4 the earl of Somerset, 172, his letter to Sir George Villiers relating to that earl, 173, his remembrances of the king's declaration against the lord chief justice Coke, 181, sends the king a warrant to review Sir Edward Coke's Reports, 183, his remembrances to the king on his majesty's going to Scotland, 184, his additional instructions to Sir John Digby, 185, his account of council business, ib. cases in chancery recommended to him by the earl of Buckingham, 186 note ++, 188, &c. recommends Sir Thomas Edmondes to his niece for a husband, ib. desirous to have York-house, 187, 268, confined to his chamber by a pain in his legs, 188, has not one cause in his court unheard, ib. resides some time at Dorset-house, ib. complains that the earl of Buckingham writes seldomer than he used, 191, apologizes in a letter to the king, for having opposed the match between the earl's brother and Sir Edward Coke's daughter, 191, 192, the king's answer to that letter, 192, on ill terms with secretary Winwood, 193 note †, earl of Buckingham exasperated against him, 194, reconciled, 196, his advice to the king about reviving the commission of suits, 195, speaks to the judges concerning commendams, 196, his great despatch of business in chancery, 199, created lord Verulam, 206 note §, desirous of being one of the commissioners to treat with the Hollanders, 210, returns thanks to the king for a favour granted him, 212, his letter to Frederick count Palatine, ib. ordered to admonish the judges for negligence, 214, his advice, with regard to currants and tobacco, followed by the king, 215, gives a charge in the star-chamber, 219, draws up rules for the star-chamber, 220, advises the king to sit in person in that court, 221, his letter to the king with his "Novum Organum," 222, thanks the king for his acceptance of that work, 223, approves of the king's judgment about the proclamation for calling a parliament, ib. notes of his speech in the star-chamber against Sir Henry Yelverton, ib. his advice to the marquis of Buckingham concerning the patents granted, 225, letter of him and the two chief justices about parliament business, 226, thanks the king for creating him viscount St. Alban, 228, his speech to the parliament, 229, his letter to the marquis of Buckingham about the proceedings of the house of commons concerning grievances, ib. his letter to the king, 230, speaks in his own defence at a conference, ib. note*, his letter to the marquis of Buckingham, when the house of commons began to accuse him of abuses in his office, 230, his concern in incorporating the apothecaries, ib. memoranda of what he intended to deliver to the king, upon his first access after his troubles, 231, 232, proceedings against him, 331, note + 332, his notes upon the case of Michael de la Pole and others, 232, his letters to count Gondomar, 233, directed to go to Gorhambury, ib. his letter to Charles prince of Wales, 234, to the king, ib. grant of pardon to him, 235, his letter to lord keeper Williams, ib. his petition intended for the house of lords, ib. his letter to lord Digby, 236, to the marquis of Buckingham, ib. memorial of a conference with the marquis, 237, his History of the Reign of King Henry VII. 238, his letter to the duke of Lenox, 239, to the marquis of Buckingham, ib. to Mr. Tobie Matthew, 241, desirous to offer his house and lands at Gorhambury to the marquis, ib. his letter to the marquis of Buckingham, ib. to the lord viscount Falkland, 243, to lord treasurer Cranfield, ib. to Thomas Meautys, Esq. 244, to Mr. Tobie Matthew, ib. to the queen of Bohemia, ib. to the lord keeper, 245, to the marquis of Buckingham, 246, to the countess of Buckingham, ib. to the marquis of Buckingham, 247, memorial of his access to the king, 247, remembrances of what he was to say to the lord treasurer Cranfield, 249, his letter to the marquis, ib. to Sir Francis Cottington, 250, he returns to Gray's Inn, ib. note †, his letter to the king, ib. to secretary Conway, 251, to count Gondomar, ib. to the marquis of Buckingham, 252, is obliged to secretary Conway, ib. his letter to secretary Conway, ib. desirous of the provostship of Eton, ib. intends to sell Gorhambury, ib. his papers on usury, ib. his letter to count Gondomar, ib. to the earl of Bristol, 253, to Sir Francis Cottington, ib. to Mr. Matthew, ib. to the duke of Buckingham, ib. to Mr. Matthew, 254, his History of