What Am I?Xulon Press, 2007 - 120 pages We all want to know what we are and why we are here. What is the origin and purpose of our life? We all want to be free, but what is real freedom? Is it license or anarchy? We study hard to find the truth about this world, but is there no Designer or no real cause of this universe? Where can we get reliable knowledge about life, love, right and wrong, and even life after death? If there is no one in charge of the universe is there any meaning to it? Morals are always changing, some think, but is there no absolute moral standard? True love is a wonderful thing, but what is it? We would like to know true and changeless love. Have you ever seen Jesus Christ as the fountain of true love and hope? Jesus made many startling claims about Himself. Have you checked to see if they are true? The millions of lives which have been transformed by Christ speak to us daily. Gene W. Spear was born on a Kansas farm in 1927. He served in the U.S. Navy for two years, working as an aviation electrician. After graduating from Sterling College in Kansas (B.A.) he graduated from The Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. From Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia he received a Th.M. degree in 1955 and a D.D. from Geneva College in 1985. With his wife, Ruth, and five children he served as a church planting missionary for about 46 years in Japan. In 1980 he was Moderator of the Synod of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America. Retiring in 2001 he devotes his time to teaching, occasional preaching, and writing. His present address is 714 South Church Terrace, Olathe, Kansas 66061. This book, What Am I?, has been published in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. Now you may read it in English. |
Introduction | vii |
What Are We Living For? | 21 |
Are We Free? | 29 |
What Do We Know? | 39 |
Can We Live Without God | 49 |
Why Are There Morals? | 57 |
Do We Know True Love? | 67 |
Do We Have Life and Hope? | 75 |
What About Jesus? | 83 |
Conclusion | 95 |
Common terms and phrases
absolute standard absolutely free animal basic become behaviorists believe in Jesus Bertrand Russell Bible gives Bible says Bible tells blessings chance children of God Christ gives Christian common grace conscience Corinthians Creator curse dead died disciples everlasting evil existence faith Father feel forgiveness Francis Schaeffer Geneva College God's law God's love heart heaven Holy Spirit hope human Isaiah Jesus Christ John kind knowledge live forever Lord Lord Kelvin mankind Matthew meaning Monsma morals Nietzsche ourselves peace person Postmodern power to believe preached problem prophets punishment purpose for living Questions for Review receive the love reject religion resurrection Review and Discussion right and wrong Romans sacrifice Sartre Savior scientific method Scientific Outlook scientists self-centered sent His eternal sinners sins Situational Ethics source of love standard of right teaching things tion true freedom true love trust truth unity universe walk wonderful Word