Naphtha, i. 191, 246. Naples, i. 754, 755. Narcissus, his art with Claudius, i. 279. Narratives, or relations, i. 29. Nasturtium, or cardamom, its virtue, i. 125. Nations by name, not so in right, i. 527. Nativity of queen Elizabeth falsely said to be kept holy, instead of that of the Blessed Virgin, i. 397. Natural-born subjects, their privileges by our law, i. 655. Natural divination, i. 176. Naturalization, the privilege and benefit of it, i. 654, the nice care of our laws in imparting it, ib. its several degrees, as belonging to several sorts of people, 654, 655, the wisdom of our law in its distinctions of this privilege, 655, several degrees of it among the Romans, ib. arguments against naturalization of the Scots, 655, 656, is conferred by our laws on persons born in foreign parts, of English parents, 656, the inconveniences of a general naturalization of the Scots, urged, 658, whether conquest naturalizes the conquered, 659, did never follow conquest among the Romans till Adrian's time, but was conferred by charter, &c. ib. 660, how it is favoured by our laws, 660, case of the subjects of Gascoigne, Guienne, &c. in relation thereto, when those places were lost, 664, a speech in favour of the naturalization of the Scots, 461, an answer to the inconveniences of naturalizing the Scots, ib. is divided into two sorts, ib. the inconveniences of not naturalizing the Scots, 465, the advantages of it, 466, instances of the ill effects in several nations of non-naturalization, ib. may be had without a union of laws, 468, the Romans were very free in them, 451. See Conquest. Nature, advice of the true inquisition thereof, i. 117. Nature, better perceived in small than in great, i. 160. Nature, a great consent between the rules of nature and of true policy, i. 449, &c. its grounds touching the union of bodies, and their farther affinity with the grounds of policy, 451, the laws thereof have had three changes, and are to undergo one more, 337, spirits are not included in these laws, ib. what it is we mean thereby, ib. Nature in men concealed, overcome, extinguished, i. 292, happy where men's natures sort with their vocations, 293, runs to herbs or weeds, ib. Naunton, Sir Robert, surveyor of the court of wards, attends the king to Scotland, ii. 189, made secretary of state, 200 note †, recommended to the duke of Buckingham for his grace to apply to, 223, 225. Navigation of the ancients, i. 206, 207. Navy, how to be ordered after the union of England and Scotland, i. 458, 459, its prosperous condition under queen Elizabeth, 381. Necessity is of three sorts conservation of life-necessity of obedience and necessity of the act of God, or of a stranger, i. 554, it dispenses with the direct letter of a statute law, ib. how far persons are excused by cases of necessity, ib. it privilegeth only "quoad jura privata," but does not excuse against the commonwealth, not even in case of death, ib. an exception to the last-mentioned rule, 555. Negotiating by speech preferable to letters, i. 300, when best, ib. Negotiations between England and Spain, wherein is shown the treachery of Spain, i. 392. Negroes, an inquiry into their coloration, i. 130. Nero much esteemed hydraulics, i. 98, his male wife, 321, his character, 322, dislike of Seneca's style, 326, his harp, 276. Nerva, his dislike of informers to support tyranny, i. 323, what was said of him by Tacitus, 483. Netherlands, revolt from Spain, i. 391, proceedings between England and Spain relating to them, ib. are received into protection by England, 392, they might easily have been annexed to the British dominions, ib. Nevill, Sir Henry, is drawn into Essex's plot by Cuffe, i. 414, his declaration, ib. Névill's case relating to local inheritances, 616. Neville, lord, the house of commons desire he may be put out of office, ii. 233. "New Atlantis," i. 202. Dr. Rawley's account of the design of it, ib. Night-showers better for fruit than day-showers, i. 156. Nights, star-light or moon-shine, colder than cloudy, i. 