Henry VIII. ib. his letter to the duke of Buckingham, 255, to the king with his book "De Augmentis Scientiarum," 256, to the prince with the same book, ib. his Essay on Friendship, i. 281, his conference with the duke, ii. 256, 257, letter of advice to the duke, 258, desires his writ of summons to parliament, 259, his letter to Sir Francis Barnham, 260, to the duke of Buckingham, ib. to Richard Weston, ib. to Sir Humphrey May, 261, to Sir Robert Pye, 262, to Edward, earl of Dorset, 263, letter to Mr. Roger Palmer, ib. to the duke of Buckingham, ib. to Mons D'Effiat, 264, to king James I. 265, his petition to king James I. 266, his letters to the marquis of Buckingham, 266, 267, to Mr. Matthew, 267, to the archbishop of York, 268, to the king on Cotton's case, 164, 165, his letter to Mr. Cecil about his travels, 140, letter of thanks to the earl of Essex, ib. to alderman Spencer, 141, to queen Elizabeth, being afraid of her displeasure, 142, to Mr. Kemp, ib. to the earl of Essex, about the Huddler, ib. to Sir Robert Cecil, 144, his letter to queen Elizabeth, 145, to his brother Antony, 146, another to his brother Antony, about being solicitor, and the queen's temper of mind, ib. his letter to Sir Robert Cecil about his going abroad, if not made solicitor, 147, to Sir Thomas Egerton, desiring favours, 151, to the earl of Essex on his going on the expedition against Cadiz, 152, his letter to his brother Antony, 153, to Sir John Davis, 157, his eulogium on Henry prince of Wales, 159, 160, his letter to lord Norris, 167, his letter to Sir George Villiers about Sir Robert Cotton's examination, 169, his letter to the judges about the cause of commendams, 171, his letter to the king about the transportation of tallow, butter, and hides, 176, to Mr. Maxey of Trinity College, 188, to his niece about her marriage, ib. his letter to the duke of Buckingham about Sir Henry Yelverton's case, 224, his letter to the lord treasurer for his favour to Mr. Higgins, 264, to Sir Francis Vere in favour of Mr. Ashe, ib. to Mr. Cawfeilde about sending interrogatories, 265, his friendly letter to lord Montjoye, ib. See Letters. Bacon, Antony, a letter from his brother to him, ii. 146, another letter about being solicitor to queen Elizabeth, ib. Bacon, Sir Edmund, a letter to his uncle about the salt of wormwood, ii. 182. Baggage, the properties of it, i. 289. Balaam's Ass, the title of a libel against king James I. ii. 164, note +. Bankrupts, their petitions, when to be granted, i. 722. Banquet of the seven wise men, i. 324. Baptism by women or laymen condemned, i. 356, was formerly administered but annually, ib. Barbadico, duke of Venice, joins in the Italian league, i. 768. Barbary, the plague cured there by heat and drought, i. 128, hotter than under the line, why, 130. Bargains of a doubtful nature, i. 290. Barley, William, sent to lady Margaret, &c. i. 763, made his peace at last, 767. Barnham, Sir Francis, letter to him from lord St. Alban, Battery, how to be punished, i. 571. Battle of Granicum, i. 323, of Arbela, 284, of Actium, 286, of Bosworth Field, 731, of Stokefield near Newark, 740, Bayly, Dr. Lewis, bishop of Bangor, a book of his to be ex- Beads of several sorts commended, i. 197. Bearing in the womb, in some creatures longer, in some Bears, their sleeping, i. 91, 189, breed during their sleeping, 189. Bear big with young seldom seen, ib. Beasts, why their hairs have less lively colours than birds' feathers, i. 83, 96. Beasts do not imitate man's speech as birds do, whence, 112. Beasts communicating species with or resembling one another, 157, the comparative greatness of beasts and birds with regard to fishes, 183, greater than birds, whence, ib. have no instrument of urine, 158, the swiftness of their motion, ib. have no teeth, 168, among singing birds males the best, 183, birds carnivorous not eaten, 184. Birth of living creatures, how many ways it may be accelerated, i. 124. Bishop taken armed in battle, i. 319. Bitumen, a mixture of fiery and watery substance, i. 173, Beasts that yield the taste or virtue of the herb they feed | Black the best colour in plums, i, 141. on, i. 139, their bearing in the womb, 169. Beasts foreshow rain, how, i. 278. Beautiful persons, i. 296. Beauty, how improved, i. 86. Beauty and deformity, i. 296, the relation of beauty to Bedford, lady, some account of her, ii. 83. Beer, how fined, i. 119, improved