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For the lord is wel plesid in his peple: and he hath reisid mylde men in to heelthe.

Seyntis shulen make fuloute ioie in glorie: thei shulen be glad in her beddis.

The fulout ioiyngis of god be in the throtis of hem : and swerd sharp in eche side in the hondis of hem. To do veniaunce in naciouns: blamyngis 47 in peplis. To bynde the kyngis of hem in feteris: and the noble men of hem in irone maniclis.

That thei make in hem doom writun: this is the glorie to alle hise seyntis.48

Laudate dominum in.

ERIETH the lord in hise seyntis: herie

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in the firmament of his vertu.

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Herie ye him in hise vertues: herie ye him bi the multitude of his greetnesse.

Herie ye him in the sown of a trumpe: herie ye him in a sautre and harpe.

Herie ye him in a tympan and a corinnise: herie ye him in strengis" and organ.


Herie ye him in symbalis sownynge wel: herie him in symbalis of iubilacion, ech spirit herie the lord. Glorie be to.

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Ant. O admirabile.

THE wondirful marchaundise,50 the maker of mankynde takynge a bodi with a soule of a maide, fouchide saaf

47 66 Increpationes in populis." And correccyons upon people. Prymer. 1538. and others.

48 Some editions of the Hora and Prymers add here, as well as to the next psalm, the "Gloria patri."

49Laudate eum in chordis et organo." Prayse him with rebeckes and organs. Prymer.

1538. and others.

500 admirabile commerciO wonderful exchaunge.


to be born, and so goyn forth man withoute seed 3af to us his godhede.


Capitulum. Maria virgo.

ARIE mayde euer be glad that disseruedist 51 to bere crist, maker of heuene and of erthe: for of thi wombe thou brouztist forth the sauyour of the world. Thanke we god.

Ympne. O gloriosa.52

THOU gloriouse ladi, hi3 aboue the sterris: him that maad thee of nou3t wiseli thou 3eue souke with thin hooli teete.

That dreri eue dide awei, thou geldist with hooly buriownynge: 53 wepers entre in as sterris, thou art maad wyndow of heuene.

Thou the wyke 3aat of the hi3 king: the greet shynynge 3aat of light: folkis ioie the 30uun liif, azen bouzt bi the mayde.


Glorie be to thee lord, that art born of a mayde: with the fadir and the hooli goost in to euerlastynge worldis. Amen.

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54 Tu regis alti janua." Thou arte the dore of the heuenly kynge. Prymer. 1538. and others.

55" Vitam datam per virginem, Gentes redemptæ plaudite." Syns a vyrgyn lyfe doth bryng, Ye redemed people, reioyse and syng.

53 See note 41. The Latin is: Prymer. 1538.

Vers.56 God chees hir, and bifore chees hir.57
Resp. He made hir for to dwelle in his tabernacle.
Ant. O thou glorious.


Ps. Benedictus dominus.58

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LESSID be the lord god of israel: for he hath visitide and maad redempcioun of his peple. And he hath reride up the horn of heelthe to us: in the hous of dauid his child.

As he hath spoke bi the mouth of seyntis: whiche fro the world ben of his profetis.

Heelthe of oure enmyes: and of the hond of alle that hatiden us.

Merci to be don with oure fadris: and to haue mynde of his hooli testament.

The ooth that he swoor to abraham oure fadir: to 3yue him silf to us.

That we with drede delyuerid fro oure enemyes hondis serue to him.

In hoolynesse and riztfulnesse bifore him: in alle oure daies.

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And thou, child, shalt be clepide 59 of the higest: for thou shalt go bifore the face of the lord to make redy hise weies.


Kunnynge of heelthe to be 30uun to his folk and forzeuenesse of her synnes.

Thurs the entrailis of mercy of oure god: in whiche he hath visitide us comynge fro an hi3.

To 3eue list to hem that sitten in derknessis, and in schadowe of deeth: oure feet to be dressid in to the weie of


Glorie be to the fadir. As it was.

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Ant. O gloriosa.61

THOU gloriouse modir of god, euer mayde that disseruedist to bere the lord of alle thingis: 62 and thou mayde aloone to zeue souke to the king of angels: thou piteuous we bisechen haue mynde on oure preiers: 63 and herteli preie euer to crist for us, that we hulpun bi thi bisechingis moun deserue to come to heuenli kingdoms.

Vers. Lord shewe to us thi merci.

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Respons. And zeue to us thi saluacioun,61
Oremus. preie we.

Oratio. Concede nos.

LORD god we preien thee, graunte us thi seruauntis


that we moun be ioiful euermore in heelthe of soule and of bodi, and that we moun be delypered of this sorowe, that we han now: thours the instaunce of the glorious euerlastinge maide marie: 65 and fulli use 6o the ioye withouten ende. Bi oure lord iesu crist thi sone, that with thee lyueth and regneth in oonhede of the hooly goost god bi alle worldis of worldis. So be it.

Blesse we the lord. Thankis to god.

Ant. Hooli goost, come fulfille the hertis of thi feithful seruauntis and liztne the fier of thi loue in hem.

Vers. Sende out thi goost, and thei schulen be maad. 69
Resp. And thou shalt make newe the face of the erthe.

64 Retained in our present Prymers end here: simply adding Prayer Book. Amen.

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