185. Nilus, a strange account of its earth, i. 167. Nilus, the virtues thereof, i. 171, how to clarify the water of it, ib. Nisi prius, is a commission directed to two judges, i. 575, the method that is holden in taking nisi prius, ib. the jurisdiction of the justices of nisi prius, ib. the advantages of trials this way, ib. Nitre, or salt-petre, i. 86, 87, whence cold, 93. Nitre, good for men grown, ill for children, 125. Nitrous water, 126, scoureth of itself, ib. Nitre mingled with water maketh vines sprout, 134. Nitre upon the sea-sands, i. 171. Nobility, the depression of them makes a king more absolute, and less safe, i. 276. Nobility, 271, attempers sovereignty, ib. should not be too great for sovereignty or justice, ib. too numerous causeth poverty and inconvenience to a state, ib. reason why they should not multiply too fast, 285, their retinues and hospitality conduce to martial greatness, ib. Nobility how to be ordered after the union of England and Scotland, 457, the state of them in queen Elizabeth's time, 385, their possessions how diminished, ib. how to be raised and managed in Ireland after its plantation, 472. Noises, some promote sleep, i. 168. Non-claim statute, i, 750. Non-residence, is condemned, i. 358, the usual pleas for it, ib. &c. the pretence of attending study thereby more in the universities, removed, ib. several other pleas removed, ib. Norfolk, duke of, plots with the duke of Alva and Don Guerres, to land an army at Harwich, i. 392. Norris, Sir John, makes an honourable retreat at Gaunt, i. 538. Northampton, earl of, some account of him, ii. 31 note *. Northumberland destroyed with fire and sword by James Notions, all our common ones are not to be removed, Numa's two coffins, i. 171, a lover of retirement, 281. 0 OAK bears the most fruit amongst trees, i. 153, the cause, ib. our oaken timber for shipping not to be equalled, 515. Oak-leaves have honey-dews, probably from the closeness of the surface, i. 139, an old tradition, that oak-boughs put into the earth bring forth wild vines, 142. Oakapples, an excrescence with putrefaction, 145. Oath ex officio, is condemned, i. 355, a new oath of allegiance, ii. 38 note †. Obedience, two means of retaining conquered countries in it, i. 659. Objects of the sight cause great delight in the spirits, but no great offence, i. 186, the cause, ib. Ocampo, the Spanish general in Ireland, i. 541, taken prisoner, ib. Occhus, a tree in Hyrcania, i. 151. Officers in court, ministerial, how to be treated. i. 520. Officers of the crown, how to be ordered after the union of Oxford, John, earl of, designed general, i. 740, created England and Scotland, i. 457. Oil, whether it can be formed out of water, i. 125. Oily substances and watery, i. 123, commixture of oily substances prohibiteth putrefaction, ib. turning of watery substances into oily, 125, a great work in nature, ib. some instances thereof, ib. Oil of sweet almonds a great nourisher, 90, how to be used, ib. Ointment, fragrant, i. 253. Ointments shut in the vapours, and send them powerfully to the head, 191, said to be used by witches, 198, preserving ointments, 250. Old men conversing with young company, live long, i. 194. Old trees bearing better than the same young, i. 153. Onions shoot in the air, i. 86. Onions made to wax greater, i. 136, in growing carry the seed to the top, 154. Openers, a catalogue of them, i. 251. Opinion, a master-wheel in some cases, i. 509. Opium, how to abate its poisonous quality, i. 85, inquired into, 93, 94, hath divers parts, 97, causes mortification, 122. Vide 154. Oquenda, Michael de, the Spanish admiral, lost, i. 539. Orange-flowers infused, i. 84. Orange-seeds sown in April will bring forth an excellent salad-herb, 146. Orange, prince of, is murdered by the papists, i. 695. Orators, were as counsellors of state among the Athenians, i. 388. Orbilius, i. 194. Order in curing diseases, i. 92. Orders in chancery, are to be registered, i. 719, a copy of them is to be kept by the register, ib. where they vary