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have contracted myself a-new with thee, and fet my triumphal Garland upon thee; which I have gotten in the Battle against the Devil and Death. But the Crown of Pearl wherewith F crowned thee, I have laid afide for thee. Thou must wear That no more till thou art become pure in my Sight.

The Soul faith further to the noble Sophia,

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Thou fair and sweet Confort, what shall I fay before thee? Let me be wholly committed unto thee, I cannot preferve my-felf. If thou wilt not give me thy Pearl, I fubmit to thy Will; but give me thy Rays of Love, and carry me fafely through my Pilgrimage. Do thou awaken and bring forth what thou wilt in me; I will from henceforth be thy own. I will or defire nothing for myfelf, but what thou thy felf wilt through me. I had fooled away thy fweet Love, and broken my Faith with thee, whereby I was fallen into the Anger of God. But feeing that of Love thou didst come to me into the Anguish of Hell, and haft delivered me from Torment, and received me again for thy Confort, I will now therefore break my Will for thy Love's Sake, and be obedient unto thee, and wait for thy Love. I am fatisfied now that I know


thou art with me in all my Troubles, and wilt not forfake me.

O gracious Love, I turn my fiery Courtenance to thee. O fair Crown, take me quickly into thee, and bring me forth from Unquietnefs: I will be thine forever, and never depart from thee more.

The noble Sophia anfwereth the Soul very comfortably, and faith,


Y Noble Bridegroom, be of good Com fort. I have betrothed thee to me in my higheft Love, and contracted myself with thee in my Faithfulness. I will be with thee and in thee always to the End of the World. I will come to thee and make my Abode with thee, in thy inner Chamber. Thou shalt drink of my Fountain; for now I am thine, and thou art mine, the Enemy fhall not feparate us. Work thou in thy fiery Property, and I will put my Rays of Love into thy Working. And fo we will plant and manure the Vineyard of Jefus Chrift. Afford thou the Effence of Fire, and I will afford the Effence of Light, and the Increafe. Be thou the Fire, and I will be the Water, and thus we will perform that in this World for which God hath appointed us, and


ferve him in his Temple, which we ourselves are. Amen.

To the REA DE R.

ELOVED Reader, count not this an

Beriain Fillion, it is the true Ground,

Sum and Subftance of all the Holy Scriptures.. For the Book of the Life of Jefus Chrift is plainly fet forth therein, as the Author of a Certainty knoweth; it being the Way that he himself hath gone. He giveth thee the best Jewel that he hath. GOD grant his Bleffing with it.. An heavy Sentence and Judgment are gone forth against the Mocker of this. Be thou: therefore warned, that thou mayeft avoid the Danger, and obtain the Benefit.



Commending ourselves to God when we rife, before we uffer any other Thing to enter into us.

LESS me, O GOD, the Father, Son and

B'Holy Ghoft, thou only true Gop. I thank

thee through Jefus Chrift our Lord and Saviour, for thy Prefervation of me, and for all other Benefits. I now commend myfelf, both Soul


and Body, and all that thou haft fet me to do in my Employment or Calling, into thy Protection. Be thou the Beginning of my Conceptions, my Undertakings, and all my Doings. Work thou fo in me, that I may begin all Things to the Glory of thy Name, and accomplish them in thy Love for the Good and Service of my Neighbour. Send thy Holy Angel along with me, to turn the Temptations of the Devil and corrupt Nature away from me. Preferve me from the Malice of evil Men, make all my Enemies reconcileable to me, and bring my Mind into thy Vineyard, that I may labour in my Office and Employment, and behave as thy obedient Servant therein. Blefs me, and all that I am to go about and do this Day, with the Bleffing of thy Love and Mercy. Continue thy Grace and Love in Jefus Chrift upon me, and give me a Mind chearfully to follow thy Leadings and execute thine Appointment. Let thy Holy Spirit guide me in my Beginning, and my Progrefs, on to my laft End, and be the Wiling, Working, and Accomplishing of all in ine. Amen.



When we have finished our daily Employment, and are going to Reft.


I my Heart to thee, O God, thou

Fountain of Eternal Life, and give thee Thanks through Jefus Chrift thy Beloved Son, our Lord and Saviour, for having protected and preferved me this Day from all Mifchief that might have befallen me. I commend to thy Difpofal my Condition and Employment, together with the Work of my Hands, and humbly repose them on thee. So fill my Soul with thy Spirit, that neither that Grand Enemy the Devil, nor any other evil Influence or Defire, may find Harbour therein. Let my Mind only delight in thee in thy Temple, and let thy good Angel ftay with me, that I may reft fafely in thy Power, and under thy Protection. Amen.

Revel. xxi. 6. I am Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give unto him that is a-thirft, of the Fountain of the Water of Life freely. He that overcometh fhall inherit All Things, and I will be his God, and he shall be my



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