejoices the eye of the lover of Arab art.”—Academy. London: Cambridge Warehouse, 17 Paternoster Row. |