from general rules, they are to be set down with great care, ib. Ordinances made for the court of chancery, i. 716. Ordination, more care ought to be taken therein, i. 357. Ordnance, its antiquity, i. 307, called by the Macedonians, thunder, lightning, and magic, ib. Orleans, duke of, i. 744, routed and taken, 747. Ormonde, Walter, earl of, ii. 207-210. Ormus taken from the Spaniard by the Persian, i. 542. Orrice, only sweet in the root, i. 185. D'Ossat, cardinal, a writing of his upon king James's accession, ii. 30 note *. Ostrich, ran some space after her head was struck off, i. 130, lays her eggs in the sand to be hatched by the sun's heat, 184. Otho, when he slew himself many followed the example, whence, i. 262. Ottomans, when they first shaved the beard, i. 320, when divided, 754, without nobles, gentlemen, freemen, or inheritance. 524. Outlawry, of an attainder thereby, and its consequences, i. 580, how far the lord's title by escheat in this case shall relate back, ib. Overbury, Sir Thomas, several charges relating to his murder, i. 695, some account of him, 696, of the manner of his being poisoned, ib. the proceedings of the king in the discovery and punishment of his murder, commended, ib. 699, some account of his death, 699, 700, how it came to be discovered, 700, a narrative of the proceedings in poisoning him, 706, great friendship between him and the earl of Somerset, and the occasion of the breach that was made between them, ib. he was a man of no religion, ib he deters Somerset from marrying the countess of Essex, ib. the proofs urged of Somerset's guilt in poisoning him, 707, he had all the king's business put into his hands by Somerset, 708, he is murdered rather for fear of revealing secrets, than from showing his dislike to Somerset's marrying lady Essex, ib. the plot to murder him, ib. letter to him from the earl of Somerset, ii. 163, his cypher with the earl, 172, poisoned, 175. Owen, condemned for traitorous speeches, ii. 166, note §. Owen, the charge against him for maintaining the doctrine of killing excommunicated kings, i. 693, some farther particulars concerning his cause, ii. 53. Ox-horn, whether it will ripen seeds, i. 144. such under the king for the French expedition, 759, commands in chief at Blackheath, 774, made high steward for the trial of the earl of Warwick, 782, a monstrous account of the king's usage of him, 786. Oxford, Mr. Bacon's letter to that university, ii. 187. Oxford, Henry Vere, earl of, letter to him from the lord viscount St. Alban, ii. 259. Oxidraces, a people of India, i. 307, had ordnance in the time of the Macedonians, ib. Parham, Sir Edward, ii. 170. Paris, our author there at his father's death, i. 199. Paris, our author there when he was about sixteen, 200, the massacre there, 263, 312. Parisatis, poisoned a lady by poisoning one side of a knife, and keeping the other clean, i. 705. Parker, Sir James, slain by Hugh Vaughan, at tilts, i. 759. Parliament, court superlative, i. 413, by the king's authority alone assembled, ib. their bills are but embryos till the king gives them life, ib. Parliament, consultations in it in the first year of king Charles I. ii. 261, 262. Parliaments, how to be managed after the union of England and Scotland, i. 457, the difference between those of England and Scotland in the manner of making propositions, ib. are the great intercourse of grace between king and people, et vice versa, 690, several things relating to their institution and use, 501, four points considered relating to the business of them, ii. 116, liberty of them necessary, i. 487. Parma, prince of, attacks Sir John Norris, i. 538, one of the best commanders of his time, ib. blamed by the Spaniards, 539, was to have been feudatory king of England, ib. Parmenides's tenet, that the earth is primum frigidum, i. 93. Parmenio, his rough interrogatory to Alexander, i. 324. Parrots, their power of imitation, i. 112. Parts in living creatures easily reparable, and parts hardly reparable, i. 91. Parts of living