By JOHN BALGUY, Μ. Α. Prebendary of SARUM. THE THIRD EDITION. LONDON: PRINTED FOR EDWARD JEFFERY, PALL-MALL. M.D.CC.XC. To His GRACE The Most REVEREND THOMAS, By Divine Providence Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate and Metropolitan of all England. MY LORD, HAVING fome time ago defired and ob tained permiffion to infcribe this Volume to your Grace, I am not willing, and indeed ought not, to fuppofe it cancelled by the intervening change of your fituation. On the contrary, I conceive that an indulgence granted by the late Primate of York is in no danger of being revoked by the now Primate of Canterbury. My reason is, a firm affurance, my Lord, that no outward change can affect the difpofition of your mind: that no elevation, no distinction, will ever break |