by burying, 128, capon Bees humming, an unequal sound, i. 106, their age, 161, Behaviour of some men like verse, in which every syllable Belfast, lord, ii. 257, ib. note **. Bells, why they sound so long after the percussion, i. 101, ringing of them said to have chased away thunder and dissipated pestilent air, 102. See i. 115. What helps the clearness of their sound, 241. "Bellum sociale," between the Romans and Latins, with the occasion of it, i. 465. Benbow, Mr. ii. 238. Benevolence, a contribution so called, made of money, Bennet, Sir John, ii. 191, 293. Bertram, John, his case, ii. 184 note *, concerning his Bevers, lord, admiral of the archduke, i. 773. Bias, his precept about love and hatred, i. 315. Bill of review, in what cases to be admitted in chancery, i. 717, of an immoderate length, is to be fined in chancery, 719, that is libellous, or slanderous, or impertinent, to be punished, ib. Bills and beaks sometimes cast, i. 168. Bingley, Sir John, his answer in the star-chamber, ii. 220. 477. Bion, his reproof to an envious man, i. 316, an atheist, 322, reprimands the dissolute mariners in a tempest, 325. Birds, why their feathers have more orient colours than the hairs of beasts, i. 83, 96. Birds have another manner in their quickening than men or beasts, i. 96. Birds only imitate human voice, whence, 112, why swifter in motion than beasts, 158, in their kinds, why less than beasts or fishes, 183. Birds Blackheath, battle there between Henry VII. and the Cor nish rebels, i. 775. Blacks, or tawny Moors, their coloration, i. 130. Blackstones, Sir Thomas, ii. 199. Bladders dry, will not blow, &c. i. 124. Blear eyes infectious, i. 193. Bleeding of the body at the approach of the murderer, i. 197. Blood of the cuttle-fish, why black, i. 167, one who hath Blood-stones, said to prevent bleeding at the nose, i. 198. Blunt, the effect of what passed at his arraignment, i. 423, Blushing, how caused, i. 186, causeth redness in the ears, Bohemia, queen of, her cause recommended by Lord Ba- Boiling, no water in that state so clear as when cold, i. 158, bottom of a vessel of boiling water, not much heated, ib. Boiling causeth grains to swell in different proportion, i. 184. Boldness, i. 270, the child of ignorance and baseness, ib. Boletus, an excrescence on the roots of oaks, i. 153. sharp colds, ib. in what fishes none, 168, one in the heart | Building, i. 296, variety of circumstances to be considered of a stag, ib. Bonham, his case, ii. 299, 271. Books proper to assist students in reading the common law, much wanted, i. 669, a way proposed for supplying them, 670. Boring a hole through a tree helpeth its fruitfulness, i. 133. Bottles under water preserve fruit a long time, i. 152. Bourchier, archbishop of Canterbury, entertains Henry Bourchier, Sir John, one of the hostages left at Paris by Henry VII. i. 735. Bow, Turkish, i. 162. Bowling, good for the stone and reins, i. 301. Bracelets worn, which comfort the spirits, i. 197, their three several operations, ib. Brackenbury, lieutenant of the Tower, refuses to murder Edward V. and his brother, i. 763. Brackley, viscount, created earl of Bridgewater, ii. 187 note ††. Brain, its over-moisture obstructs the sight, i. 159, 160. Brains of beasts that are fearful said to strengthen the memory, 198. Brain increased in the full moon, 188. Brass much heavier than iron, i. 241. Brass sanative of wounds, i. 173. Brass plates assuage swelling, i. 185. in the situation of it, ib. of the Vatican and Escurial without a good room, 297. Bullet, its motion, i. 101. Bulls from the pope are forbid in England, i. 387. Burgh English, a custom in boroughs so called, i. 577. Burghley, lord treasurer, his kind letter to Mr. Bacon, ii. 141. Burleigh, lord, counsellor to queen Elizabeth, commended, i. 377, is censured in a libel, ib. further attempts to make him suspected to the queen and nation, 378, some account of him, with remarks upon his actions, 394, was much respected by queen Mary, 395, some false reflections concerning him, ib. &c. is accused of designing a match between his grandchild William Cecil and the lady Arabella, 396, several letters to the English and Scotch lord Burleigh: for which see Letter. Burning glasses, their operations, i. 101. Burning some vegetables upon the ground enricheth it, i. 149. Burnt wine, why more astringent, i. 189. Burrage-leaf, infused, represses