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V. 45-46

Published at the expense of the AMErican Board of COMMISSIONERS FOR FOREIGN MISSIONS;

and all the profits devoted to the promotion of the missionary cause.


-see Syria.

Abenaquis, mission to, 16; annual survey, 16.

Adabazar-see Constantinople.

Africa, South, mission to, 2, 123, 213, 247, 284,

299, 370, 373-7, 409; annual survey, 2; gen-

eral meeting, 123; land commission, 123, 373;

admissions to the church, 124, 247, 374; en-

couragement, 124; station reports, 124; Um-

voti, 124, 247; church members, 125, 284, 374;

opposition, 126, 127, 131, 133, 284, 299, 375,

412, 415; Umsunduzi, 127, 373; new station

at Table Mountain, 128; Inanda, 130, 247;

Umlazi, 130, 247, 378-9; Ifumi, 132, 299, 378;

new station at Ahmalongue, 133, 379; new sta-

tion at Ifafa, 134, 376; commotion in the Zulu

country, 140; Messrs. Abraham, Wilder and

Tyler, 177, 370; Mr. and Mrs. Ireland, 247,

378; the work advancing, 370, 375; character
of the people, 377; monthly concert, 378; letter
from Mr. Grout, 409; schools, 409; journal of
Mr. Bryant, 410; call for a printer, 410; su-
perstition, 411, 413, 416; meetings for prayer,
412, 415; conversion, 414.

Africa West, mission to, 3, 120, 208, 219, 284,

370; annual survey, 3; Mr. Walker's tour into

the interior, 120; annual report, 208; notice of

Mrs. Walker, 208; schools, 209; religious in-

terest, 209, 210; church, 209; death of Mrs.

Griswold, 209; new stations, 210; remarkable

conversion, 218; King George, 284; health of
the mission, 370.

Ahmedouggur mission, 6, 176, 204, 264, 273,

284, 405, 417, 433; annual survey, 7; visit of

Mr. and Mrs. Ballantine to Arungabad, 176;

letter from Mr. Fairbank, 204; devices of the

brahmins, 204; letter from Mr. Burgess, 205;

seminary, 205, 405; Mr. Ballantine's report,

264; schools, 264, 268; liberality of English

residents, 265; preaching, 205, 265; native

assistants, 266; native church, 266; Seroor

station, 267, 284; Seroor church, 268, 284;

Seroor out-station, 268; Dajeeba, 268; Bhin-

gar station, 269; Mr. Munger's tours, 269;

striking incidents, 269-72; opposition and en-

couragements, 269-72; letter from Mr. Wilder,


A 25629

258; Varany, 90; bell at Manepy, 90; Batti- | Inanda-see Africa, South.
cotta seminary, 91-3, 223-7, 381; a village
church, 93; statistics of idolatry, 104, 308;
caste, 141; death of Mrs. Scudder, 247, 260,
263; happy deaths, 227-30, 307, 380; annual
report, 255; churches, 256, 259, 308; Batti-
cotta, 256; Oodoopitty, 257; Oodooville, 257;
Tillipally, 257; Panditerripo, 257; native con-
verts, 259; death of a catechist's wife, 260;
progress, 284; Oodooville boarding-school,
309; other schools, 309; meeting of Batticotta
graduates, 330.

Chavagacherry-see Ceylon.

Cherokees, mission to, 13, 104, 140, 284, 330,
350, 370; annual survey, 13; death of Miss
Stetson, 104, 140; additions to the churches,
284, 370; Christian liberality, 330; interest at
Dwight, 330; Fairfield, 370.
Choctaws, mission to, 13, 141, 210, 248, 285, 330,
350, 370; annual survey, 13; admissions to
the church, 13, 141, 210, 248, 285, 330, 370;
correspondence with, 350; the western church-
es, 210, 248, 330; liberality, 330, 367; new
church organized, 365; piety and progress,
366; schools, 330, 366.

Church Missionary Society, 283.

Constantinople, station at, 4, 32, 37, 149, 176,
191, 213, 239, 275, 328,370, 398, 401; annual
survey, 4; Mr. Hohannes, 32, 176, 191, 213,
314; changes, 37; Mr. Dwight's letter from
Malta, 38; change of Patriarchs, 41; move-
ment in the interior, 68; Nicomedia, 149, 151,
194, 313, 328; Adabazar, 150, 314, 328; state
of the church, 176, 191, 276, 328, 370, 401;
new Patriarch, 193, 276; opposition, 193;
Sultan's visit to Nicomedia, 194; revival in
the boarding-school, 213, 239; children of mis-
sionaries, 240, 370; the co-pastor, 276, 328,
401; Bebek seminary, 276, 398, 402; religious
interest, 277; political aspects, 277; fire in
Pera, 328; interest in the truth, 402.