creatures severed, their virtues in natural magic, 200, four parts of a judge, 305. Passions of the mind, their several impressions upon the body, i. 163, 164, all passions resort to the part that labours most, 163, all passions conquer the fear of death, 262, in excess destructive of health, 287. Pastimes and disports, how far allowable in courts, i. 520. Patents, some proceedings in the passing them, ii. 106. Patrick, an Augustin friar, makes a counterfeit earl of Warwick, i. 782, condemned to perpetual imprisonment, ib. Patrimonies of the crown, how to be managed after the union of England and Scotland, i. 458. Patrimony of the church, not to be sacrilegiously diverted, i. 511. Paul, St. a Roman by descent, i. 451. Pawlet, Sir Amyas, his censure of too much haste, i. 319. Peace containeth infinite blessings, i. 263, two instances of a false one, ib. Peace, what care is taken by our laws to preserve it among the subjects, i. 571, the breach of it how to be punished, 649, king James's care to maintain it, 692, of England, was remarkable in queen Elizabeth's time, 380, mock articles relating to one, imagined to be proposed by England to Spain, in a libel, 393, articles relating to one that would be just between England and Spain, ib. has very often ill effects flowing from it, 471. Peacham, Edmund, interrogatories of his examination about his reflections on king James, ii. 48, his denial in and after torture, ib. his case similar to Algernon Sydney's, 49 note +, his examination at the Tower, 55, whether his case be treason or not, ib. 165, 166. Peaches prove worse with grafting, why, i. 135. Peacock, Mr. examined, ii. 218, personates Atkins, ib. Pearl, said to recover colour by burial in earth, i. 128. Peers of England are to be trusted without oath or chal lenge, i. 419. Pelopidas, i. 315. Pembroke, lord, some account of him, ii. 57. Pembroke, William, earl of, sworn of the council in Scotland, ii. 191, his character, 257. Penal laws, not to be turned into rigour, i. 304. Penal laws, a multitude of them very inconvenient, i. 668. Penal statutes, how to be construed, 560. People, to put the sword in their hand subverts government, i. 263. People, the interest of the king in them, i. 575, offences capital against them, how punishable, 676, not capital, ib. their griefs to be represented to the king by the judges of the circuits, 713, the increase thereof in queen Elizabeth's time, 380, concerning the consumption of them in our wars, 386. Pepper, why it helps urine, i. 89. Pepper, Guinea, causeth sneezing, i. 192. Perception in all bodies, i. 176, more subtle than the sense, ib. it worketh also at distance, ib. the best means of prognosticating, ib. Percolation makes a separation according to the bodies it passes through, i. 82, 83. Percolation inward and outward, i. 171. Percussions of metals, air and water, creates sounds, i. 98, difference of tones in music caused by the different percussions, 106. Percussion and impulsion of bodies, 170. Perfumes, their virtue, i. 193, said to procure pleasant and prophetical dreams, ib. Pericles, his preservative against the plague, i. 198, studies Perkin, i. 761. See Warbeck. Perpetual, how wisely our laws distinguish between that and transitory, i. 617. Perpetuities, a sort of entails, i. 582, their inconveniences, ib. a query concerning them, ib. Persia, monarchy thereof was founded in poverty, i. 467, education of its kings, 449. Persians demand of the Greeks land and water, i. 536, take Ormus from the Spaniard, 542, 543. Persons near in blood, or other relations, have many secret passages of sympathy, i. 199, doing business in person, when best, 300. Perspective, i. 100. Pertinax, the revenge of his death, i. 264. Pestilent diseases, if not expelled by sweat, end in looseness, i. 92, a probable cause of pestilences, 122. Pestilences, though more frequent in summer, more fatal in winter, 128. Pestilent fevers and agues, how to be repressed, 197. Pestilential years, i. 166, their prognostics, 159, 166, 176, 