length Christ cometh to be living in the incorporated Grace; which is effected in and through the great Earnestness of the Purpose and Strife. Upon which there presently followeth the Betrothing or Efpoufal with Virgin Sophia, viz. the precious Humanity of Christ, wherein the two Lovers, the Soul and the Humanity of Chrift, receive and embrace one another with Joy, and together with most inward Defire, penetrate into the fweet Love of God. And forthwith the Marriage of the Lamb is folemnized, where Virgin Sophia, viz. the precious Humanity of Chrift is vitally united to the Soul. Now what is done at that Marriage and with what Joy it is celebrated, Chrift Himself fignifieth, by saying, There is greater Joy in the Heaven (which is in Man.) and among the Angels in the Prefence of God, for one Sinner that repenteth, than for ninety-nine just perfons that need no Repentance. 17. But we have neither Pen that can write, nor Words that can express what that exceeding fweet Grace of God in the Humanity of Christ is, and what they enjoy, who come worthily to the Marriage of the Lamb. We ourselves indeed have found it by Experience in this our Way and Course, and therefore certainly know that we have a fure Ground from which we write; and we would from the Bottom of our Heart most willingly impart i part the same to our Brethren in the Love of Christ. Who, if they would believe and follow our faithful child-like Counsels, would find by Experience also in themselves, from whence it is that this fimple Hand knoweth and understandeth these great Mysteries. 18. But having heretofore written a Treatife at large expressly concerning Repentance and Regeneration, we here forbear to write more than this short Direction, and refer the Reader to *that Treatise; as also to the great Work upon Genesis, called the Mysterium Magnum, in which he may find the Ground of whatsoever he will or can ask, sufficiently laid down. And we admonish him in true Chriftian Love, to follow us in our Process and Way, and then he shall attain the Divine Vision in himself, and hear what the Lord through Christ speaketh in him; and herewith we commend him to the Love of Christ. Dated he 9th of February 1623. THE * The foregoing Book call'd The Way to Christ. THE FIFTEENTH CHAPTER Of the Book, called the Three-Fold Life of Man. CONCERNING THE MIXED WORLD, AND THE WICKEDNESS thereof; WHAT It now is, and how it ruleth. BEING A Mirrour wherein every Man may behold himfelf, and find what Kind of Spirits Child he is. Out of the Seal of the WONDERS. |