Dakotas-see Sioux.

Jewish misssions, how to be conducted, 101.
Kaffir tribes, 172.
Kaposia-see Sioux.
Kaneohe-see Sandwich Islands.
Kau-see Sandwich Islands.
Kaulau-see Sandwich Islands.
Kealakekua-see Sandwich Islands.
Kohala-see Sandwich Islands.

Lahaina-see Sandwich Islands.
Lac-qui-Parle-see Sioux.
London Missionary Society, 283.

Madras mission, 7, 24, 176, 205, 213, 230, 329,
390; annual survey, 7; meeting simultaneous
with that of the Board, 24; schools, 176; ad-
missions to the church, 176; the Spirit needed,
205; Mr. and Mrs. Dulles, 213; human sacri-
fices in Goomsor, 230; Armenians in Madras,
329; extent of the field, 390, 392; distribution
of laborers, 390; appeal for help, 391.
Madura mission, 7, 46, 168, 206, 213, 262, 284,
329, 385, 389, 416, 433; annual survey, 7;
Mr. Cherry's visit to Combay and other vil-
lages, 46; Periacolum, 47, 262; village con-
gregations, 48, 49, 207, 329, 387; persecution,
49; Doct. Scudder's labors, 168; Pulney Hills,
168; heathen villages, 206; baptisms, 207,
384; help needed, 208; Doct. and Mrs. Shel-
ton, 213; character of the Catechumens, 262;
Mr. Webb's children, 284; Doct. Scudder's
departure, 263; medical establishments, 263;
cholera, 264; annual report, 383; Mrs. Little,
383; native assistants, 384; native church,
384; preaching, 385; schools, 385; Pulney,
389; Romanism, 389; letter from Mr. Herrick
-tour, 416.
Manepy-see Ceylon.

Massachusetts Sabbath School Society, 247.
Molokai-see Sandwich Islands.

Donations, 33, 69, 101, 141, 177, 213, 248, 285, Mosul, spirit of inquiry at, 97, 186, 310, 393.

330, 371, 433.

Embarcation of missionaries, 68, 177, 248, 433.
Erzeroom, station at, 4, 98, 152, 240, 277, 328;
opposition, 98, 153; toleration, 98, 241; Mr.
Peabody's visit to Kasabah, 152-6; Geghi,
152-6, 279, 328; the Vartabed of Geghi, 155,
156, 241, 277; progress, 240; city missions,

Fairfield-see Cherokees.

Foreign Evangelical Society, 245.
Fuh-chau mission, 10, 221, 300; annual survey,
10; Mr. Johnson's labors, 221, 300; Mr. Peet's
labors, 222; schools, 222, 300; the greatness
of the work, 222; encouragement, 223; mer-
cenary professions, 300; call for more mission-
aries, 302; future life of the Chinese, 302;
ancestral tablets, 302; funeral rites, 303; offer-
ing at the tombs, 303; ancestral homage, 305.
Greece, mission to, 3, 103, 175, 213, 404; annual
survey, 3; encouragement, 103, 176, 213, 404;
Simonides, 175; public worship, 176, 404;
other services, 404.

Hana-see Sandwich Islands.
Hasbeiya-see Syria.

Nestorian mission, 5, 25, 26, 32, 94, 157, 195,
241, 248, 279, 310, 370, 393, 418, 433; annual
survey, 5; death of Mrs. Stoddard, 6, 25;
Patriarch's hostility to the mission, 26-32, 94-6,
157-63, 196, 202, 243, 396; Mar Yohannan,
28, 200, 202, 242, 244; Mar Gabriel, 31, 96;
the new King, 31, ecclesiastics, 31; Mr. Stevens,
32; disturbances, 96; movement at Mosul, 97,
186, 310, 393; the Turks in the mountains, 95,
195; prospect in the mountains, 161; Deacon
Guergis, 162, 197, 281; missionary spirit, 162;
seminary at Seir, 162, 163, 198-9; Noorullah
Bey, 195, 248; Old Testament translated, 197;
revival, 198-204, 248, 279, 396; famale semi-
nary, 198, 199; Geog Tapa, 198, 200, 243, 281,
396; native preachers, 198; Deacon Isaac,
200, 244; Charbash, 200, 241; Degala, 200,
242, 281; Mar Yoosuph, 200, 244; Seir, 201;
characteristics of the revival, 202, 243, 280;
Ardishai, 241; Vaserowa, 243; Malik of Geog
Tapa, 244; ravages of locusts, 311; interest-
ing girls, 312; visit of Messrs. Perkins and
Stocking at Mosul, 393-5; inquiring Jacobites
and Romanists, 394-5; a new coadjutor, 395;
mountains opened, 396; reformed liturgy, 396;
letter from Mr. Cochran, 418; journal of John,


Home proceedings, 68, 141, 177, 248, 285, 330, New York Indians, mission to, 15, 367; annual

Hilo-see Sandwich Islands.


