TO THE MARQUIS OF BUCKINGHAM. MY VERY GOOD LORD, I ACQUAINTED this day the bearer with his Majesty's pleasure touching Lake's submission; which whether it should be done in person, or in writing, his Majesty signified his will thus, that it should be spared in open court, if my lady of Exeter should consent, and the board think fit. The board liked it well, and appointed my lord Digby and secretary Calvert to speak with my lady, who returned her answer in substance, that she would, in this and all things, be commanded by his Majesty: but if his Majesty left it to her liberty and election, she humbly prayed to be excused. And though it was told her, that this answer would be cause, that it could not be performed this term; yet she seemed willing rather it should be delayed, than dispensed with. This day also Traske,† in open court, made a retractation of his wicked opinions in writing. The form was as good as may be. I declared to him, that this court was the judgment-seat; the mercyseat was his Majesty: but the court would commend him to his Majesty: and I humbly pray his Majesty to signify his pleasure speedily, because of the misery of the man; and it is a rare thing for a secretary, that hath once suffered smart and shame, to turn so unfeignedly, as he seemed to do. God ever bless and keep you. Your most obliged friend and faithful servant, December 1, 1619. TO THE MARQUIS OF BUCKINGHAM. On Friday I left London, to hide myself at Kew; for two months and a half together to be strong-bent is too much for my bow. And yet, that the king may perceive that in my times of leisure I am not idle, I took down with me Sir Giles Mompesson, and with him I have quietly conferred of that proposition which was given me in charge by his Majesty, and after seconded by your lordship. Wherein I find some things I like very well, and some other that I would set by. And one thing is much to my liking, that the proposition for bringing in his Majesty's revenue with small charge is no invention, but was on foot heretofore in king Philip's and queen Mary's * Sir Thomas Lake's. + John Traske, a minister, who was prosecuted in the starchamber for maintaining, as we find mentioned in the Reports of the lord chief justice Hobart, p. 236, that the Jewish Sabbath ought to be observed, and not ours; and that we ought to abstain from all manner of swine's flesh, and those meats which the Jews were forbidden in Leviticus, according to bishop Andrews, in his speech, in the star-chamber on that occasion, printed among his lordship's works. Mr. Traske being examined in that court, confessed, that he had divulged those opinions, and had laboured to bring as many to them as he could; and had also written a letter to the king, wherein he seemed to tax his Majesty with hypocrisy, and expressly inveighed against the bishops high commissioners, as bloody and cruel in their proceedings against him, and a a papal clergy. He was sentenced to fine and imprisonment, not for holding those opinions, for those were examinable in the ecclesiastical time, and had a grave and mighty opinion for it. The rest I leave to his relation, and mine own attendance. I hope his Majesty will look to it, that the fines now to come in may do him most good. Both causes produce fines of one hundred and fourscore thousand pounds, whereof one hundred thousand may clear the anticipations, and then the assignations may pass under the great seal, to be enrollable; so as we shall need to think of nothing but the arrears in a manner, of which I wish the 20,000/. to the strangers, with the interest, be presently satisfied. The remain may serve for the king's present and urgent occasions. And if the king intend any gifts, let them stay for the second course, for all is not yet done, but nothing out of these, except the king should give me the 20,000l. I owe Peter Vanlore out of his fine, which is the chief debt I owe. But this I speak merrily. I ever rest Your lordship's most obliged friend and faithful servant, FR. VERULAM, CANC. Kew, December 12, 1619. After I had written this letter, I received from your lordship, by my servant, his Majesty's acceptation of my poor services; for which I pray your lordship to present to his Majesty my most humble thanks. I have now other things in my mind for his Majesty's service, that no time be lost. TO THE LORD CHANCELLOR.