: EVERLASTING PUNISHMENT OF THE UNGODLY, Illustrated and evinced to be a Scripture Doctrine: AND THE Salvation of all Men, As taught in several late Publications, confuted. In a new Arrangement of the Subject in Dispute. IN THREE PARTS: In the FIRST, The infinuating Arguments of the Univerfalifts are confidered and refuted; and the Credibility of the commonly received Doctrine is evinced. In the SECOND,-The everlasting Punishment of the Ungodly is illustrated and evinced. In the THIRD, -The Arguments of the Universalists, from Scripture Texts, and their Evasions, are confidered and refuted. By STEPHEN JOHNSON, M. A. Paftor of the first Church in LYME. NEW-LONDON: Printed by TIMOTHY GREEN, MDCCLXXXVI EVERLASTING PUNISHMENT OF THE UNGODLY, Illustrated and evinced to be a Scripture Doctrine: AND THЕ Salvation of all Men, As taught in several late Publications, confuted. In a new Arrangement of the Subject in Dispute. IN THREE PARTS: In the FIRST, -The infinuating Arguments of the Univer- In the SECOND, -The everlasting Punishment of the Ungod- In the THIRD, -The Arguments of the Universalists, from By STEPHEN JOHNSON, M. A. Paftor of the first Church in LYME. NEW-LONDON: Printed by TIMOTHY GREEN, M,DCCLXXXVI. |