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of GOD, together with the Horror of its paft Sins, and maketh as if he wou'd fnatch thee away in a fudden and terrible Flash of Lightning; then bear up with fresh Courage against him, and fay, Whence comeft thou, thou Black Wretch? I thought thou hadst been in Heaven, among the Angels; how comeft thou to be expelled from thence, and loaded with the Regifter or Catalogue of God's Anger? I thought thou hadft been a Prince in God; how art thou then become his Executioner? Is fo fair an Angel become a bafe Executioner? Fye upon thee; what haft thou to do here with me? Away to the Angels in Heaven, if thou art God's Servant. Fye on thee, avaunt hence, thou fervile Executioner of God's Wrath: go to thy own Angels; thou haft nothing to do here. This Potion, I truft, he will readily fwallow; it is for his Health.

64. But if he will not flinch for this, but ftill read unto thee, the Register or Catalogue of thy Sins; then stand boldly before him, and fay, Hearken! read this in Anfwer to That Charge: The Seed of the Woman fhall bruife or crush the Serpent's Head. Canft thou not find it? Stay a little, I will kindle a Light, to help thee. It ftandeth recorded in the Beginning of the Bible, in the fame place with Adam's Fall. For the Woman's Seed fhall crush or bruife thy Head. This is the Second Potion for him to take.

65. Perhaps

65. Perhaps he will not yet give back, but go on to urge that Thou art a Great Sinner; and haft wilfully and purpofely committed this or the other great Sin, well knowing that it was fo; and wouldft be outwardly covering thy Filthinefs all the while with the fair Mantle of God's Grace; whereas the Principle of GoD's Anger was at the fame time kindled in thee; and that thou art therefore now the Devil's own.

66. Thus through the Injections from the Devil's Imaginations is the poor Soul many times terrified, and brought to think itself fo heinous a Sinner that God hath forfaken it because of its Sins, and that the Devil will fetch it away, and caft it into the Pit of Hell! Which dreadful Apprehenfion maketh it exceedingly afraid of him.

67. But now, when he cometh in this fo very frightful a Guise, take to thee once more a Courageous Mind, from the Spirit of Chrift; and fay; I have ftill a Medicine for thee, Satan, that may, if thou canft ufe it; help thee to thy former Angelic State. Here take it into thee, and fay to thyfelf, if thou canft, The Blood of Jefus Chrift cleanfeth us from all our Sins; and again, the Son of Man is come to feek and to fave that which is loft.

68. What


68. What wouldst thou Devil give for this precious Remedy, That God in thee was become Man, or Incarnate? I have always an open Door of Grace into that bleffed Redemption, but thou haft Not. Thou art only a Lyar; away hence, thou haft nothing in me, Tho' it is true, I am a Sinner, yet the Guilt is chiefly thine. Thou, through thy Deceit and Treachery, didft work the Sin in me. Take then to thee that which is Thine. Sin, the fufferings and Death of Jefus Chrift are mine. He is become Man on purpofe to deliver us from the Guilt and Power of Sin. Thou haft wrought the Sin in me; That keep for thyfelf; and my Lord Jefus Chrift hath wrought in me, in my Nature, the Righteoufnefs, which availeth before God; That I keep for myfelf. His Sufferings and Dying for Sin are mine: He hath died for my Sin which I have committed, and is rifen again in His Righteoufnefs; and hath comprifed my Soul in His Satisfaction. Chrift is in me, and I am in Him; and my Sin is in thee, and thou art in Hell.

69. Infult over him ftill further, and fay, fair Angel, that wouldft not flay one Day in Heaven; Thou waft an Hierarch there, and now vaunteft thyfelf with the Catalogue of the filthy Sins of Men. Thou Vile Executioner, take away my Sins in thy Beggarly Wallet, thou art only a Receiver and Bearer of Sins, carry them to the Anger of God, which is thy Lord and Mafter. So


fhall I be rid of them, and Chrift Merits only remain with me.

70. Chrift faid, My Sheep are in my Hands, and none can take them from me; the Father who hath given them to me is Greater than All.

71. O Thou once fair Angel; how art thou now fallen and become a mere Bearer of the Wallet of Sins! of a Prince a Beggarly Slave! Hence with thy Load of Wickedness, and take mine alfo along with thee. Thou needeft nothing but the Abominations of Sin; thou haft no Part in my Soul. Here I ftand, devour me if thou canft.

72. But fee, I have a Mark or Sign in me; that is, the Sign of the Crofs: On which Chrift flew Sin and Death; and deftroyed Hell; and bound thee its Prince, as a Prifoner in God's Anger. Swallow this Potion with the reft; and then thou mayeft become a fair Angel again.

73. Let not thy Thoughts difpute with him; neither be thou afraid of him. But be courageous and bold, whether it be by Day or by Night. He dares do thee no Harm. though thou infulteft him in the most taunting and bitter Manner imaginable, if he giveth thee Provocation fo to do. Otherwise infult him not.

74. If

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74. If the Sadness or Fear of the Soul be not accompanied with a Degree of Outward Affrightment and Difmay, then the Devil is not there; but it is only the Soul's own Terror at the inward Stirrings and Motions that arise in and from the dark Abyfs, or awakened Principle of God's Wrath in itself. Oftentimes when the Melancholy Complexion is kindled by the fierce and wrathful Influence of the Stars, the Soul thinketh that the Devil is present with it, when it is no fuch Thing.

75. When he cometh, he cometh either cloathed with his own Proper Array of Terror, or in the Guise of an Angel of Light, or rather in the Fawning way of a Dog.

76. If he cometh to thee in the Dark, and on that Account affrighteth thee the more, quit not the Place for him, fly not from him; he is not of fuch Consequence as that a Man fhould thus give Way to him.

77. Mock and scorn him even in the Darkness, and say, Art thou there? I thought thou hadft been an Angel of Light, and doft thou ftand there, leering in the Dark like a Thief? If it be the Filth and Stench of Sin that thou lookeft after, there are many Places fouler and fitter for thee than this. If he comes to thee as Himfelf in his natural Form or Garb of Terror, receive

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