177. Petitions, several cases relating thereto, i. 721, &c. of the merchants concerning the Spanish grievances, considered, 474, mistakes in their preferring them, 476, account of the contents of their petition, ib. the inconveniences of receiving into the house of commons any concerning private injuries, 478, about war or peace to the king, having received but small encouragement, ib. concerning the Spanish grievances rejected by the house of lords, with the reasons of doing so, 479. Petre, Sir George, i. 177. Petty-treason, a query relating to the guilt of it, i. 562, Philip, archduke, i. 764. Philip, king of Castile, is cast upon the coast of Weymouth, i. 789, king Henry VII. forces him to promise to restore the earl of Suffolk, 790. Philips, Sir Edward, ii. 231 note *. Philo Judæus, his account of sense, i. 323. Philosophers resembled to pismires, spiders, and bees, i. 330. Philosophy, how divided, i. 33, primary or first philosophy, what, 34, divine philosophy, ib. natural philosophy, 35, speculative philosophy, ib. Philosophy received, i. 233. Phocion's reply to Alexander's tender, i. 324. Physic, if avoided in health, will be strange when you need it, i. 287, some remarks upon it, ii. 40. Physicians, both too studious and negligent of the patient's humour, i. 287. Physics, i. 35. Physiognomy, i. 176. Pickles, i. 252. Piercy, earl of Northumberland, some account of him, ii. 28 note ||. Pilate, his question about truth, i. 261. Pilosity, caused by heat, i. 158, in men and beasts, the cause thereof, ib. Piony, its virtue, i. 159. Pipe-office, whence denominated, i. 588. Pisa, its union and incorporation with Florence, i. 465. Pit upon the sea-shore, filleth with water potable, i. 82, Pius Quintus, his revelation touching the victory at Lepanto, i. 199. Plague, prognostics that preceded it, i. 159. Plague, when taken, often giveth no scent at all, i. 191, said to have a scent of the smell of a mellow apple, 192, who most liable to it, ib. persons least apt to take it, ib. Plagues caused by great putrefactions, ib. preservatives against it, ib. Plagues from the putrefaction of grasshoppers and locusts, i. 192, a great one in London, 782. Plaister as hard as marble, its composition, i. 173, rooms newly plaistered, dangerous, 192. Plantagenet, Edward, son of George, duke of Clarence, i. 733, had been confined at Sherif-Hutton, by Richard III. ib. shut up in the Tower, ib. rumour that he was to be murdered in the Tower, 736, had not his father's title, but created earl of Warwick, 737, carried through London streets in procession on a Sunday, 738, seduced into a plot by Perkin to murder the lieutenant of the Tower, 781, arraigned and executed on Tower-hill, 782, the male line of the Plantagenets ends with him, ib. Plantations of colonies encouraged by the Romans, i. 285 the wisdom of that conduct, ib. Plantations, i. 288, how to be regulated with regard to | Plutarch did not write the discourse " De Primo Frigido," speedy profit, and the people with whom you plant, 289, with regard to soil, minerals, and produce, ib. how the government, customs, and buildings are to be directed, ib. when to be planted with women, ib. Plantations at home with regard to orchards, gardens, hop-yards, woods, &c. 517, a further regulation of foreign ones, ib. fixing of them should proceed rather from the king's leave than command, 518. See Ireland. Plantianus, i. 282. Plane-tree, irrigation of with wine, i. 152. Plants, why of greater age than living creatures, i. 91, dignity of plants, 131, acceleration of their germination, ib. et seq. the melioration of them divers ways, 133, et seq. cause why some die in winter, 135, sympathy and antipathy of plants, 137, et seq. utterly mistaken, ib. Plants drawing the same juices out of the earth thrive not together, 138, drawers of much nourishment hurt their neighbour plants, ib. drawing several juices thrive well together, ib. several instances of each, ib. designations for further trials hereof, ib. trial in herbs poisonous and