melancholy, and removes madness, i. 84. Burying hard and soft bodies in earth, its effects, i. 129. Busbechius, his account of a christian gagging a fowl at Constantinople, i. 270. Brass ordnance, the advantage of them, i. 240. Brass plates Business compared to the roads, i. 320, 321, how best for less resplendent than steel, ib. Bravery stands upon comparisons, i. 303. Bray, Sir Reginald, clamoured against, i. 773, noted to have the greatest freedom with king Henry VII. 786, his death, ib. warded, 278, directions about doing business, 300. By-laws restrained, being fraternities in evil, i. 787. C CABINET councils, their introduction, i. 277. Breath held, helpeth hearing, why, i. 116. conquering England, i. 411. Bresquet, jester to Francis I. i. 320. Brewing neglected in many countries, i. 162, 163. Bribery, our author is apprehensive of being charged therewith, i. 723, his requests to the lords thereupon, 723, 724, promises a fair answer relating thereto, ii. 122, his submission, i. 726, his supplication for favour, 729. Brier, i. 145. Brimstone, useful in melting of steel, i. 240. Bringing forth many at a birth, and but one, i. 169, the reasons assigned, ib. Britain of the true greatness of the kingdom of Britain, i. 502. Britany, the steps taken to re-annex it to the crown of France, i. 742. Britten, Sir Henry, ii. 217. Brittle bodies, why they shiver at a distance from the pressure, i. 83. Brograve and Branthwayt recommended by lord keeper Puckering, ii. 141. Bromley, Edward, baron of the exchequer, ii. 183 note **. Brooke, Robert, lord, sent at the head of 8000 men in aid of Britany, i. 747. Brooke, Fulk Greville, lord, looks over the manuscript of lord Bacon's history of the reign of Henry VII. ii. 238. Brother, &c. of the half-blood shall not inherit to his brother, &c. but only as a child to his parents, i. 576. Broughton, Sir Thomas, a powerful man in Lancashire, i. 736, slain in the battle near Newark, fighting against Henry VII. 741. Brown, Dr. character of him, i. 320. Brownists, some account of their opinions, i. 383. Brutus, his power with Cæsar, i. 282. Bubbles rise swift in water from the pressure or percussion of the water, i. 85. Bubbles and white circles froth on the sea, 177, meet on the top of water, 777. Buchanan, his History of Scotland, ii. 34 note *. Cæsar (Julius) besieged in Alexandria, how he preserved the wells, i. 82, wrote a collection of apophthegms, 310, married his daughter to Pompey, 321, how he appeased sedition in his army, ib. his character of Sylla, ib. reprimands a coward, 322, attempts the title of king, 324, represses Metellus, ib. his Anti-Cato, 327. Vide 273. A saying of Seneca's about his resigning his power, 671, was a famous lawgiver, ib. a saying to him, 447. Cæsar Borgia, his perfidy, i. 322. Cæsar, Sir Julius, ii. 202 note †, 204 note +, 219 note †. Cairo afflicted with plagues on the rise of the river Nile, i. 168. Calaminar stone, i. 244. Calamitas, when the corn could not rise in the straw, i. 156. Calcination, how performed, i. 246. Callisthenes, in his two orations, commends and discommends the Macedonians, i. 667, Alexander's saying to him thereupon, ib. Callisthenes, his hatred of Alexander, i. 314. Calvert, Sir George, secretary of state, ii. 213, appointed to speak with the countess of Exeter, 216, letter to him from the lord chancellor, 218. Cambridge, a letter to the university professing great respect and services due from our author, ii. 91. Camden, his annals of queen Elizabeth commended, ii. 34 note Candle-light, colours appearing best by it, i. 292. Candles of several mixtures, i. 127, of several wicks, ib. laid in bran, for lasting, ib. Candles of salamanders' wool, 172. Cannibals, or eaters of man's flesh, said to be the original of the French disease, i. 85, three reasons why man's flesh is not to be eaten, 184. Buckhurst, lord, is concerned in Essex's trial, i. 419, his Canon law, a design of purging it in Henry VIII.'s time, i. character from Naunton, ii. 32 note *. Buckingham, George, earl, &c. of. See Villiers. Buckingham, Mary, countess of, letter to her from lord Bacon, ii. 246, memorandums for his lordship's conference with her, 249. 