§ His Majesty hath been pleased, out of his gracious care of Sir Robert Killigrew, to refer a suit of his, for certain concealed lands, to your lordship and the rest of the commissioners for the treasury; the like whereof hath been heretofore granted to many others. My desire to your lordship is, that he being a gentleman, whom I love and wish very well unto, your lordship would show him, for my sake, all the favour you can, in farthering his suit. Wherein your lordship shall do me a courtesy, for which I will ever rest Your lordship's faithful friend and servant, Royston, December 25, 1619. court, and not there, but for making of conventicles and commotions, and for scandalizing the king, the bishops, and clergy. Dr. Fuller, in his Church History of Britain, Book X. p. 77. $64, mentions his having heard Mr. Traske preach, and remarks, that his voice had more strength than any thing else he delivered; and that after his recantation he relapsed, notinto the same, but other opinions, rather humorous than hurtful, and died obscurely at Lambeth in the reign of king Charles I. † Who in the parliament, which began January 30, 1620-1, was sentenced to be degraded and rendered incapable of bearing any office, for practising several abuses, in setting up new inns and alehouses, and exacting great sums of money of the people, by pretence of letters patents granted him for that purpose. But he fled into foreign parts, finding himself abandoned by the marquis of Buckingham, on whom he had dopended for protection. § Harl. MSS. Vol. 7006. TO THE LORD CHANCELLOR. * MY HONOURABLE LORD, I HAVE acquainted his Majesty with your letter, who for that business, whereof Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer brought the message to his Majesty to Theobald's, returned the answer by him. As for that, whereof Sir Giles Mompesson spake to your lordship, his Majesty liketh very well, and so do all others, with whom his Majesty hath spoken of it; and therefore he recommendeth it to your care, not doubting but your lordship will give all your fartherance to it, being your own work, and so much concerning his Majesty's honour and profit; and will speak farther with your lordship of it at his return to London. For those other businesses of the star-chamber, which his Majesty hath recommended to your lordship, he hopeth you will keep the clock still going, his profit being so much interested therein, especially seeing Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer † hath promised his Majesty, that he will be no more sick, whereby you shall have this comfort, that the burden | will not lie upon your lordship alone. The little leisure I had at Theobald's made me bring your man down hither for this answer, which I hope your lordship will excuse; and ever hold me for Your lordship's faithful friend and servant, Royston, Jan. 19. Indorsed, 1619. TO THE MARQUIS OF BUCKINGHAM. In the midst of business, as in the midst of a way, one should not stay long, especially when I crave no direction, but only advertise. This day we met about the commission, the commonwealth's commission, for the poor and vagabonds, &c. We have put it into an exceeding good way, and have appointed meetings once in fourteen days, because it shall not be a-slack. I was glad to hear from the two chief justices, that whatsoever appears in the country to come from primum mobile, that is, the king's care, works better than if it came from the law. Therefore we have ordered, that this commission shall be published in the several circuits in the charges of the judges. For the rest hereafter. For the proposition of Sir Giles Mompesson, we have met once. Exchequer-men will be exchequermen still; but we shall do good. For the account, or rather imparting, of the commissioners of treasury to the council, I think it will but end in a compliment. But the real care, and I hope good purpose, I will not give over, the better because I am not alone. For the star-chamber business, I shall, as you write, keep the clock on going, which is hard to do, when sometimes the wheels are too many, and sometimes too few. But we shall do well, especially if those, whom the king hath hitherto made bond-men, (I mean, which have given bonds for their fines,) he do not hereafter make free-men. For Suffolk's business it is a little strange, that the attorney made it a question to the commissioners of treasury, whether Suffolk should not be admitted to the lease of the extent of his own land, which is the way to encourage him not to pay his fine. But when it was told him that the contrary course was held with the earl of Northumberland, and that thereby he was brought to agree for his fine; then he turned, as his manner is. For the errors, we have yet so much use of the service of Sir Henry Britten in bringing in the fines, indeed more than of the attorney, as we cannot, without prejudice to his Majesty's service, enter yet into them; and besides, Sir Edward Coke comes not abroad. Mr. Kirkham hath communicated with me, as matter of profit to his Majesty, upon the coals referred by his Majesty to us of the treasury, wherein I hope we shall do good, the rather, because I am not alone. The proclamation for light gold, Mr. Secretary Calvert, I know, hath sent to his Majesty; and therefore of that I say no more. For the raising of silver by ordinance, and not by proclamation, and that for the time to come, we have given order to finish it. I hear a whispering, that thereupon the commissioners of the navy, the officers of the household, the wardrobe, may take occasion to break the book and the undertakings, because the prices may rise, which I thought good to signify to his Majesty. And to speak plainly, I fear more the pretence, than the natural effect. God evermore preserve your lordship. I rest Your lordship's most obliged friend and faithful servant, January 20, 1619. TO THE LORD CHANCELLOR.