THE CHRISTIAN REVIEW AND Clerical Magazine. VOL. I.-1827. LONDON: SEELEY AND SONS, AND SEELEY AND BURNSIDE. MDCCCXXVII. PREFACE. THE Conclusion of the Fourth Number, as it completes the First Volume of our work, naturally calls for something in the way of Preface. We appear before our readers to give an account of ourselves, of our views and measures, plans and determinations. In the conduct of our work we have frequently and painfully felt our own incompetence to discharge duties so arduous, and to fulfil responsibilities such as those which attach themselves to the Editors of a quarterly publication like our own. To the valuable contributions of our friends we are mainly indebted, under the blessing of God, for the measure of success which has attended our exertions. It was early discovered, that to make the work erclusively theological would impede its usefulness, by narrowing its circulation. It was consequently determined to take a somewhat wider range than had been originally contemplated. In so doing, however, it has been our wish that the work should maintain its character as a CHRISTIAN Review. We hope, also, that it will be found increasingly valuable as a CLERICAL Magazine. Upon looking over our Prospectus, we find ourselves pledged to notice some particulars, which have escaped our observation in the present volume. To these we shall call the attention of our readers in our future numbers. In our next will be commenced a series of Letters to a Young Clergyman, on different branches |