purgative, ib. Plants that die placed together, ib. trial whether plants will attract water at some distance, 139, how rendered medicinable, ib. curiosities touching plants, 140, et seq. Plants will degenerate, 142, 143, the several causes thereof, ib. transmutation of plants, 142, six designations thereof, 143, their several excrescences, 143, et seq. prickles of trees, 145. Plants growing without seed, 146, growing out of stone, ib. Plants foreign, ib. removed out of hot countries, will keep their seasons, ib. set in the summer season will prosper in colder countries, ib. seasons of several plants, 146, 147. Plants bearing blossoms, and young fruits, and ripe fruits together, 147. Plants with joints and knuckles in the stalks, 148, the causes thereof, ib. differences of plants, ib. some putting forth blossoms before leaves, ib. others, leaves before blossoms, ib. the cause of each, ib. Plants green all winter, ib. the cause, ib. Plants not supporting themselves, 149, the cause of their slenderness, ib. Plants and inanimate bodies differ in four things, 150. Plants and metals in three, ib. Plants and mouldiness, or putrefactions, wherein they differ, ib. Plants and living creatures, their differences, ib. male and female in plants, 151. Plants whereof garments are made, ib. Plants sleeping. ib. Plants with bearded roots, ib. Plants esculent, 152, parts in plants that are nourishing, ib. seeds in plants more strong than either leaf or root, the cause, 152, 153, in some not, 153. Plants with milk in them, ib. Plants with red juice, 154, few plants have a salt taste, ib. Plants with curled leaves, ib. Plants may be translated into other regions, 155, yet they like some soils more than others, ib. several instances thereof, ib. Plants without leaves, 171, singularities in several plants, 157. Plates of metal assuage swelling, i. 185. Plato, i. 321, taxes Diogenes's pride, 323, his comparing Socrates to the apothecaries' drugs, 324, his ridicule of Prodicus, 281. Plato, his notion that all knowledge was but remembrance, i. 306. Plea, what is properly the matter of one, i. 720. Pleadings, seasons for their being published, i. 615. i. 93, his account of Augustus's visiting Alexander's sepulchre, i. 171, several observations of his, 329, of fame and superstition, 274, what he saith of Timoleon's fortune, 259, 294. Pluto, i. 290. Poets, the best writers next to the prose, i. 322. Poisoning of air, i. 192. Poisoning, the particular heinousness of this sin set forth, i. 705, no example of this sin is to be found in Scripture, 696, is made high treason, ib. the great difficulty of getting clear proofs in cases thereof, as is shown by examples, 705, &c. the monstrous impiety of this sin, 398, a design to poison queen Elizabeth is discovered, 401. Poisonings, by smells, i. 192, caution touching poisoning, ib. Politicians of the weaker sort great dissemblers, i. 264, Pont Charenton, the echo there, i. 114. Poor, concerning the ways of relieving them, i. 495. Pope, that he has power of deposing and murdering kings, is a dangerous doctrine, i. 687, the ill effects of this doctrine shown in many instances, ib. the little respect some princes have shown to the pope, ib. Suarez's doctrine concerning his power over kings, 687, 688. Popes, what expected from them when they affect the title of "Padre commune," i. 302. Popham, speaker of the house of commons, and afterwards chief justice, i. 325. Popularity, how far to be avoided by judges, i. 713. Poreblind men, why they see best near hand, i. 185, 186. Porter, Endymion, i. 304. Portugal, its afflicted condition, i. 381. Postea, what it is, i. 575. Post-nati, of Scotland, their case argued, i. 652, &c. the state of the question concerning them explained, 652, their case and that of the ante-nati different, 655, must be either alien or natural born, ib. confutation of the objections against them, as drawn from statutes, 655, 656, or from book cases, 657, more arguments in defence of their being by law natural subjects of England, 