668. Cantharides, wheresoever applied, affect the bladder, i. 96, the flies cantharides, 166, of what substance they are bred, and their qualities, ib. operate upon urine and hydropical water, 199. a Capel, Sir William, alderman of London, an instance of the king's extortion, i. 767. Capital to conspire the death of a lord, or any of the king's council, i. 748. Capite, lands held in capite in knight's service, in what manner and parcels they may be devised, i. 626, 627. Capon drink for a consumption, i. 89. Caracalla, famous for driving chariots, i. 275. Cardinal, whence so called, i. 534. Cardinals of Rome, their affected wisdom, i. 303. Carew, Sir George, some account of him, ii. 37 note §. Carrying of foreign roots with safety, i. 152. Carvajal, i. 319. Cary, Mr. Henry, his letter to lord Falkland, ii. 243. Casaubon, Isaac, letter to him from Sir Francis Bacon, ii. 152. remedy till Augustus's time, if the heir did not perform as he ought, 602, cases concerning him in statute of uses, 607, 608, 609, 611, what person may be so, 613. See Use. Chæronea, battle of, won by Philip of Macedon, ii. 443. Chalcites, or vitriol, i. 161. Chalk, a good compost, i. 149, good for pasture as well as for arable, ib. Challenges to duelling punishable, though never acted, i. 682. Chaloner, Sir Thomas, some account of him, ii. 26 note ¶. Chameleons, their description, i. 125, their nourishment of flies as well as air, ib. their raising a tempest if burnt, a fond tradition, 126. Chancery, one formerly in all counties palatine, i. 637, rules proper to be observed for the direction of that court, 709, 710, its excess in what particulars to be amended, 712, some disagreement between that court and King's Bench, ii. 61, letter upon the same to Sir George Villiers, 62, the ground of their disagreement, 61, our author's advice relating thereto, 63, more proceedings between them, 75. Case of Marwood, Sanders, Foster, and Spencer, relating confounded, 662, of Wharton, concerning challenges to duelling, 682, of Saunders upon poisoning, 696. Cassia, an odd account of it from one of the ancients, i. 152. Cassius in the defeat of Crassus by the Parthians, i. 326. Cassytas, a superplant of Syria, i. 156. Castello, Adrian de, pope's legate, i. 750. Castile, Philip, king of, driven on the English shore, i. 789. Casting of the skin or shell, i. 166, the creatures that cast either, ib. Casting down of the eyes proceedeth of reverence, i. 164. Catalonia, a name compounded of Goth and Alan, i. 467. Cataracts of the eye, i. 115, of Nile, said to strike men deaf, ib. remedy for those of the eyes, 153. Caterpillars, their produce and growth, i. 165, several kinds of them, ib. Catharine. See Katharine. Cato Major compares the Romans to sheep, i. 322, his reason to his son for bringing in a step-mother, 323, says, wise men profit more by fools than fools by wise men, 326, his character, 293. Catullus, his sarcasm upon Clodius, i. 322. Causes dismissed in chancery, after full hearing, are not to be retained again, i. 717. Cecil, Sir Robert, some account of him, i. 396, ii. 31 note||, letters to him from Sir Francis Bacon, ii. 154, 155, 156, character of him by the same, 153, his letter to Mr. Francis Bacon, 142, his answer to Mr. Bacon's letter, 144. Cecile, Duchess of York, mother of Edward IV. her death, i. 769. Celsus, his great precept of health, i. 287. Cements that grow hard, i. 182. Cement as hard as stone, 173. Cephalus, an Athenian, a saying of his upon himself, i. 394. Ceremonies and respects, i. 302, their slight use and great abuse, ib. often raise envy, and obstruct business, ib. Certainty, there be three degrees of it; first, of presence, which the law holds of greatest dignity; secondly, of name, which is the second degree; thirdly, of demonstration or reference, which is the lowest degree, i. 568. There is a certainty of representation also, cases of which see, ib. what the greatest kind in the naming of lands, 569, what sort is greatest in demonstrations of persons, ib. of reference, two difficult questions relating thereto answered, ib. Cestuy que use, cases relating thereto, i. 598, had no Chandos of Britain made earl of Bath, i. 735. Change in medicines and aliments, why good, i. 93, vide 287. Chanteries, statute of, explained, i. 559. Chaplains to noblemen's families, should have no other benefice, i. 358. Charcoal vapour, in a close room, often mortal, i. 192. against Priest and Wright concerning duels, 683, against Talbot, 686, against Oliver St. John for traducing the letters touching the benevolence, with the sum of his offence, 689, against Owen for high treason, 