‡ I HAVE acquainted his Majesty with your letter, who is very well pleased therewith, finding in you a continual care of his service. In that point of the star-chamber business, his Majesty saith, there is a mistaking; for he meant not the Dutchmen's business, but that motion, which your lordship made unto him, of sitting in the star-chamber about the commissions, which he had not leisure to read till he came down to Royston, and hath reason to give you thanks for it, desiring you to prepare it, and study the point, of which he will speak more with He had been created lord Brooke of Beauchamp's Court, Jan. 9, 1620-1. Harl. MSS. Vol. 7006. you at his return to London, being a matter worthy | though there had been very good diligence used, yet your thinking on, and his Majesty's practice. For the last point of your letter, his Majesty saith, it cannot but proceed of malice, that there should be any such plot, which he will not endure, but he will account those, that whisper of it in that sort, enemies of his service; and will put them out of their places, that practise it. And so I rest Your lordship's faithful friend and servant, Newmarket, Jan. 22, 1619. TO MR. SECRETARY CALVERT.* MR. SECRETARY, I HAVE received your letter of the 3d of this present, signifying his Majesty's pleasure touching Peacock's † examinations, of which I will have special care. My lord Coke is come to town, and hath sent me word, he will be with me on Monday, though he be somewhat lame. Howsoever, the service shall be done. I was made acquainted, by your letter to secretary Naunton, with his Majesty's dislike of the sending to him of the jolly letter from Zealand. I will now speak for myself, that, when it was received, I turned to the master of the wards, and said, "Well, I think you and I shall ever advise the king to do more for a Burlamachi, when he seeketh to his Majesty by supplication and supplying the king at the first word, than for all the rest upon any bravadoes from the burgomasters of Holland and Zealand;" who answered very honestly, that it was in the king's power to make them alter their style when he would. But when another of us said, we could not but in our own discharge send the king the letter, scilicet negandum non fuit; though indeed my way is otherwise. I have at last recovered from these companions, Harrison and Dale, a copy of my lord of Bangor's§ book, the great one, and will presently set in hand the examinations. God keep you. certainly we are not at the bottom; and he, that would not use the utmost of his line to sound such a business as this, should not have due regard, neither to your Majesty's honour nor safety. A man would think he were in Luke Hutton's case again; for as my lady Roos personated Luke Hutton, so, it seemeth, Peacock personateth Atkins. But I make no judgment yet, but will go on with all diligence: and, if it may not be done otherwise, it is fit Peacock be put to torture. He deserveth it as well as Peacham did. I beseech your Majesty not to think I am more bitter, because my name is in it; for, besides that I always make my particular a cypher, when there is question of your Majesty's honour and service, I think myself honoured for being brought into so good company. And as, without flattery, I think your Majesty the best of kings, and my noble lord of Buckingham the best of persons favoured; so I hope, without presumption, for my honest and true intentions to state and justice, and my love to my master, I am not the worst of chancellors. God ever preserve your Majesty. Your Majesty's most obliged and most obedient servant, Feb. 10, 1619. FR. VERULAM, CANC. TO THE LORD CHANCELLOR. I PRESUME, now after term, if there be any such thing as an after-term with your lordship, to offer this enclosed paper || to your sight, concerning the duke of Lerma; which, if your lordship have not already read, will not, I think, be altogether unpleasing, because it is full of particular circumstances. I know not how commonly it passeth up and down more or less. My friend, Mr. Gage, sent it me lately out of Spain. But howsoever I build upon a sure ground; for though it should be vulgar, yet, for my desire to serve your lordship, I cannot demerit so much, as not to deserve a pardon at your lordship's most noble hand. Before the departure of the duke of Lerma from that court, there was written upon the gate for a pasquinade, that the house was governed "por el Padre, y el Hijo, y un Santo;" as in Paris about the same time was written upon the Louvre-Gate, "C'est icy l'hostel des troys Roys;" for Luynes's brother is almost as great as himself. But the while there is good store of kings now in christendom, though there be one fewer than there was. was promoted to the bishopric