660, a query whether they are natural-born subjects, 464, though they are naturalized ipso jure, yet it is proper they should be so likewise by act of parliament, 465. Posture of the body, i. 166, to be altered every half hour 252. Pleasure of the eye and ears, the effect of equality and Potatoe roots, i. 90, potted, grow larger, 135. good proportion, i. 99. Pleasure and displeasure of the senses, i. 161. Plenty in England remarkable in queen Elizabeth's time, i. 380. Poverty of the learned, i. 6. Poulet, John, Esq. ii. 166. Poultis for the gout, and for other things, i. 91, 253. Powder and ammunition of all sorts we have at home, i. 516. Powder in shot, i. 83. Powder, white, without noise, seems impossible, i. 101. Power sought by the loss of liberty, i. 268. Power absolute and cannot conclude itself, 769. Poynings, Sir Edward, sent with a navy in aid of Flanders, i. 758, takes Sluice and Bruges, ib. sent to the archduke Philip to dismiss Perkin, 764, sent to Ireland with a martial commission above the deputy, the earl of Kildare, 767, his famous law, 767, 463. Præmunire, cases thereof, i. 645, the proceedings, trial, punishment, &c. therein, ib. Prætors of Rome, great affinity between their office and our chancellor's, i. 709. Praise, the reflection of virtue, i. 303. Praise in excess raises envy, contradiction, &c. ib. Prayer of the clergy, benefit thereof in cases of felony, i. 580, the book of Common Prayer how to be respected, 674, is compared with preaching, 355, a set thereof commended, ib. of what it ought to consist, ib. of lord Bacon's, 339, for a student, 341, for an author, ib. one made by Bacon when chancellor, 340. Preachers, unfit ones not to be allowed, i. 357, if wanting, what remedies must be sought for, 357, not sufficient for every parish, 359, stipends allotted for some in Lancashire, ib. Precedents, instances of the great reverence paid to them, i. 640. Precious stones comfort the spirits, i. 197. Precipitation of metals, what, i. 246. Prelates, when dangerous, i. 276. Preparation of saffron, i. 250, of garlic, ib. of damask roses for smell, ib. Prerogative of the king in parliaments, i. 646, in matters of war and peace, ib. in matters of money, ib. in trade and traffic, ib. in his subjects' persons, ib. of the king and law, not to be considered separately, 715, of the king, incommunicable, 647, &c. what persons they ought to be who have this power committed to them, 647, such authority delegated is derogatory to the king, ib. and also very dangerous, 648. See Magistrate. Πρεσβύτερος, is always distinguished from ἱερεὺς, i. 356. Presence, the advantage of a good one, i. 319. Preservation of bodies from corruption, i. 98. Preserva- Prickles of trees, shrubs, and animals, i. 199. Priest, the word to be changed to minister in our liturgy, i. 356. Princes leaning to party, like a boat overset by uneven weight on one side, i. 271, advice to them, 273, resemble the heavenly bodies, 277. Princes cannot perpetuate their memory better than by making good laws, as is shown by comparison with their other works, and by examples, i. 670, 671, should take care to preserve each other's life and reputation, even in times of hostility, 376. Principiation of metals, i. 244, whether any such thing or no, ib. none such as sal, sulphur, and mercury, ib. Privileged officers, an interruption to justice as much as privileged places, i. 787. Privileges of members of parliament, when burthensome, 513. Privy counsellor's duty, i. 514. Privy council how to be chosen, ib. Privy counsellor, conspiring against his life how to be punished, i. 675. Probus, did himself hurt by a speech, i. 273. Proclamation drawn for his first coming in, i. 443, touching his style, 445. Proclamation for a parliament, a draught of one, ii. 118. Procreations by copulation and by putrefaction, i. 189, the cause of each, ib. Profanations, how to be punished, i. 674. Prognostics for plenty or scarcity, i. 157, of pestilential years, 159, 166, 176, 177, and cold and long winters, 177, by