693, against several persons for traducing the king's justice in the proceedings against Weston for poisoning Overbury, 695, with an enumeration of their particular offences, 697, against the countess of Somerset for poisoning Overbury, 699, against the earl of Somerset for the same, 704. Charges warily to be entered upon, i. 284. Charities, why not to be deferred till death, i. 290. Charlemaign, i. 307. Charles, duke of Burgundy, slain at the battle of Granson, i. 199. Charles, king of Sweden, a great enemy to the Jesuits, i. 318, hanging the old ones, and sending the young to the mines, ib. Charles V. emperor, passes unarmed through France, i. 320, has the fate of great conquerors, to grow superstitious and melancholy, 275, married the second daughter of Henry VII. i. 791. See i. 535. Charles, prince of Wales, our author's dedication to him, i. 731, another, 532, a Charles who brought the empire first into France and Spain, ib. Charles VIII. of France, marries Anne, inheritress of Britany, i. 733, fortunate in his two predecessors, 742, his character and conduct in re-annexing Britany, ib. treats with great art and dissimulation, 744, 753, resolved upon the war of Naples and a holy war, how, 754, marries the heir of Britany, though both parties were contracted to others, 753, 756, restores Russignon and Perpignan to Ferdinando, 760, besides present money, grants an annual pension or tribute to Henry VII. for a peace, ib. despatches Lucas and Frion in embassy to Perkin, 762, to invite him into France, ib. conquers and loses Naples, 768, his ill conduct recapitulated, ib. Charles IX. advice given him by Jasper Coligni, to discharge the ill humours of his state in a foreign war, i. 535. Charms, i. 195, 196. Charter-house, what sort of persons most proper to be relieved by that foundation, i. 495, no grammar school to be there, but readers in the arts and sciences, 495, 496 should be a college for controversies, 496, a receptacle for converts to the reformed religion, ib. See Sutton. Cheap fuel, i. 172. Cheerfulness, a preservative of health, i. 287. Cheshire, exempted from the jurisdiction of the court of | all cases except treason and robbing of churches; but is Marches, i. 635. Childless men authors of the noblest works and foundations, i. 265. Children, a foolish pride in having none, from covetousness and a fondness to be thought rich, i. 266. Children born in the seventh month, vital; in the eighth not, why, i. 124, over-much nourishment ill for children, ib. what nourishment hurtful, ib. what nourishment good for them, ib. sitting much, why hurtful for them, 125, cold things, why hurtful, ib. long sucking, why hurtful, ib. sweeten labours, imbitter misfortunes, 266. Chilon, his saying of kings, &c. i. 321, his saying of men and gold, 325. Chinese commended for attempting to make silver, rather than gold, i. 121, paint their cheeks scarlet, 167, eat horse flesh, 184, had ordnance two thousand years ago, 307. Choleric creatures, why not edible, i. 184. Christ Jesus, sent by God according to promise, i. 338, his incarnation, ib. is God and man, ib. his sufferings are satisfactory for sin, 339, to what persons they are applicable, ib. the time of his birth and suffering, 338. Christendom, its disturbances what owing to, i. 388. Christian priest, a description of a good one, i. 204. Christianity, how commended by Æneas Sylvius, i. 320. Chronicles, i. 29. Church of England, the eye of England, i. 330, the disputes about the policy, government, and ceremonies of it carried very high, 346, considerations touching its pacification, 351, the faults of those who have attempted to reform its abuses, 353, is commended, 352, yet wants reformation in some things, 353, that there should be only one form of discipline alike in all, an erroneous conceit, ib. want of patrimony therein, 359, methods of supplying its decayed maintenance, ib. parliaments are obliged in conscience to enlarge its patrimony, ib. its affectation of imitating foreign churches condemned as a cause of schism and heresy, 347. Church catholic, that there is one, i. 339, that there is a visible one, ib. Church of Rome, the ill effects of our condemning every thing alike therein, i. 347. Church-livings, caution necessary in presenting persons to them, i. 511. Cicero, i. 310, 321, gives an evidence upon oath against Clodius, 322, what he observes of the bribery of