of Bangor in 1616. On the 15th of July, 1621, he was committed to the Fleet, but on what account is not related by Camden, Annales Regis Jacobi I. p. 72, who mentions the circumstance of the bishop's imprisonment, but that he was soon after set at liberty. He was the author of the well-known book, the Practice of Piety. || I have, out of a ragged hand in Spanish, translated it, and accompanied it with some marginal notes, for your lordship's greater ease. Note of Mr. Matthew. In Spain there are very extraordinary preparations | could so think fit. I do now receive a letter from for a great armada. Here is lately in this court a current speech, as that the enterprise, whatsoever it should have been, is laid wholly aside: but that were strange. Yet this is certain, that the forces of men, to the number of almost two thousand, which were to have gone into Spain from hence, are discharged, together with some munition, which was also upon the point of being sent. Another thing is also certain, that both in the court of Spain and this, there is at this time a strange straitness of money; which I do not conceive, for my part, to proceed so much from want, as design to employ it. The rendezvous, where the forces were to meet, was at Malaga within the straits; which makes the enterprise upon Algiers most likely to be intended. For I take that to be a wild conceit, which thinks of going by the Adriatic per far in un viaggio duoi servitii; as the giving a blow to Venice, and the landing of forces in aid of the king of Bohemia about Trieste. Perhaps the king of Spain would be glad to let the world see, that now he is hors de paye; and by showing himself in some action, to entitle the duke of Lerma to all his former sloth; or perhaps he now makes a great preparation, upon the pretence of some enterprise, that he will let fall, that so he may | with the less noise assemble great forces some other year, for some other attempt not spoken of now. . My lord Compton * is in this court, and goes shortly towards Italy. His fashion is sweet, and his disposition noble, and his conversation fair and honest. Diego, my lord Roos's man, is come hither. I pray God it be to do me any good towards the recovery of the debt his lord owes me. Most honoured lord, I am here at good leisure to look back upon your lordship's great and noble goodness towards me, which may go for a great example in this age; and so it doth. That which I am sure of, is, that my poor heart, such as it is, doth not only beat, but even boil in the desires it hath to do your lordship all humble service. I crave leave, though it be against good manners, that I may ever present my humblest service to my most honoured lady, my lady Verulam, and lady Constable, with my best respects to my dear friend, Sir John Constable; who, if your lordship want the leisure, would perhaps cast an eye upon the enclosed paper. I do, with more confidence, presume to address this other letter to Mr. Meautys, because the contents thereof concern your lordship's service. I beseech sweet Jesus to make and keep your lordship entirely happy. So I humbly do you reverence, remaining ever Your lordship's most obliged servant, TOBIE MATTHEW. PosT. I should be glad to receive some of your lordship's philosophical labours, if your lordship * Spencer, lord Compton, only son of William, earl of Northampton. This nobleman, who succeeded his father in his title and estate, in June 1630, was killed at Hopton-Heath, the Conde de Gondomar, who, thinking that it should find me in England, saith thus: "Beso las manos mil vezes a mi sennor, el sennor Gran Chancilor, con my coracon; como estoy en su buena gracia." The empress is dead long since, and the emperor is so sickly, or rather so sick, that they forbear to bury her with solemnity, as conceiving, that he will save charge by dying shortly. They say here, that the business of Bohemia is growing towards an end by composition. Brussels, this 14th of Feb. 1619. TO THE MARQUIS OF BUCKINGHAM. MY VERY GOOD LORD, For the services committed to Sir Lionel Cranfield, after his Majesty hath spoken with him, I shall attend and follow his Majesty's pleasure and directions, and yield my best care, advice, and endeavour for performance. In the pretermitted duty I have some profit, and more was to have had if queen Anne had lived. Wherefore I shall become an humble suitor to his Majesty, that I may become no loser, specially seeing the business had been many a time and oft quite overthrown, if it had not been upheld only, or chiefly, by myself; so that whatsoever service hath been since done, is upon my foundation. Mr. Attorney † groweth pretty pert with me of late; and I see well who they are that maintain him. But be they flies, or be they wasps, I neither care for buzzies nor stings, more especially in any thing that concerneth my duty to his Majesty, or my love to your lordship. I forgot not, in my public charge, the last starchamber day, to publish his Majesty's honour for his late