birds, 178, of a hot and dry summer, 177, by the birds also, ib. of winds, 178, of great tempests, 177, of rain, 178, from living creatures, ib. from water-fowls and land-fowls, from fishes, ib. from beasts, ib. from herbs, ib. from aches in men's bodies, ib. from worms and vermin, ib. from the sweating of solid bodies, ib. Prolonging life, i. 89, what state of life conduceth most to its prolongation, 117, precepts for the prolongation of life, 252. Prometheus, an emblem of human nature, i. 264, 273. Promises of God, concerning the redemption of man, manifested many ways, i. 338. Property in lands, how gained, i. 576, by entry how gained, ib. by descent how gained, ib. by escheat how gained, 577, by conveyance how gained, 583, several ways of gaining it in goods and chattels, 586, three arguments of property, 618. Prophecies, exclusive of revelation and heathen oracles, i. 290, whence they derive their credit, 291. Prophecies, spreaders thereof how to be punished, i. 675. Prophesying, what it was, i. 357, much commended, ib. Proprieties, secret, i. 96, 97, 201. Proserpina, her fable, i. 97. Prosperity, temperance its proper virtue, i. 264. Protagoras, i. 194. Prothonotary, his office, i. 650. Proud persons, how they bear misfortunes, i. 259. Psalm 1st, translated, i. 603, the 12th, ib. the 90th, 361, the 104th, ib. the 126th, 362, the 137th, ib. the 149th, 363. Public good always most regarded by nature, i. 449, 450. Puckering, Sir John, lord keeper of the great seal, letter to him from Mr. Francis Bacon, ii. 141. Puebla, Dr. ambassador lieger from Spain, i. 788. Pugna per provocationem, what it was, i. 681, instances thereof, ib. Pupils, the prætorian power over them, i. 485. Purchasers, very much favoured by our laws, i. 606. Purging medicines having their virtue in a fine spirit, endure not boiling, i. 84, their unpleasant taste how remedied, ib. several ways of the operations of purging medicines, 88, proceed from the quantity or quality of the medicines, ib. they work upon the humours, ib. medicines that purge by stool, and that purge by urine, 89, their several causes, ib. work in these ways as they are given in quantity, ib. what weather best for purging, 92, preparations before purging, ib. want of preparative, what hurt it doth, both in purging and after purging, ib. Puritans, ii. 258. Pursevants, their business how to be managed, ii. 111. Purveyance justly due to the crown, i. 520, and yet frequently abused, ib. Purveyors, a speech concerning their abuses, i. 447, complaints about them, ib. their abuses enumerated, 448, instances of their frequent breaches of the law, ib. Putrefaction, its inception hath in it a maturation, i. 120. Putrefaction, the acceleration of it, 122, the cause of putrefaction, ib. Putrefaction, whence, ib. ten means of inducing putrefaction, ib. 123, prohibiting putrefaction, 123,171, ten means of prohibiting it, 123, 124, inceptions of putrefaction, 125, 153, putrefactions for the most part smell ill, whence, 179. Putrefaction hath affinity with plants, 150. Putrefaction, from what causes it cometh, 179, 180. Putrefaction, the subtilest of all motions, 159. Putrefaction induced by the moonbeams, 88, doth not rise to its height at once, 176. Putrefactions of living creatures have caused plagues, 192. Putrified bodies most odious to a creature of the same kind, i. 199. Pye, Sir Robert, letter to him from lord viscount St. Alban, ii. 262. Pyrrhus had his teeth undivided, i. 168, his ambition, 315. Pythagoras, his philosophy full of superstition, i. 190, visited Hiero, 325, his parable, 282. QUARRIES that grow hard, i. 182. Quarter sessions to be held by justices, i. 573. Questions touching minerals, i. 242, unexpected surprise, 279, the use and advantage of asking questions, 288. Questions about the lawfulness of a war for the propagating of religion, 529. Quicksilver heated and pent in, hath the same force with gunpowder, i. 87, the coldest of metals, because the fullest of spirits, 93, will not bear the fire, 122. |