the provinces, 325, his character of Piso, 281, his letter to Atticus about Pompey's preparations at sea, 286, his commendation of Rabirius Posthumus, 289, his observation upon Cæsar, 258. Cider ripeneth under the line, i. 189. Cincas, how he checked Pyrrhus's ambition, i. 315. Cion overruleth the stock, i. 133, 135, 137, must be superior to it, 136, regrafting often the same cions may enlarge the fruit, 135, grafted the small end downwards, 183. Circuit, counties divided into six of them, i. 574, times appointed for the judges to go them, ib. Circuits of judges, how rendered more serviceable to crown and country, i. 512. Citron grafted on a quince, i. 142. Civil history, i. 29. Civil war prevails in Gascoigne, Languedoc, &c. i. 468. Clarence, duke of, his death contrived by his brother Cla Clarification of liquors, by adhesion, i. 83, 119, three causes thereof, 119, several instances of clarification, ib. rification by whites of eggs, 171, of the Nile water, ib. Claudius, a conspiracy against him, i. 326. "Clausula derogatoria," called also "clausula non obstante," is of two sorts, i. 564, &c. its force explained by several instances, ib. Clay grounds produce moss in trees, i. 144. Cleopatra, her death, i. 154. now much limited, ib. to what cases now confined, ib. their maintenance is " jure divino," 359, equality in their order condemned, ib. an assembly of them much com. mended, 357. Clergy pared by Henry VII. i. 748. Clodius acquitted by a corrupted jury, i. 322. Clothing business at a stay, ii. 86, a remedy hereof proposed, 86, 87, some further thoughts upon the same, 87, the new company not to be encouraged in the clothing trade, ib. Cloves attractive of water, i. 94. Coasting of plants, i. 136. Cocks may be made capons, but capons never cocks, applied to the Epicureans, i. 325. Coffee, its virtues, i. 167. "Cogitata et Visa," Bodley's opinion of that book, ii. 39. Coke, Sir Edward, i. 317, 318, an account of his errors in law, ii. 71-73, his Reports much commended, i. 668, ii. 95, are thought to contain matters against the prerogative, ib. note †. Coke, when attorney-general, insults Mr. Francis Bacon, ii. 155, knighted, ib. note †, and made lord chief justice of the Common Pleas, ib. called the Huddler by Mr. Bacon, 143, innovations introduced by him into the laws and government, 168, fills part of the charge against the earl of Somerset with many frivolous things, 172, answers for the earl's jewels, 174, active in examining into the poisoning of Sir Thomas Overbury, 175, cited before the council, 180, and forbid to sit at Westminster, ib. letter of lord viscount Villiers concerning him, ib. remembrances of the king's declaration against him, 181, his letter to the king concerning the case of murder or felony committed by one Englishman upon another in a foreign kingdom, 184, exasperates the earl of Buckingham against the lord keeper Bacon, 194, 195, his Reports examined by the judges, 196, he attends the council, but is in a bad state of health, 215, the marquis of Buckingham has no power with him, 229. Colchester oysters how improved, i. 162. Cold contracts the skin, and causes defluxions, i. 88, how it relaxeth, ib. stanches blood, 92, heat and cold Nature's two hands, 93, intense cold sometimes causeth mortification, 122, 173. Cold in feet, why it hindereth sleep, 168. Cold the greatest enemy to putrefaction, 180. Cold, the production of it a noble work, i. 93, seven means to produce it, ib. the earth " primum frigidum," ib. transitive into bodies adjacent as well as heat, ib. all tangible bodies of themselves cold, ib. density cause of cold, ib. quick spirit in a cold body increaseth cold, ib. chasing away the warm spirit, increaseth cold, 94, exhaling the warm spirit doth the same, ib. Cold causeth induration, 95, and quickens liquors, 120, hinders putrefaction, 123, irritateth flame, 128. Cold sweats often mortal, 163, how to help a mortification arising from cold, 173. Coleworts furthered in their growth by sea-weed, i. 135, by being watered with salt water, 136, apple grafted on them in the Low Countries, 135, hurt neighbouring plants, 138, apples grafted on them produce fruit without core, 183. Colic cured by application of wolf's guts, i. 198. Coligni, Jasper, admiral of France, his advice, i. 535. Clergy, benefit thereof, its first rise, i. 575, was allowed in College for controversies proposed, i. 496. |