Honolulu-see Sandwich Islands.

Ifafa-see Africa, South.

Ifumi-see Africa, South.

survey, 15; annual report, 367; political
changes, 367; churches, 367; schools, 367;
social state, 368; discouragements, 368; en-
couraging facts, 369.
Nicomedia-see Constantinople.

[blocks in formation]

Panditerripo-see Ceylon.

Pawnees, mission to, 14; mission_suspended, 14.
Presbyterian Board of Missions, 245.
Pulney Hills-see Madura.

Salonica, station at, 5, 68, 176, 274, 403, 406,
424; embarcation of missionaries for, 68; in-
structions, 101; Messrs. Maynard and Dodd at
Smyrna, 176; station commenced, 274; pros-
pect, 274, 403; the teacher of the missionaries,
404; Mr. Maynard's sickness, 406; letter from
Mr. Dodd, 424; death of Mr. Maynard, 424.
Sandwich Islands mission, 11, 17, 67, 73, 103,
109, 145, 175, 181, 213, 217, 329, 359, 405,
426; annual survey, 11; schools, 11, 20, 67,
74, 76, 78, 82, 83, 85, 88, 114, 115, 117, 119,
364; general letters, 17, 359; revivals, 18, 77,
80, 103, 113, 114, 116, 119, 145, 147, 217; the
churches, 17, 19, 75, 85, 87, 111, 114, 118, 175,
362, 405; temperance, 19, 22, 81, 112, 118;
Hawaiian piety, 18, 80; missionaries' children,
20; improvement, 21, 23, 75, 81, 82, 86, 87;
Romanism, 19, 75, 77, 81, 84, 87, 115, 118,
benevolence, 68, 74, 77, 80, 82, 86, 87,
114, 117, 118, 217, 363; churches in Honolulu,
113-15, 175; tours, 76, 146; the domestic
relations, 22; sickness, 175, 213, 218, 219, 328,
330, 359-61; former insecurity, 23; evils of
heathenism, 23; visit to the King, 24; progress,
68, 112, 119; Kailua, 73; Kealalakekua, 74;
Kau, 74, 175; decrease of population, 74;
Hilo, 75, 181; Hilo boarding-school, 77, 364;
Waimea, 78; native helpers, 79; Kohala, 82;
Sabbath attendance, 82; Sabbath services,
109; a church rebuilt, 84; Lahaina, 83; La.
hainaluna seminary, 21, 85. 363; Hana, 85;
influence of foreigners, 86; Wailuku, 87, 405;
Wailuku seminary, 21, 88, 364; Kaneohe, 103,
217; Molokai, 109, 145, 175; monthly concert,
110; out-stations, 111, 218; influence of for-
eigners, 86; Waioli, 119, 175; Waialua, 116,
175; gradual change, 116; Koloa, 118; de-
mand for books, 218; death of Kaili, 219;

letter from Mr. Clark, death of Mr. Chamber-
lain, 426.
Satara-see Bombay.
Seroor-see Ahmednuggur.

Shanghat, Mr. Bridgman's appeal for, 68.
Siam, mission to, 9; annual survey, 9.
Sioux, mission to, 14, 99, 177, 211, 213, 282, 285,
326, 404, 428; annual survey, 14; annual re-
port, 99; Kaposia, 99, 285; Oak Grove, 100,
285; Prairieville, 100, 404; Traverse des
Sioux, 100; Lac-qui-Parle, 100, 177, 211, 326;
encouragement and religious interest at Lac-
qui-Parle, 177, 211; Red Wing station, 282;
prospects of the Dakotas, 285; prospect at
Lac-qui-Parle, 326; opposition, 212, 326, 404;
new treaty expected, 405; state of the mission,


Smyrna, station at, 4, 236; annual survey, 4;
Mr. Johnston's visit to Tokat, 236-9; Zille,
236; cases of interest at Tokat, 237; native
assistants at Tokat, 237.

