Lessons of Salvation in GalatiansInspiration Speaks, 2007 - 95 pages |
Chapter One | 5 |
57 | 6 |
Chapter Two | 25 |
Chapter Three | 43 |
Chapter Four | 63 |
Chapter Five | 73 |
Chapter Six | 87 |
Common terms and phrases
Abraham believed acceptance apostles believeth blessing bondage brethren called ceremonies Christ Jesus Christian church circumcision Colossians Commandments Corinthians crucified curse dead death delivered Ephesians evil faith and love false Father flesh fruit gaining merit Galatian believers Gentiles glory God's grace God's Spirit gospel of Christ grace through faith guilt and condemnation hath heart heaven Hebrews heir Holy Spirit human Isaac James Strong Jerusalem Jesus Christ Jewish Christians Jewish tradition Jews Judaizing justified by faith keep Lamb Lamb of God live by faith Lord Jesus Christ lusts means of salvation mercy Messiah mind moral law ness Noah Webster obedience obey old covenant Old Testament pardon Paul Paul's persecuted Peter preached religion renewing righ righteousness by faith Romans sacrifice saved Savior Scripture sexual intercourse sinners sins surrender taught teaching Ten Commandments teousness thee things thou tion Titus transformed trust truth walk whosoever worketh zeal