commission for the relief of the poor, and suppressing vagabonds; as also his gracious intention touching informers, which, I perceive, was received with much applause. That of projectors I spake not of, because it is not yet ripe, neither doth it concern the execution of any law, for which my speech was proper. God ever preserve and prosper you. Your lordship's most obliged friend and faithful the rolls. But neither I, nor the master of the rolls, | fore ended by award, but is now revived again, and know what is in it; but it cometh first to his Majesty's sight. Only I did direct, that because the authentic copy, unto which my lord is sworn, according to the course of the court, is not so fit for his Majesty's reading, my lord of Suffolk should send withal a paper copy, which his Majesty might read with less trouble. My lady Suffolk is so ill of the small-pox, as she is not yet fit to make any answer. Bingley's* answer is come in, a long one; and, as I perceive, with some things impertinent, yea, and unfit. Of that I confer with Mr. Solicitor + tomorrow; and then I will farther advertise your lordship. God ever preserve and prosper you. Your lordship's most obliged friend and faithful servant, FR. VERULAM, CANC. York-house, this 23d of Feb. 1619, at nine of the clock [1619-20.] TO THE LORD CHANCELLOR. MOST HONOURED LORD, I Do even now receive this letter from the Conde de Gondomar, with direction I should send it, since I am not there to deliver it, to Mr. Wyche, that so he may present it to your lordship's hand at such time, as it may be of most use to him. He commands me besides, that for his sake I should become an humble solicitor to your lordship for this friend of his; which I presume to do the more willingly, because this party is a great friend of mine, and so are also many of his friends my friends. Besides he wills me to represent his great thanks to your lordship, for the just favours you have been pleased to vouchsafe to Mr. Wyche already, the rather in contemplation of the Conde, as he hath been informed. And if in the company, or rather in the attendance of so great an intercessor, it be not an unpardonable kind of ill manners to intrude myself, I presume to cast myself at your lordship's feet, with protestation, that I shall be very particularly bound to your lordship's goodness for any favour, with justice, that he shall obtain. I beseech Jesus keep your lordship ever entirely happy; and so doing all humble reverence, I take leave. Your lordship's most humble and most obliged servant, TOBIE MATTHEW. Brussels, this 26th of Feb. 1619. was, in Michaelmas term last, fully heard before your lordship; at which hearing your lordship did not give your opinion thereof, but were pleased to defer it, until breviats were delivered on both sides; which, as I am informed, hath been done accordingly: now my desire unto your lordship is, that you will be pleased to take some time, as speedily as your lordship may, to give your opinion thereof, and so make a final end, as your lordship shall find the same in equity to deserve. For which I will ever rest Your lordship's faithful friend and servant, G. BUCKINGHAM. Windsor, May 18, 1620. TO THE MARQUIS OF BUCKINGHAM. I WENT to Kew for pleasure, but I met with pain. But neither pleasure nor pain can withdraw my mind from thinking of his Majesty's service. And because his Majesty shall see how I was occupied at Kew, I send him these papers of rules for the star-chamber, wherein his Majesty shall erect one of the noblest and durablest pillars for the justice of his kingdom in perpetuity, that can be, after, by his own wisdom, and the advice of his lords, he shall have revised them, and established them. The manner and circumstances I refer to my attending his Majesty. The rules are not all set down; but I will do the rest within two or three days. I ever remain Your lordship's most obliged friend and faith- June 9, 1620. TO THE LORD CHANCELLOR.§ SUCH is my haste at this time, that I cannot write so largely to yourself, as I would, in the business of the steel, in which once already I sent to your lordship, and in which I only desire the good of the commonwealth, and the service of my master. I therefore have sent this bearer, my servant, unto you, and committed the relation of the business to him. And I do entreat your lordship to give credit to what he shall deliver your lordship therein, with your lawful assistance of my desires; wherein I doubt not but you shall do a very good office. And I shall rest ready to requite your courtesy; and, with my best wishes, continue TO THE LORD CHANCELLOR. MY HONOURABLE LORD, UNDERSTANDING that there hath been a long and tedious suit depending in the chancery between Ro Your very loving friend, G. BUCKINGHAM. Egham, July 6, 1620. Indorsed, bert D'Oyley and his wife, plaintiffs, and Leonard My Lord Marquis in the behalf of his servant, Mr. Lovace, defendant; which cause hath been hereto Porter, and Mr. Dallington. Harl. MSS. Vol. 7006. § Ibid. |