Stockbridge Indians, mission to, 15.
Syria, mission to, 5, 42, 182, 273, 323, 396; an-
nual survey, 5; Hasbeiya, 32, 103, 182-5,
324; labors of a native assistant, 42-6; Messrs.
Calhoun and Williams, 176; Mr. Whiting's
visit to Hasbeiya, 182; new station at Tripoli,
185, 273, 396; report from the Beirut station,
187; cholera, 187; schools. 187-8; preaching,
188-9; report from the Abeih station, 188;
movement at Damascus, 189; interest at
Beirut, 190, 325; movement at Sidon, 190,
191, 323; inquiry in other places, 191; Mr.
Whiting's visit to Tripoli, 273; Jerusalem, 325;
Jaffa, 325; the priest of Aramôn, 328; oppo-
sition to Messrs. Wilson and Foote at Ehden,

Table Mountain-see Africa, South.
Tillipally-see Ceylon.
Tokat-see Smyrna.

Trebizond, station at, 4, 312, 421; annual survey,
4; letter from Mr. Powers, 312; spiritual de-
clension, 312; opposition, 313; cemetery, 313;
death Mr. Hohannes, 421.
Tripoli-see Syria.

Umlazi-see Africa, South.
Umsunduzi-sce Africa, South.
Umvoti-see Africa, South.

Varany-see Ceylon.

Wailuku-see Sandwich Islands.
Waimea-see Sandwich Islands.
Waioli-see Sandwich Islands.
Wesleyan Missionary Society, 283.


The following Index contains the names of the Missionaries and Assistant Missionaries, whose com-
munications are inserted in this volume, and those about whom information is given.

[blocks in formation]

Baldwin, Mrs., 10.

Baldwin, Dwight, 11, 83, 84, 85.
Baldwin, Mrs., 11.

Ball, Dyer, 9, 56, 57.

Ball, Mrs., 9.

Ballantine, H., 6, 176, 264, 265, 266.

Ballantine, Mrs., 6, 176.
Belden, Miss C., 13.

Benjamin, Nathan, 4.
Benjamin, Mrs., 4.

Bennet, Miss Hannah, 13.

Benton, William A., 5, 187, 320.
Benton, Mrs., 5.
Best, Jacob, 433.

Bishop, Artemas, 11, 113.

Bishop, Mrs., 11.

Bliss, Asher, 15.

Bliss, Mrs., 15.

Bliss, Edwin E., 4.

Bliss, Mrs., 4.

Bliss, Isaac G., 4, 98, 240, 241.

Bliss, Mrs., 4.

Bond, Elias, 11, 82, 83.

Bond, Mrs., 11.

Bonney, Samuel W., 9, 56, 176.

Bowen, George, 6, 163, 165, 167, 168.

Bradley, D. B., 9.

Breath, Edward, 5, 248, 433.

Breath, Mrs., 248.

Breed, David, 13.

Breed, Mrs., 13.

Bridgman, Elijah C., 9, 52, 54, 56, 68.

Bridgman, Mrs., 9.

Bridgman, James G., 9.

Brown, Miss Lydia, 11.

Bryant, James C., 2, 132, 213, 299, 378, 410.

Bryant, Mrs., 2, 132.

Burgess, Ebenezer, 6, 205, 265.

Burgess, Mrs., 6.

Burnell, Thomas S., 8, 9, 213.

Burnell, Mrs., 8, 9, 213.

Bushnell, Albert, 3, 284.

Bushnell, Mrs., 3, 210.

Butler, Elizur, 13, 370.

Butler, Mrs., 13.

Buttrick, Daniel S., 13.

Byington, Cyrus, 13, 330.
Byington, Mrs., 13.

Calhoun, Simeon H., 5, 68, 176.

Calhoun, Mrs., 68, 176.

Capell, Miss Mary Ann, 5, 8.

Castle, Samuel N., 11.

Castle, Mrs., 11.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Cochran, Joseph G., 5, 161, 162, 163, 279, 280, Grout, Mrs., 2, 125.

Cochran, Mrs., 5.

Colton, Miss Marcia, 13.

Conde, Daniel T., 11, 67, 85, 86, 365, 405.

Conde, Mrs., 11.

Cook, Sylvester M., 14, 99.

Cooke, Amos S., 11, 113, 364.

Cooke, Mrs., 11, 364.

Cope, Edward, 8.

Copeland, C. C., 13, 330.

Cope, Mrs., 8.

Grout, Lewis, 2, 127, 373, 409.
Grout, Mrs., 2.

Gulick, Peter, 11, 113, 117.
Gulick, Mrs., 11.

Hall, Edwin O., 11, 113.

Hall, Mrs., 11.

Hall, Miss Lydia S., 13.

Hall, Sherman, 14.

Hall, Mrs., 14.

Hall, William, 15.

Hall, Mrs., 15.

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